Tag: linux
Few days ago I was confronted with the situation that a refresh job failed. The job is supposed to run every Saturday morning at 07:00, but failed due a …
Often, I use a Linux shell script that executes several commands. Sometimes you don’t want to wait for a command to end and you want the next command to …
How hard can it be – to create the smallest possible container image to run a Go application? It is not hard to create a container image that contains …
It turned out to be a fairly small deal. For reference sake a brief write up of updating the Go runtime on my Ubuntu environment. Current version: go version …
I am still fairly new at working with Go. I have the ambition of working with and perhaps even on several open source projects that all use Go as …
or Publishing a cleanup script for Oracle 12c+ At the moment I’m just for fun collecting Linux scripts from my direct colleagues. And while I was busy to think …
My colleague pointed the open source code-server project to me. This project allows you to run Visual Studio Code just anywhere – and to develop on any device. He …
I am not the first to discover jq, or even to write about it. However, jq was such a valuable tool for me that I felt obliged to share …
Developing Linux Shell Scripts is just not the same as programming in modern programming language. At least to me, it still feels novel and at times a bit weird. …
The easiest way I knew for running a local Kubernetes cluster was minikube. It installs like a breeze and creates a fresh clean cluster with minimal effort on my …
Starting with a vanilla Windows 10 environment, it took just a few simple steps to get going with Linux on my Windows machine in the Windows Subsystem for Linux …
My Customer wanted an automated way to refresh an application database to a known state, to be done by non-technical personnel. As a DBA I know a lot of …
Docker Containers can be stopped and started again. Changes made to the file system in a running container will survive this deliberate stop and start cycle. Data in memory …
A short and simple article. I needed a Debian VM that I could use as Docker host – to run on my Windows 10 laptop. I resorted to Vagrant. …
A quick and rough guide on getting going with Node, npm and Vue.js 2 on a Enterprise Linux platform (Oracle Linux based on RedHat Linux) Install Node.JS on a …
In addition to offering infrastructure services from the cloud, Oracle continues to extend its line of engineered systems. The high end consists of SuperCluster and Exadata, ExaLogic and Exalytics …
My objective: be able to very quickly run Node.js applications that can connect to an Oracle Database – with minimal disturbance of my laptop environment (Windows 7). The solution …
If you want to be a cloud provider with a complete portfolio, that means you need to offer Infrastructure as a Service. That is where some cloud providers start(ed) …
During JavaOne 2015, I present a Birds of Feather session (BOF 2817) on Docker for Java Developers – in combination with Vagrant and Puppet (and leveraging Virtual Box) (Monday …
The objective of this article: prepare an environment for experimenting with Oracle StreamExplorer using two Docker containers inside a Linux VM running on my Windows laptop. And with the …
I came across a simple Google Chrome Addon called Simple Docker GUI. It provide a GUI that allows for easy insight in and some management of Docker containers and …
The Docker container build process has some limitations. The Docker file can quickly become unwieldy. Besides, by and large the Docker file has us execution fairly low level instructions …
This article is a continuation of the introduction to the combination of Vagrant and Docker that I started here: First steps with provisioning of Docker containers using Vagrant as …
Note: the next set of (more advanced) steps with Vagrant and Docker are discussed in this article: Vagrant and Docker – Next and Advanced steps with folders, ports, volumes, …
In this article, I will introduce a set of Vagrant and Puppet configuration files that automate the creation of a Linux Virtual Box VM with Oracle Event Processor and …
This article discusses the installation of Oracle Event Processor 12c on Linux 64bit and the subsequent installation of Stream Explorer on top of OEP 12c. This article assumes Linux …
My first attempt with Docker was from my Windows host machine using boot2docker, as described in this article: https://technology.amis.nl/2015/03/15/my-first-steps-with-docker-starting-from-windows-as-the-host/. Boot2docker is a great tool for being able to work …
After reading quite a bit about Docker – especially the great write up by Mark Nelson (Getting to know Docker – a better way to do virtualization?) I believe …
Inspired by the work and some excellent blog articles by my colleague Maarten Smeets – and while writing about the LDAP Adapter in SOA Suite 12c for the Oracle …
On this subject, there are already many fine articles. I have borrowed from at least a dozen to understand what should happen and to make it work. You will …
NOTE: even though the steps described in this article all work – I am running into a problem with shutting down and starting up the VM again. So at …
In a previous article I have explained in quite a bit of detail how to create the Vagrant and Puppet scripts for stamping out a Virtual Box VM with …
Standing on the shoulders of many smart and persistent friends, peers and colleagues, I was able to fairly quickly concoct the Vagrant and Puppet configuration that allows automated provisioning …
I am no Linux wizard by any standard. During the installation of some piece of Oracle software, I ran into a an error, indicating that my /tmp folder had …
This post is intended to be a dummy guide, best practices, or whatever you call it… about setting up a network while working with virtual boxes on a desk- …
I am first and foremost a developer. I am not an administrator. I know more about IDEs and GUIs than about command line. I have always been a little …
I have a confession to make. I have not been into Linux very much. When I started my career at Oracle, back in 1994, I had to do a …
The first major keynote of this year’s Oracle Open World conference was last night – Larry Ellison announcing the Oracle Exalogic machine, the “cloud in a box”. A high …