Category: Software Development
In the wake of my last post – Getting started with Java Server Faces (JSF) using Apache MyFaces – in JDeveloper 10.1.3EA – I will continue my explorations of …
Seen so much, heard so much, read so much: time to actually do a little with Apache MyFaces. I am using the blog article by Jonas Jacobi as my …
One of the annotations available to us when specifying the EJB 3.0 Persistence metadata for our Entities is the @Version annotation. The specification states: “The Version annotation specifies the …
I have done a fair bit of Entity Relationship Modeling. It’s one of the things I probably like most about my job. And one of the things in ERD …
In an earlier post, we embarked on a tour of EJB 3.0 Persistence for J2SE (stand alone out-of-container) applications: Getting Started with EJB 3.0 Persistence out-of-container using the Reference …
The problem I was facing was simple. You have a table with data. The data in that table should be validated. Invalid rows should be deleted. For each deleted …
A few weeks ago I visited the second and third conference day of JavaPolis in Antwerpen. I haven’t been to JavaPolis before, and I was excited to see how …
As Frank Nimphius pointed out in his blog, a JDeveloper group has been started at Frappr. Come out and show yourself with a photo and your (current) location on …
Project Raptor, announced and demonstrated at Oracle Open World, this Fall, has now been released (sort of, as it is still an early adopter release). A free download (60Mb) …
In a previous article –Getting Started with EJB 3.0 Persistence out-of-container using the Reference Implementation (GlassFish) – I have introduced GlassFish, the official Reference Implementation for EJB 3.0, and …
In this article I will report on my very first steps with EJB 3.0 Persistence in a J2SE application – that is: outside the context of the J2EE Container. …
Some of my colleagues have posted their comments to JavaPolis 2005 on our weblog already. See the AMIS Technology blog for these weblog entries. I’ll add my comments to …
As a first recap of my five days at Javapolis, here are my thoughts on trends, past, present and future of the Java platform. Expect to see more in-depth …
Just browsing through my RSS feeds-reader, I stumbled across three very interesting announcements: JSR-220, the Enterprise JavaBean 3.0 specification, has reached Proposed Final Draft status. Programmers should expect that …
While EJB 3.0 persistence gains a lot of attention we should not forget that EJB is more than persistence but also contains session beans and messaging driven beans. Mike …
Since SOA is hot, many presentations were devoted to differents aspects of services. The adoptation of services is growing rapidly. This requires standarization in the way we handle services …
Many frameworks offer support for developing web applications. Allmost all of them implement the MVC pattern. They can be divided into two groups: action based and component based frameworks. …
We just received word about the results from the RAD race at JavaPolis 2005. 12 teams competed against each other, each bringing its favourite technology stack. It is a …
Selenium, a test-tool for Web Applications, was the subject of one of the quicky presentations (15 minutes max) on JavaPolis this week. It is described as: Selenium is a …
JavaPolis, the major Java conference currently going on in Antwerp, Belgium, has multiple parallel tracks most of the time. Four or more sessions to choose from. So you cannot …
There are some major waves in J(2)EE territory captivating much of the focus of the audience at this year’s JavaPolis – and beyond. One undoubtedly is Java Server Faces. …
JavaPolis 2005 is in town. Well, not my town, it is actually in Antwerp in Belgium. It is the largest conference on Java/J2EE technology in Europe, with this year …
A big announcement today at the first day of JavaPolis 2005, the biggest Java event east of the Atlantic: Oracle will donate its ADF Faces technology to the Open …
The lastest session of the KC Web and Java focussed on what we call knowledge areas. Everybody got about ten minutes to present his/her subject and to share his/her …
Need the source and/or the Javadoc of a java library? Try It contains the clickable source of many libraries and applications, like Spring, Apache (Commons), JUnit, ActiveMQ etc. …
Next week, we are off to Antwerp. A crew of seven AMIS Java/J2EE developers will visit JavaPolis, the largest Java/J2EE conference on this side of the Atlantic. I will …
The requirement my customer has: create a nice web application that will allow our company to manage our contacts and stores them in a database. While you’re at it, …
Did you (or one of your customers) ever encounter ORA-00942 (table or view does not exist) while working in a (Web) form? No, then you can skip this post. …
JHeadstart can generate a number of powerful search facilities, such as the Quick Search widget and Advanced Search area. It supports several different serach operators such as contains, like, …
Thursday the 1st of December the Knowledge Centre Development Tools held an evening about HTML DB. There was quite some interest in this topic regarding the amount of registrations …
In this article I will demonstrate how I implemented a fairly complex requirement from one of my customers in a very real Java/J2EE Web Application. This requirement involved a …
In my free time, I spend a lot of time creating small and large applications that use Swing components. In a recent attempt to create cleaner and better code …
As of now, JHeadstart is available from – for organisations who have the JHeadstart Supplement Option. I have recently been making fixes and extensions to JHeadstart Application …
After the announcement of Oracle XE I got really curious about the possibilities of a free Oracle10g database. OK, it is limited to 4GB and it doesn’t allow things like …
Triggered by Steve Muench’s weblog, I stumbled across a recent posting by the JHeadstart Team on their current and future activity: The Future of JHeadstart. The big news of …
Validation of business rules, of data oriented business logic, is one of my favorite recurring challenges. Around these rules, there are always interesting discussions about how and especially where …
This article serves two purposes: it extends the JHeadstart Application Generator to set UIX items to "required" based on a new custom Mandatory property – instead of driven from …
On my current assignment I am working on interfaces between Tibco and Oracle PL/SQL applications. Tibco is a middleware solution that implements a messaging based interface solution between different …
For one of our sessions for the Knowledge Center Oracle Server Development I had to prepare a presentation and demonstration on new Oracle 10gR2 features in SQL and PL/SQL …
JHeadstart version: (build 19) and probably ADF UIX version: 2.2.16 JDeveloper version: Description After launching a LOV and selecting a value from it, the lookup values …