Category: AMIS
On day 2 of JavaOne 2008 I visited the Sun booth at the Pavilion to ask some questions about the Open Portal project. There I got word that Sun …
Today JavaOne 2008 ofiicially started. About 15,000 Java minded people showed up at Moscone Center in San Francisco. On our way there, my colleague Lucas remarked “Java One at …
It is a fact: JavaOne 2008 unofficially started today! CommunityOne kicked off at 9:30 with a general session. At 11:00 the first parallel sessions started. Here is what I …
On Sunday, May 4 about 50 GlassFish users and developers got together to have some informal sessions about several GlassFish related topics. In the past weeks, anyone planning to …
That Subversion is popular among Java programmers is no big surprise. If it needed proof, the huge line of people waiting to get into the “Subversion 1.5: Great New …
The wait is over. The biggest Java show on earth is underway. Well, it is a big event, but it is not just a Java show. This first day …
One of the main features that has become available with the JDeveloper 11g Technology Preview 4 that was released a few days back, is the BAM component. BAM stands …
The Oracle Technology Network just published the fourth Technology Preview for JDeveloper 11g. In the nick of time to demonstrate and announce for JavaOne 2008, that starts in a …
Volgende week maandag, 28 april, vindt er een KC plaats over Oracle BPA. Zoals gebruikelijk: aanvang 16:30, diner 18:00 en handson vanaf 19:00. Deze sessie kan interessant zijn voor …
Agile software development, the principles. Principle 6: The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. This is the sixth …
Van zondag 15 juni 2008 tot en met donderdag 19 juni 2008 vindt in New Orleans dé conferentie voor Oracle ontwikkelaars plaats: ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2008. Dit jaar is 10% …
Being the last day of the conference there was a shorter program, only until early afternoon. I must say, this has been a very valuable conference for me. I …
RuleGen is a framework that aids in implementing data integrity rules inside the Oracle RDBMS. That’s what it says on the website – – and that was the …
The success or downfall of your application is determined by proper logical and physical design, especially if it is based on stored XML data in an Oracle database. The …
In the year that XML celebrates his 10th anniversary, Oracle announces to make the XQuilla XQuery engine available under the open source Apache 2.0 license. Via official sources, the …
Nog drie dagen te gaan, voor je laatste kans in een verfrissende, ouderwetse, gezellige en enerverende kennisavond met Gerwin Timmermans (AMIS) en Toon Koppelaars (RuleGen). Meld je aan, click …
Planboard organiseert een Oracle DBA Symposium op dinsdag 27 mei 2008. In tien technische sessies, verdeeld over twee parallelle tracks, delen DBA’ers hun praktijkervaringen met de deelnemers. Ze laten …
Op donderdag 20 maart 2008 vindt er een kennissessie plaats die in het teken staat van bedrijfsregels. Gastspreker tijdens dit KC is Toon Koppelaars. Toon Koppelaars maakt er geen …
Just a short impression of a few sessions today, and the day isn’t even over… I’m really loving it being here and seeing all these people thinking and acting …
Hotsos 2008, first day of the symposium Today I had to make some difficult choices: There are too many presentation to see or just not enough me to go …
It’s Sunday and the first signs from the up coming Hotsos 2008 symposium are beginning to show in the Omni Hotel. The conference rooms are being set-up and the …
It was supposed to happen in 2007, but due to some private issues I never made it to Hotsos that year. I have been wanting to attend since several …
Principle 5: Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. This is the fifth of 12 …
If your there, "mind the GAPP", also during Hotsos. Tomorrow, my colleagues and me, will arrive in San Colinas, Dallas, TX. Yesterday I got the first taste of Gerwin’s …
If you want to know what a Merchant, some strawberries and a performance problem have in common, you should come to the AMIS Query at thursday (28-02-2008). In this …
I was asked, also after the former post “Selecting (XML) data directly from disk“, what the best way would be to save data directly (locally) to disk via XMLDB …
How System Metrics Can Help You Find Performance Bottlenecks for Business Processes in Complex Architectures Gerwin Hendriksen will give a pre-view on the 28th of Februari of his presentation …
On the OTN XMLDB Forum, a question was asked if you could directly select from a XML file on disk, or to be more precise ” XQUERY / XMLTABLE …
The new year has started and one of the most important Oracle performance conferences is about to start. The Hotsos 2008 Symposium will be held again, almost traditionally now, …
Issues are an important way of organizing tasks around both development and maintenance of the application as well as for collecting collective knowledge about the application and the use …
One of the reasons why I have been very quiet lately on this weblog is the SOA Training Program we started at AMIS, two weeks ago. With 11 experienced …
Oracle The Netherlands just announced, via email, an great "RedDatabase Symposium" event / symposium on 10,11 and 12th of March, organized by RedStone Innovations. The focal points for this …
Today, I got my evaluation results for my presentation during UKOUG last year. Overall, I am not unhappy. I am a little bit perfectionist minded, but for a first …
It has been a very interesting year for me. I met a lot of people of whom I only had the pleasure to mail with. Some of them are …
This is the fourth of 12 posts about the principles of agile software development. Purpose is to go back to the start of the agile manifesto ( and discuss …
Pushing to the bank holidays, trying to get rid of the piles of work before I / we start a new year, I would almost forget to thank Dimitri …
One of our recent buisiness cases required the availability of graph representations of data in an application generated with JHeadstart. At first I started out with JFreeChart and ChartCreator, …
About a year ago Frank Nimphius wrote this weblog article about using a rich text editor called openWYSIWYG in ADF applications. Recently we encountered the need for such an …
Last week I had to parse thousands of sql insert statements, read from files (one file per table), within a Java environment. These files contain complete SQL insert statements, …
I met a fellow dba with 20 years of experience and I couldn’t make him understand James Morle’s presentation regarding skew and latency (f.k.a. “Every Performance Problem Is One …