This article is the sequel to EJB 3.0 Persistence – Introducing EJBQL 3.0, an introduction to EJB QL
from an historical, strategic and functional perspective. In this post
I want to show you the goods: what does the EJB QL code look like with
EJB 3.0 Persistence for doing Native Queries, for aggregations and
subqueries, for projections and inheritance. We will take a quick look
around with the main features in EJB QL 3.0 and the way to use them in
code. Note that all code is J2SE – so out of container – and makes use
of the GlassFish Reference Implementation of EJB 3.0 Persistence. It
should be effortless – only a small change in the persistence.xml file
– to switch the code to the Hibernate or TopLink implementation of EJB
I will use JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA as my IDE – that is not very
relevant by the way, since all code and the libraries in my Classpath
are portable and standard – nothing is Oracle or JDeveloper specific. I
only mention it because it gives you some background for the
screenshots. It also means that you can import the entire application
workspace that you can download under Resources into a JDeveloper
installation. If you do not use an IDE or at least another IDE, you can
of course use the source files but you have to create your own project
in your own IDE.
The case we will work with is the AMIS Library
System or ALS. It consists of only five tables – Books, Authors,
Publishers, Copies (of Books) and the intersection table Authorships.
We have been looking at (a subset of) this same system in a previous
article: EJB 3.0 Persistence – ManyToMany relations or the objectification of the intersection table.
Steps to get started
are the steps I took to get started. They are most certainly not
required to work with EJB QL 3.0; I only mention these steps for those
of you that like to exactly retrace my steps – that may include myself
later on…
1. Install the ALS database
schema (see the file under Resources). Under JDeveloper’s
Database Diagramming tools, the database schema looks like
2. Fire up JDeveloper; create a new Application Workspace and a new project.
3. Set the Project properties as described in the post Using GlassFish Reference Implementation of EJB 3.0 Persistence with JDeveloper 10.1.3EA.
This boils down to including the GlassFish libraries and setting the
correct Run/Debug settings – the right JVM and the correct Java Runtime
4. Run the New Gallery, Business Tier, EJB node, option
CMP Entity Beans from Tables. This wizard will create Entities – Domain
objects or simply POJOs – that map to our tables. The classes will
include the ‘default’ mapping annotations. We may revisit and refine
them, but for the purpose of analyzing EJB QL, the default mapping is
probably good enough.
The EJB Diagram looks like this:
that a number of relationships that are available in the code, properly
annotated and all, do not show up on the diagram. I presume that this
Early Access release has some hickups in the EJB diagrammer that will
be straightened out in the final production release.
I have
taken the liberty to refining a number of annotations – mainly to do
with the relationships – where the code generated by the Wizard did not
fly successfully with the compiler.
5. Create a new
persistence.xml file in the project_home\src\META-INF directory – again
as described in the post mentioned above. Note: you can download the
entire setup in a single zip-file under Resources.
To see whether the setup so far is okay, I create a very simple test
LibraryClient class that will access an EntityManager and attempts to
perform some basic operations on these Entitities. Note that I have not
mapped the ALS_AUTHORSHIPS table as pure Intersection table – mapped as
a @ManyToMany relation – since I have assigned a characteristic to this
table: column contributorType that indicates the role an Author had
with regard to a specific book.
package nl.amis.ejb30.als; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import javax.persistence.Query; public class LibraryClient { public LibraryClient() { EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("pu1"); // create EntityManager EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); this.setEntityManager(em); } private EntityManager _entityManager; public EntityManager getEntityManager() { return _entityManager; } public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { _entityManager = entityManager; } public List<Book> findAllBook() { return getEntityManager().createQuery("select object(o) from Book o").getResultList(); } public static void main(String[] args) { LibraryClient libraryClient = new LibraryClient(); Collection<Book> books = libraryClient.findAllBook(); for (Book b : books) { System.out.println(b.getTitle() + " has "+b.getAuthorshipCollection().size()+" author(s)"); } Book jsf = libraryClient.getEntityManager().find(Book.class, new Long(22)); EntityTransaction tx = libraryClient.getEntityManager().getTransaction(); tx.begin(); jsf.setTitle(jsf.getTitle()+"!"); // change the title libraryClient.getEntityManager().merge(jsf); // persist the change - merge will eventually result in an update libraryClient.getEntityManager().flush(); // we enforce that the update is done at this point tx.commit(); // complete the transaction; the EntityManager can now decide to do the update any time it fancies jsf = libraryClient.getEntityManager().find(Book.class, new Long(22)); // retrieve the updated JSF entity System.out.println("New title for JSF: "+jsf.getTitle()+" - it is published by "+jsf.getPublisher().getName()); } }
is really not very useful: querying all books and updating a single
book’s title. But at least the output demonstrates it works. So the
basic mapping is available to get started.
[TopLink Info]: 2006.01.08 10:35:54.102--ServerSession(3779465)--TopLink, version: Oracle TopLink Essentials - 10g release 4 ( (Build 051215Dev) [TopLink Info]: 2006.01.08 10:35:56.115--ServerSession(3779465)--file:/C:/glassfish/ejb30_se/ejb30QL/classes-pu1 login successful JavaServer Faces Programming!! has 1 author(s) Optimizing Oracle Performance has 2 author(s) The Data Warehouse Toolkit has 2 author(s) Java Tools for eXtreme Programming has 2 author(s) SVG Essentials has 1 author(s) J2EE Design and Development has 1 author(s) CSS, Pocket Reference has 1 author(s) JUnit in Action has 2 author(s) Building Oracle XML Applications has 1 author(s) Core Java 2, Volume I: Fundamentals has 2 author(s) XSLT Cookbook, Solutions and Examples for XML and XSLT Developers has 1 author(s) Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies has 3 author(s) New title for JSF: JavaServer Faces Programming! - it is published by McGrawHill
Exploring EJB QL in EJB 3.0
Now for some real stuff.
query is performed using the Query interface. A Query instance can be
acquired from the EntityManager. We have seen the first examples of the
query interface in the first incarnation of our LibraryService:
public List<Book> findAllBooks() { return getEntityManager().createQuery("select object(o) from Book o").getResultList(); }
this query does nothing spectacular, it is interesting all the same: we
specify the query in terms of Entities. We do not refer to any table-
or column names. The results of the query are objects, Book entities in
this case. So SQL free – and certainly database specific SQL
implementation free – query writing.
Of course the EJB QL is
much richer than what this example can show. Let’s spice things up just
a little with a simple query to find all Books with Java in the title:
public List<Book> findAllJavaBooks() { return getEntityManager().createQuery("select object(o) from Book o where lower(o.title) like '%java%'") .getResultList(); }
And now for Publishers who publish a book with Java in the title:
SELECT object(o) from Publisher o, IN (o.bookCollection) AS allBooks WHERE lower(allBooks.title) like '%java%'
Look for all Publishers without any Books in their Portfolio:
SELECT object(o) from Publisher o where o.bookCollection IS EMPTY
Find the books that have an author whose firstname is Steve:
SELECT b from Book AS b, in (b.authors) AS author where author.firstName ='Steve'
Find all authors who have worked on a book that was published by a Publisher with a website whose url contains the string man
public List<Author> findManAuthors() { return getEntityManager().createQuery("select object(o) from Author AS o JOIN o.books As b join b.publisher p where lower( like '%man%' ").getResultList(); }
do even more object navigation stuff in our query. Let’s try to find a
Publisher who publishes a book that has been co-written by an author
who also participated on a book that has Oracle in the title:
SELECT object(p) FROM Publisher AS p , in (p.bookCollection) AS books , in (books.authors) authors , in (authors.books) books2 WHERE lower(books2.title) like '%oracle%'
now, each query has returned only single-flavored entities: all results
are either Books or Publishers or Authors. However, EJB QL 3.0 can also
return multiple entity types in a single query. So for example, in the
last query, we can show not only the Publisher but also the Author in
public List findSpecialPublishers() { return getEntityManager().createQuery("SELECT object(p), object(authors) from Publisher AS p, in (p.bookCollection) AS books, in (books.authors) authors , in (authors.books) books2"+ " where lower(books2.title) like '%oracle%' ").getResultList(); }
In the LibraryClient we can deal with the result of this query as follows:
System.out.println("List all Publishers that have published a book for an author who has written a book with oracle in its name:"); Collection publishers = library.findSpecialPublishers(); for (Iterator iterator = publishers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ){ Object[] resultElement = (Object[]); Publisher publisher = (Publisher)resultElement[0]; System.out.println(publisher.getName()); Author author = (Author)resultElement[1]; System.out.println(author.getLastName()); }
QL queries not only return Entities. They can also return singular,
scalar values. They can even return objects that are constructed as
part of the query. Something like:
public Object findBookSummary() { return getEntityManager().createQuery("SELECT max(b.publishYear), min(b.publishYear), count(b) from Book b").getSingleResult(); }
The results can be used in the client like this:
Object[] summary = (Object[])library.findBookSummary(); System.out.println("Most recent book is from "+summary[0]); System.out.println("Oldest book is from "+summary[1]); System.out.println("There are "+summary[2]+" books altogether.");
far, all queries have been fixed: they have no variable parts. In
reality, queries often depend on the situation. The search criteria
entered by the user for example. This situational context is fed into
the query using Named Parameters. Let’s make the query for all Java
books a little more generic by allowing the subject we are looking for
to be passed in as a parameter:
public List<Book> findAllBooksOn( String subject) { Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery("select object(o) from Book o where lower(o.title) like :subject") ; query.setParameter("subject", '%'+subject+'%'); return query.getResultList(); }
The client can make use of this method like this:
Collection<Book> books = library.findAllBooksOn("xml"); for (Book book : books) { System.out.println(book.getTitle()+ " published by "+book.getPublisher().getName()); for (Author author: book.getAuthors()) { System.out.println(" * "+ author.getFirstName()+ " " + author.getLastName()); } }
can be defined dynamically, as we have just seen, by passing a string
that contains an EJB QL statement. However, queries can also be
pre-defined using annotations. We can build up a library of queries by
specifying these queries in the Entity.
For example, a NamedQuery to find all books on Java can be specified as follows in the Entity Book:
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; @Entity @Table(name="ALS_BOOKS") @NamedQuery(name="javaBooks", queryString="select object(o) from Book o where lower(o.title) like '%java%'") public class Book { …
To make use of a named query, we can do something like this:
public List<Book> findJavaBooks() { return getEntityManager().createNamedQuery("javaBooks").getResultList(); }
last Query related subject in this section is the Native Query. When
all else fails, when EJB QL does not give us what we want and need, we
can resort to the Native Query. This feature allows us to write plain
SQL that is passed straight through to the underlying database. It
breaks database portability – as we do not use the EJB QL that is
translated into database specific SQL. But the whole point is that we
want to leverage what our specific database can do – and EJB QL cannot
do for us. For Oracle databases, you think of features like Analytical
Functions, Scalar Subqueries, Table Functions, Connect By operations,
User Defined Aggregations etc.
This next example leverages the Regular Expression feature in the Oracle 10g database:
public List<Book> findAllBooksOn( String subject) { Query q = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery("select * from als_books where regexp_like(title,'"+subject+"{1}','ci')", Book.class); return q.getResultList(); }
As an example, let us query the most recent books for each Publisher
public List<Book> findRecentBooks() { return getEntityManager().createNativeQuery( "select * from ( select book.title,, book.publish_year, book.pbr_id , row_number() over ( partition by pbr_id order by publish_year , publish_month desc ) rn from ALS_BOOKS book ) where rn =1 ", nl.amis.ejb30.als.Book.class).getResultList(); }
The Client could use this service like this:
Collection<Book> books = library.findRecentBooks(); for (Book book : books) { System.out.println(book.getTitle()+ "published in "+book.getPublishYear()); for (Author author: book.getAuthors()) { System.out.println(" * "+ author.getFirstName()+ " " + author.getLastName()); } }
can also be specified using annotations. Furthermore, we can define
special SqlResultSetMappings that instruct the EntityManager on mapping
the result of a Native Queries onto Entities and other objects. This is
used when a native query returns more than a single Entity in each row.
I was under the impression that NativeQueries can take named
parameters. However, when I tried to do so, I failed quite miserably.
Download the DDL scripts to create the ALS tables and demo data:
Hibernate Annotations, Reference Guide, 3.1 beta 4
– a very useful guide, even though still beta and with several TODOs
decorating the text; it provides many examples of using the EJB QL 3.0,
as well as the O/R Mapping annotations used by the EntityManager for
persisting and retrieving entities. This document was the best in
showing me the way around EJB QL.
class SQLResultSetMappingTestSuite
– a test-class from the GlassFish project. This class contains useful
code examples of using EJB QL 3.0 – for doing SQLResultSetMapping for
Native Queries as well as using locking, bind parameters (named and
positional), inheritance with Native Queries.
Getting Started with EJB 3.0 Persistence out-of-container using the Reference Implementation (GlassFish) – introduction to getting EJB 3.0 Persistence up and running with the GlassFish Reference Implementation. Also: Using GlassFish Reference Implementation of EJB 3.0 Persistence with JDeveloper 10.1.3EA – a description of doing EJB 3.0 Persistence with JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA.
hi, i have this subquery
@NamedQuery(name = “MmTablaDetalle.InstF”, query = “select o from MmTablaDetalle o where o.tabCve = 6 and o.tabDetVal =1 and o.tabDetCve not in( select b.nSsiTip from SermetServicioInstancia b where b.nSesId = :p_sesid )”)
i dot know what im doing wrong pls help me
The programmer only need to know the properties of objects and use them in the queryh. The programmer does not write database specific SQL query syntax.
Sorry the query is
SELECT c.* FROM contact c, user_contact uc, user usr
WHERE usr.username = ? AND = uc.user_id
AND uc.contact_id =
Hi Lucas,
back again for help.
Having a scenario where we have users, contacts and finally a table which relate both.
How can I provide @JoinTable or any other annotation which allow to apply a JoinTable over contact_table, user_table and user_contact_table having as condition that a user might have several contacts.
Would you mind giving me an example where JPA would retrieves all contacts of a particulare user.
In native SQL I would provide this solution:
SELECT c.* FROM contact c, user_contact uc, user usr
WHERE usr.username = ? AND = uc.user_id
AND uc.contact_id = “, Contact.class
The above query in ANSI sql language and it works in most databases
My problem is that I DON’T KNOW how to provide same result by using JPA in EJBQL or simply mapping the relationships.
Please, any example you might provide would be very welcome and huge contribution.
Hi Douglas,
Thanks for your elaborate comment. Could you please indicate to what extent the article I provided the link to did not answer your specific questions with regard to the ALS_PUBLISHERS_BOOKS table (I realize this article uses ALS_AUTHORSHIPS to link BOOK to AUTHOR but the principle is of course the same.
Hi Lucas,
thank you for responding to such important subject.
Well, most of us are seniors develepors or software architects and that’s why we might not agree but if we talk to any database expert designer, we problably would not agree either because developers and architects come from a completely different technological background and filosofy, we have our paradigms and views and database designers have their.
Database designers take care of the quality of design of a relational database as we do when we provide a software solution, on the other hand they do not care about how fast and portable would be the software interfacing their databases, they still need to provide their designing rules and approaches to provide an excellent, consistent, reliable and normalized database tables.
Like us, they care about their goal and their is to bring normalization onto their databases.
Here there are some of the rules of Data Normalization.
1. Eliminate Repeating Groups – Make a separate table for each set of related attributes, and give each table a primary key.
2. Eliminate Redundant Data – If an attribute depends on only part of a multi-valued key, remove it to a separate table.
3. Eliminate Columns Not Dependent On Key – If attributes do not contribute to a description of the key, remove them to a separate table.
4. Boyce-Codd Normal Form – If there are non-trivial dependencies between candidate key attributes, separate them out into distinct tables.
5. Isolate Independent Multiple Relationships – No table may contain two or more 1:n or n:m relationships that are not directly related.
6. Isolate Semantically Related Multiple Relationships – There may be practical constrains on information that justify separating logically related many-to-many relationships.
7. Optimal Normal Form – a model limited to only simple (elemental) facts, as expressed in Object Role Model notation.
8. Domain-Key Normal Form – a model free from all modification anomalies.
The above rules are more than applausible and because of these rule I found myself forced to asking you help in providing a EJBQL example which meets these criterias.
Let’s put it like this, assuming that they are right how would you provide a EJBQL abstract scheme where PUBLISHERS, BOOKS and AUTHOR are related by additionals tables as follow:
Below an additional table ALS_PUBLISHERS_BOOK relates PUBLISHERS AND BOOKS as database normalization would required, with this approach in mind would you help me by providing an EJBQL example????
This is a very interesting debate Lucas as there is no an EJBQL example or any ORM example such as hibernate, JDO and so on which raise this concern.
Best regards
Hi Douglas,
Thanks for your comment. I understand your objection/remark as most of the times the examples provided only reflect the simplest, ideal situation. I do not agree by the way that the foreign from Books to Publishers would not be implemented in this way in a real database design: a book typically is published by a single Publisher, so I see not need for a (more complex) intersection table like you describe.
Having said that, intersection tables to support many to many relations do occur frequently. And they are dealt with rather easily in JPA, as I have explained some time ago in the article Could you take a look at that article and let me know whether that addresses the questions/concerns you have?
best regards
I want to thank you for this example but at the same time I would like to make a remark regarding this example.
Well, most of the EJB 3.0 and JPA examples provided by reliable organization such as you, sun microsystem and many others, often forget that it is not the java software design that should preveal or govern over the database design and I say this because most of the time examples provided do not really reflect the real life database design, leaving the developers with many doubts about how does the JPA really work arround database tables in terms of JOIN.
For example:
In real life a database designer and administrator will never provide the PUBLISHERS PK AS A FOREIGN KEY INTO THE ALS_BOOKS TABLE, instead they would provide a third table to relate both of them.
For instance, they would provide a new table to support database normalisation as follow:
The above foreign keys will relate ALS_BOOKS AND ALS_PUBLISHER. Something similar would happen to Books and Authors.
With this mind, How would you provide an EJB 3.0 QL example when the relationship between the tables will not be into any of the main entities such as BOOKS, PUBLISHER AND AUTHOR but in a different relating table.
Sorry for my poor English.
Looking forward to your response.
Note: The NativeQuery can use named parameters – prefixed by # instead of : (for EJB QL named params)