Clob handling in jdbc can be a tedious job, especially because it required the use of Oracle specific extensions. With the 10g release this has been simplified and Clobs can now be handled using the standard apis. It’s described in this document.
Especially the SetBigStringTryClob connection property comes in handy. For example, it’s used in the Jira Oracle 10g configuration of the jndi DataSource (connectionProperties=”SetBigStringTryClob=true”).

Since you are obviously an expert on the JDBC driver, I was wondering if you have ever seen a working example of a CLOB Editor based on a Java applet? It seems to me that this would be the ideal solution to the problem I’m running across with my mod_plsql version of a CLOB Editor… namely the 32K limit (or less with multibyte character sets) on VARCHAR2 data passed as a PL/SQL formal parameter.
I found a very nice CLOB Editor at but, alas, it is only Windows based. I really need a pure browser based one. With a lot of elbow grease I’m sure I could develop one in Java, but I’m only a novice with Java (but expert with PL/SQL) and I think it would just take too long. Have you run across a piece of code that handles this?