Category: Software Development
This article introduces Build Pipelines and Code Repositories in OCI DevOps (released on October 26th 2021) – complementing the Artifact Registry and Deployment Pipelines that were first launched in …
This year I had to work with a colleague for multiple internal poc’s that we could use to show customers. Together we started thinking about the approach and where …
In this blog I will explain how to generate static HTML pages from your projects Pydoc (docstring) comments with Sphinx. Then we are going to host it in an …
In this blog I will show you how to run a Jenkins agent that can use chrome from a docker container. The Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file are explained in …
Quality is something which is hard to define. Different areas of expertise use their own definitions of what quality is. Without an objective standard which carries weight, anyone can …
Is it possible to make something simple as making a screenshot easier? Yes, I have been using the free and open-source tool Greenshot for the past year. And I …
This is my 200th blog post. Also I reached 1M page-views recently. In those 200 blog posts, I used approximately 325K words. An average non-fiction book is somewhere between …
SonarCloud is a hosted SonarQube SaaS solution which helps you with code quality management. It is free to use for open source projects. You cannot install 3rd party plugins …
GitHub Actions allow you to do most CI/CD tasks for free, directly from your GitHub repository. One of the challenges however is that there is no build-in facility like …
OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) is an open source dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool. It is available here and has a website with documentation here. I recently encountered it when looking …
What’s in a name? A title is important and I hope that it describes well what I do want to share with you in this series of articles. It …
It is often expected of a DevOps team to also take security into consideration when delivering software. Often however, this does not get the attention it deserves. In this …
Last time in “How to build an Oracle Database application (that supports APEX, Java, React or any other front-end) (5)”, I told you about Git, Subversion, Maven and Flyway. In …
Last time in “How to build an Oracle Database application (that supports APEX, Java, React or any other front-end) (4)”, I told you about the Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler. …
Last time in “How to build an Oracle Database application (that supports APEX, Java, React or any other front-end) (3)”, I told you about the Oracle Database and Oracle APEX. …
Last time in “How to build an Oracle Database application (that supports APEX, Java, React or any other front-end) (2)”, I did show you the database structure. This time I …
Last time in “How to build an Oracle Database application (that supports APEX, Java, React or any other front-end) (1)”, I gave you an introduction. This time I will elaborate …
You might want to change the behavior of a Java application at runtime without having to alter the original sources and recompile them. This can be done by using …
I recently spent quite some time on getting to know Playwright – a great tool for automating virtually any operation performed in a browser. Playwright is great for automating …
There are a lot of use-cases in which you might want to automate web-browser actions. For example to automate tedious repetitive tasks or to perform automated tests of front-end …
It is the end of the year: time to look back, time to look forward. In the past year, I had a lot of extra time because of the …
Introduction Over the last years, as part of my consultancy experience, I had the chance to work on several assignments tackling IT performance problems. In this post I will …
In the organization I’m currently working for, the OS-patch schedule depends on PatchTuesday (PT) just as Microsoft, Adobe or Oracle are using. And PatchTuesday is, as you all know, …
We are happy to announce that we have a new whitepaper on the ADF Performance Monitor. This blog publishes a new whitepaper that gives more information about the architecture, …
The OWASP Foundation plays an important role in helping to improve security of software worldwide. They have created a popular and well-known awareness document called the ‘OWASP Top 10‘. …
In this article, you can read more about the Quarkus code guide I tried out, related to the following topic: The ability to automatically generate Kubernetes resources by Quarkus …
In this article, you can read more about the Quarkus code guide I tried out, related to the following topic: The ability to automatically generate Kubernetes resources by Quarkus …
In this article, you can read more about the Quarkus code guide I tried out, related to the following topic: The ability to automatically generate Kubernetes resources by Quarkus …
Kotlin has been on my mind. The back of my mind, but still. And apart from a very short workshop last year at Devoxx I have not really tried …
Kubernetes is a popular platform to run and manage containerized applications. A CI/CD solution is often needed but not always provided. You might need to set this up for …
My colleague pointed the open source code-server project to me. This project allows you to run Visual Studio Code just anywhere – and to develop on any device. He …
In this article a brief overview of my steps to set up an environment on my Windows 10 laptop for doing Java programming. If you follow these steps, you …
In this article, you can read more about a Quarkus code guide I tried out, related to the following topic: Packaging the native executable in a container In a …
In my previous article, I already shared with you the Quarkus code guide “Quarkus – Creating Your First Application”, I tried out, including the hot deployment with background compilation. …
In my previous article, I shared with you the steps I took, to set up a demo environment, so I could get started with Quarkus. In this article, you …
In November 2019, I attended Devoxx Belgium together with other AMIS colleagues. The yearly gathering of over 3000 Java developers (numbers provided by Devoxx website) were Java and software …
Are you unable to pinpoint frustrating blind spots and recurring problems in your ADF application? This video gives a quick introduction of the features of the ADF Performance Monitor, …
TL;DR: Collect debug information in an in-memory buffer that is printed to the output when an error occurs (and quietly discarded in all other cases). I may have come …
Introduction Sonarcloud is a static code analysis tool. This means that it checks out the code at your repository, does an analysis and shows you the results. It may …
I ran into a valuable 17 minute YouTube movie with tips over some useful Windows 10 features: I created this short list as a personal reminder: Virtual Desktop …