AMIS@OOW startup 594127 1280


Yesterday evening we had our annual Oracle Open World review at our office in Nieuwegein. Around eighty people attended and all were very involved with the session. Five AMIS employees were at Oracle Open World, and each one covered one area of interest.

Before dinner Lucas gave an overview of the trends and topics that were covered at Oracle Open World. Just to convey the sheer size of OOW, Peter illustrated this by facts (number of people attending, number of lunches served, etc) as well as by photos. I’m still very impressed that they covered a four lane street (Howard street) by a tent, just to serve lunch… amazing.

Marco and myself gave an overview of what AMIS was doing at OOW, as well as the Oracle ACE Directors briefing right before OOW started.

There were a number of goodies that we took from Oracle Open World to give away this evening. We decided to do it a little different this year, we organized a BuzzWord Bingo. Each of the attendees was given a bingo sheet with some of the buzzwords that would be covered during our presentations.

Before we went for dinner six people had bingo and got their goodies to take home.

This time we had a Mexican Style dinner, very lovely. Lots of discussion of the topics and trends covered in the first part of the evening.

After dinner the more technical details where covered. Starting with Marco who covered the new hardware as well as Oracle Linux and Oracle VM. Then it was my turn to tell about the Oracle Database, SQL Developer, SQL Developer Datamodeler and APEX.

Peter talked about the SOA Suite and Fusion Middleware. Aino had the last slot, and covered JavaOne.

Around 21:15 (9:15 PM) all session had finished, and the bar “Cafe@AMIS” was opened. About an hour later it was time to call it a night. All in all a very succesful, very informative evening.

Thank you all for coming to our “show” and hopefully we’ll do the same for Oracle Open World 2011.