Category: Platform Technology

Donderdag 31 mei (17.00 uur): AMIS Mini-Conferentie – zes presentaties: SQL Quiz, ADF & Maven, .Net Windows Forms, Oracle BPEL & Workflow, Implementing a SOA Infrastructure, AJAX in ADF Faces

Next month, the ODTUG 2007 Kaleidoscope Conference takes place in Daytona Beach, Florida. 125 presentations on Oracle Development tools related topics – database, SOA, BI, ADF, JEE 5, AJAX, …

Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) with Tomcat, OC4J, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and JDeveloper

With JPDA it is possible to propagate changes to compiled classes to the server immediately. This is very handy when you’re debugging your class files. With some older applications …