JHeadstart Release (a very short while ago) americas cup win 2682133k1

JHeadstart Release (a very short while ago)

As of now, JHeadstart is available from http://cso.oracle.com
– for organisations who have the JHeadstart Supplement Option. I have
recently been making fixes and extensions to JHeadstart Application
Generator and it seems I am being somewhat overtaken by this patch
release. The list of fixes, changes and new features looks like this:

What’s New in JHeadstart

  • New service-level property “Use Group Name as Role Name (UIX Only)”: If you want to
    secure all groups in your service, you can use this property to use the group name as the role name
    that is used to check user access. This saves you the burden of entering a value for the
    “Authorized Roles/Functions” property for each and every group.
  • New service-level property “Role/Function Prefix (UIX Only)”: This property
    is handy if you have multiple application structure files, that might contain the same group
    names and you have set the new “Use Group Name as Role Name” property to true. By using
    this property, you can ensure uniqueness of the generated authorization expressions accross
    all groups in your application.
  • Support for substitution variables in service-level Read Only expression: You can
    use GROUP_NAME and PARENT_GROUP_NAME as substitution variables in the service level
    Read Only expression which allows you to generate group-specific readOnly expressions into
    your pages.
  • Support for substitution variables in attribute-level Read Only expressions: You can
    use GROUP_NAME and PARENT_GROUP_NAME as substitution variables in the attribute level
    “Read Only In Form” and “Read Only in Table” expressions. This is useful when a ViewObject
    attribute is used in multiple groups, and the authorization rules are different per group
  • New group-level property “Read OnlyExpression (UIX only)”: If the service-level
    Read Only expression would be too generic for a specific group, you can specify a
    group-level Read Only expression. When you do
    this, the service-level Read Only expression is ignored for this group.
  • New custom attribute property “Required”: You can now specify the “Required” property
    for a ViewObject attribute that takes precedence over the standard Entity Object Attribute
  • New service-level property “Data Action Mapping Class”: You can now specify the
    data action mapping class that must be generated for each struts action in the service.
  • Hint Text displayed in popup (JSP only): There is a new service level property that
    allows you to display attribute hint text as a little popup (“balloon help”) instead of below
    the item. This feature uses the title property of the Struts HTML input tags and is not available
    when using UIX.


Bug fixes since previous JHeadstart 10.1.2.x

Bug Number
Fixed in
4762858JHeadstart RuntimeClicking New Button does not work: current row shown10.
4761831JHeadstart Application GeneratorError creating resource bundle: path does not exist10.
4722012JHeadstart DemoNullPointerException in OrderProductsRowImpl.getOrderTotal10.
4721837JHeadstart RuntimeFind Mode lost after rollback10.
4727982JHeadstart RuntimeNullPointerException in BreadcrumbManager.processBreadcrumbs when downloading file10.
4721832JHeadstart RuntimeNullPointerException at OrdDomainUtil.getOrdObject when uploading in table row with no existing rows present10.
4721827JHeadstart EnablerNullPointerException in OrdPlayMediaServlet.renderContent when clicking on download link10.
4721824JHeadstart RuntimeCannot customize message “For input String: zz”
4721818JHeadstart RuntimeonLovSelect: do not call getCurrentRow when in find mode, causes executeQuery on VO10.
4721815JHeadstart RuntimeDetail disclosure does not show child table when navigating to next range set10.
4721809JHeadstart Application GeneratorTable select column not shown when last row selected and then moving to next range set10.
4721806JHeadstart Application GeneratorQuick search entry field not shown when 1st attribute not queryable10.
4721805JHeadstart RuntimeNumberFormatException in onSetCurrentRowWithIndex when current row in different range than the one currently shown10.