Publications written in 2010 13422386 1019544571447648 7687716130941590224 o1

Publications written in 2010

NameOracle Fusion Applications – de nieuwe standaard in applicaties?, AppWorks, december 2010date2nd December 2010
Click IntroductieVanOracleFusionApplications_AppWorks_Dec2010.pdf for this article.
NameMasterclass Leveraging the Oracle Database in Java Applications, december 2010date17th December 2010
Click to download the sources for the demos for this masterclass.
NameJava ontwikkelaars: zet de Database aan het werk, Java Magazine, december 2010date2nd December 2010
Click JavaMagazine_LaatDeDatabaseVoorJeWerken_partOne_dec2010.pdffor this article.
NameJava Developers make the Database work for You, NLJUG JFall, 2010date3rd November 2010
Click JavaDevelopersMakeTheDatabaseWorkForYou.ppt“for this presentation.
NameThe Hollywood Principle – on dependency injection (ODTUG Technical Journal,Q4 2010)date21 Oct 2010
Click ODTUG_Q4_2010_FusionColumn_The-Hollywood_Principle.pdf“for this article.
NameReport from JavaOne 2010 (Java Magazine 5, 2010)date21 Oct 2010
Click JAV0510_JavaOne_1181711.pdf“>for this article.
NameMaven 3 – Paving the desire lines (Java Magazine 4, 2010)date25 Aug 2010
Click javamagazine-maven3.pdf“>for this article.
NameWat is er allemaal aan de hand? Introductie van Real Time Intelligence en Complex Event Processing (Java Magazine)date10 Jan 2010
Klik JavaMagazineCEP_partOneOfTwo“>hier voor het artikel.
NameA world of events where news travels fast (FUSION COLUMN FOR THE ODTUG TECHNICAL JOURNAL – MARCH 2010)dateMarch 2010
Download ODTUG_TechJournalMarch2010_FusionColumn
NameThe reusability test – Fusion Column, ODTUG Technical Journal Q3 2010dateJuly 2010
Download FusionColumn_reuse_july2010.pdf
NameIntegratie tussen Complex Event Processing en Java applicaties (deel 2 van 2, Maart 2010, Java Magazine)dateMaart 2010
Download Complex_Event_ProcessingDeel2
NameOracle Open World 2010dateSeptember 2010
Download OracleOpenWorld2010
NameOracle Open World 2010dateSeptember 2010
Download PuzzelenmetSQLFileleed
NameOracle Open World 2010 @ AMISdateSeptember 2010
Download Part One
Download Part Two
NameOracle Database 11g R2 voor ontwikkelaars – deel 1, Optimize, May 2010date3rd March 2010
Click Oracle_11g_R2_voor_ontwikkelaars_deel_1.pdffor this article.
NameOracle Database 11g R2 voor ontwikkelaars deel2 – Edition Based Redefinition: Tijdens de verbouwing gaat de verkoop door., Optimize, May 2010date10th May 2010
Click Oracle_11g_R2_voor_ontwikkelaars_deel_2.pdffor this article.