Category: Frontend technology

ADF 12c: Adaptive applications through reusable bindings using 12c Dynamic components, runtime switching from ADF BC to a POJO data control v.v.

The UK Oracle User group (UKOUG) held their Tech13, technology conference 2013, in Manchester 2 weeks ago. Duncan Mills held an interesting presentation on “Adaptive Applications”. He explained how …

The AMIS Summary of Oracle OpenWorld 2013 is available for download – 60-page white paper

Oracle OpenWorld is a monster event – 10Ks of attendees, thousands of sessions and 100Ks of private conversations that all help convey and define the message about Oracle’s strategy …

OOW13: summarizing one week and 2000 sessions in 3 hours and a bit – the yearly AMIS OOW Review session – 10th October

On Thursday 10th of October, the 12 man strong AMIS delegation at Oracle OpenWorld and JavaOne 2013 will present its findings in a 3 hour session at AMIS HQ …

OOW13: What questions to get answered and plans to see evolved at this year at Oracle OpenWorld Conference

As I am about to start my ninth Oracle OpenWorld Conference, I am wondering what this year’s conference will have in store for me. My schedule is largely filled  …

Oracle OpenWorld & JavaOne Review bijeenkomst – 10 oktober

Op 22 september begint in San Francisco de Oracle OpenWorld: hét internationale evenement waar Oracle haar productstrategie presenteert en Oracle-specialisten ervaringen uitwisselen. Naast Oracle OpenWorld wordt ook de JavaOne …

Het Oracle OpenWorld Preview Evenement (5 september 2013) – 15 sprekers & sessies

Vanaf 22 september vindt in San Francisco de Oracle OpenWorld conferentie plaats: hét evenement waar Oracle haar productstrategie uit de doeken doet en waar Oracle specialisten van over de …

14 augustus – gratis seminar Oracle ADF 12c, JDeveloper 12c en WebLogic 12c revealed

Dit is de zomer van de 12c-lanceringen. Na de database zijn sinds vorige week Oracle ADF 12c, Oracle JDeveloper 12c, en Oracle WebLogic 12c beschikbaar. Met zoveel nieuwe mogelijkheden …

Automatic deployment .ear file to Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 (OAS) with Ant tasks

In this post I would like to share an example how to deploy an .ear file with an Ant script to the Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 (OAS). Automatic deployment …

ADF DVT – Scaling TreeMap components for comparisons across masters and categories

In a recent article ( I discussed the ADF DVT Treemap component. This component visualizes data in such a way that comparisons between data values for different records and …