Author: Aino Andriessen
It seems that Frappr is gaining a lot of momentum. A new Oracle bloggers group has just been started.
Another side of the software engineering coin is about the development process. The popularity of agile development is growing and therefore deserved the prominent attention at javapolis. Scott Ambler …
As Frank Nimphius pointed out in his blog, a JDeveloper group has been started at Frappr. Come out and show yourself with a photo and your (current) location on …
While EJB 3.0 persistence gains a lot of attention we should not forget that EJB is more than persistence but also contains session beans and messaging driven beans. Mike …
Since SOA is hot, many presentations were devoted to differents aspects of services. The adoptation of services is growing rapidly. This requires standarization in the way we handle services …
Many frameworks offer support for developing web applications. Allmost all of them implement the MVC pattern. They can be divided into two groups: action based and component based frameworks. …
Eddie Awad has a nice blog about three apps to format your SQL code. Especially the online tools, SQLinForm en the Online SQL Formatter, are very nice. Both offer …
The lastest session of the KC Web and Java focussed on what we call knowledge areas. Everybody got about ten minutes to present his/her subject and to share his/her …
Need the source and/or the Javadoc of a java library? Try It contains the clickable source of many libraries and applications, like Spring, Apache (Commons), JUnit, ActiveMQ etc. …
Recently, in a meeting with some of my collegues I realized that there are many way to take notes, add priorities and relations etc. etc. One of them used …
Oracle lite is a very interesting product. As the name indicates, is it a lite version of the Oracle database and thus capable of running on a PDA, laptop …
Sergio describes on his blog how you can connect with sql+ to to a database without the need of the tnsnames.ora file. This is great, but only available since …
With some of my collegues I attended JFall, one of the two yearly conferences of the NLJUG. I visited the presentations on Mule, Wicket, Spring WebFlow and the newly …
Clob handling in jdbc can be a tedious job, especially because it required the use of Oracle specific extensions. With the 10g release this has been simplified and Clobs …
I just read an announcement of a new release of JoSQL, SQL for Java Objects. My first reaction was a bit reserved but after a quick glance at their …
How do you trace performance issues and bottlenecks in your PL/SQL applications? Since 8i the Oracle database has been equiped with the profiling tool dbms_profiler. It is quite simple …
This picture contains a handy overview, with links, of all (?!) XML (related) technologies, specs, acronyms etc. A similar overview is also available for java.
Title: Pragmatic Unit Testing Authors: Andrew Hunt, David Thomas ISBN: 0-9745140-2-0 pages: 150 This book gives a good introduction into the different aspects of unit testing. It’s easy readible …
Running sql (scripts) from ant using the ant task is quite easy and straight forward. Unfortunately, the ant sql task is not really suited for running pl/sql, e.g. exec …
On August 4 we had a session on software engineering. The aim of the session was to share knowledge and experience about the way we develop software and to …
A new feature of java5 is autoboxing, which automatically converts between primitives and its wrapper types. This may be very handy, but can also be a source for a …
On september 8, 2005 Quest Software will organize a training seminar in Amsterdam by Steven Feuerstein. It will cover two topics: 1. Correcting PL/SQL Worst Practices and 2. Survey …
On JavaPolis 2004 Erwin Geirnaert did a very nice presentation on hacking Web Applications. He gives an overview of how this can be achieved and then he gives some …
Oracle UltraSearch is a web-based search application based on Oracle Text. It can be used to index a wide variety of datasources like websites, databases, files etc. and to …
The Dutch Oracle Usergroup (OgH) organized a session about (text) searching capabilities of Oracle technology. The presentation was done by Wouter van de Weghe of Oracle and consisted of …
With Oracle 10g (release 1) the enterprise manager is only available as a web-based application. However, it doesn’t provide all the necessary options yet. Among others, the xmldb and …
As the world is moving to Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) companies are rebranding and consolidating their products into a complete, supportive and integrated platform. That’s where Oracle Fusion Middleware …
The july/august edition of Oracle Magazine has a very interesting article by Lex de Haan and Jonathan Gennick about Nulls (‘nothing to worry about’) in the database. Although I …
The rumours were right: JDeveloper will be available for free. However, ADF and OC4J still need to be licenced (for use in a production environment). Read the discussion on …
Since Lucas already gave an in-depth review of the Spring workshop, I’ll take the breadcrumbs ;-( After some years of Java/j2ee developing Spring comes for me at the right …
Despite of what the title may suggest this is not about a greek mythological drama about a hero and a woman. But it Ãs about interaction and exchanging of …
Use Eclipse with java5: Download a 3.1 Milestone Add java5 to the installed jre’s (Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JRE’s) Set the compiler compliance level to 5.0 …
Like many others, Google provides access to some of it’s services by means of webservices. Just follow the instructions at the Google web api’s site: download the developer’s kit …
XSL-FO is all about the formatting of a document. For the interpretation of spaces and other special characters many options are available. To preserve the whitespaces and new lines …
Recently Xopus, a browser based XML editor, attracted some attention. This stimutated us for a review. The editor itself is completely written in javascript and relies on the MSXML …
A previous post already has an extensive review of the JSpring conference so I’ll follow up to that one. The concern that Duncan Mills stated was shared by other …