Some quick steps to get Minikube for K8S 1.10 up and running on Windows 10 (presuming VirtualBox has already been installed)
Download kubectl binary from:
Copy kubectl.exe to any directory of your liking; add that directory to the PATH environment variable.
Download minikube from
Download the minikube-windows-amd64.exe
file, rename it to minikube.exe
and add it to the same directory as the kubectl.exe file – or to any other directory included in the PATH variable.
Follow Quick start instructions:
minikube start
Some downloading will take place:
And after a little while, the minikube cluster is started in VirtualBox:
At this point, we start running a Pod – then exposing it and finally accessing it:
kubectl run hello-minikube – –port=8080
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube –type=NodePort
inspect Pod:
kubectl get pod
inspect service:
Retrieve the IP address for the Minikube cluster:
minikube ip
Now access the service running inside Kubernetes from the browser running on the host laptop machine:
And with that, Kubernetes is set up and ready for business.
Open the dashboard:
and the browser will show:
One additional step: installation of Helm in Minikube – based on this article:
Download the latest version of the compressed executable from the Helm github site,
Click the windows link and it should download to your computer.
Extract file helm.exe in folder windows-amd64 inside the archive to – for example – C:\Apps\kubernetes – a directory in the PATH variable
Now we can run Helm from the command line:
and install the server side component – Tiller – into minikube:
helm init
Visit the KubeApps site,, to see what helm charts are currently available and instructions on how to install them.
Thanks a lot for the clear explanations and steps. Works great for me!