Category: Web HTML5 CSS3

Stand-alone Java Client for jWebSocket Server – communicating from Java Client to Web Clients and vice versa over WebSockets

In a previous article, I have discussed the open source jWebSocket Server and a simple installation and configuration ( Subsequently, I have shown the implementation of a web client …

Implementing a Java Server Side component for jWebSocket Server for WebSocket interaction with Web Clients

In a previous post – – I discussed the implementation of the synchronized slideshow application using Web (HTML/JavaScript) clients and jWebSocket as websocket server. In an earlier article, …

Push-based synchronized slideshow web application – implemented using WebSockets and jWebSocket server – the open source Java WebSocket server

In a recent article, I have introduced jWebSocket – an open source Java based server for WebSocket communication: In this article, I have described how to download and …

Some WebLogic Administration Essentialsbook reviews

Some people were asked to review my book, here are some links: Edwin Biemond Jurgen Kress Markus Eisele Frank Muntz

Oracle Open World 2010 presentation: Forms2Future: the ongoing journey into the future for Oracle based organizations

Many organizations around the world have adopted Oracle technology for developing custom applications. Over the past two decades, they may have used PL/SQL, Reports, Forms, Designer, Portal or the …