Set Oracle ESB montoring with Enterprise Manager GridControl

Monitoring your Oracle SOA Suite environment, especially in version 10.1.3.x can be very complicated, but if you are using GridControl, Oracle provides you the SOA Management Pack.

Unfortunately this SOA Management Pack has pretty detailed OOTB info about BPEL, but for ESB you won’t find any OOTB metrics.

Of  course, you can monitor your WebServices performance with the Oracle Application Server Management Pack, setting metrics and thresholds on your SOAP endpoint Services of your ESB’s but another trick inhere is to create an data hub, to push notifications and metrics through the internal JMS of the Oracle Application Server of the SOA Suite.

Creating a Data Exchange Hub

Any JMS server can act as a hub. The following are tested and certified:

Do the following to create a data exchange hub:

  1. In the Data Exchange: Data Exchange Hub page , click Create. The Create Data Exchange Hub page appearsSet Oracle ESB montoring with Enterprise Manager GridControl oem1
  1. Specify a unique name for the Data Exchange hub.
  2. Provide the JNDI Service Provider URL for the Data Exchange hub. The portnumber should be the opmn remote port number.
  3. Provide the user credentials to access this hub.Set Oracle ESB montoring with Enterprise Manager GridControl oem2
  1. Configure the JMS server with the required JMS topic names. This should be done on the Application Server. ( see later in this lab)
  2. Click OK to save the configuration and return to the Data Exchange: Data Exchange Hub page

A. Creating an Outbound Data Exchange Session

To create an outbound data exchange session, specify the input provided in the following procedure for the respective pages of the setup wizard.

  1. From the Data Exchange page, click the Outbound Data Exchange Session link.
  2. Click Create. The Session Setup step of the wizard appears.
    1. Ensure that you have access to at least one Data Exchange hub that is configured with the topics to receive data from Enterprise Manager.
    2. Specify a unique name for this outbound data exchange session in the Name field.
    3. Select a Data Exchange hub from the list of hubs already created and listed alphabetically. By default, the first hub in the list is selected.
    4. For ESB, the user field can be left blank
    5. Select either a Normalized or Denormalized message format. Click Next. The Select Targets and Metrics/Alerts/Availability step of the wizard appears.
  3. Click Add. The Add Target page of this wizard step appears.
  4. Click the flashlight icon to invoke the Search and Select Targets pop-up, choose a target that is to be part of the Data Exchange transactions being set up, then click Select. A list of all metrics and objects for the target now appear on the Add Target page.
  5. Specify which metrics and alerts you want to send during the outbound session for the target.
  • You need to select Send Metric Values for the Availability metric for target availability information.
  • You cannot select the Send Alerts for the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) metric. This metric is only applicable and available for service targets. For example, host targets do not have this metric.
  • Some metrics may require you to specify an object. For example, you can qualify the Filesystem Space Available (%) metric by the name of a particular mount point.
  1. Click OK to save your selections and return to the Select Targets and Metrics/Alerts/Availability step.

You can now view or edit your selections. You can also use your selections as a template for another target by clicking Add-like.

  1. Click Next if you are satisfied with your metric values and alerts selections. The Schedule step of the wizard appears. Select one of the following scheduling choices:
  • Schedule Later — You can defer scheduling and subsequently schedule the session from the Outbound Data Exchange Session sub-page after you click Finish in the Review step of the wizard.
  • Schedule Now — Choose one of the following sub-types:
    • One Time (Immediately): If you select this option, the session runs once just when you finish creating it.
    • One Time (Later): If you select this option, you need to specify a time zone and a start date and time for the session.
    • Repeating: For this default option, you need to specify the time zone and the start time. Additionally, you can specify the frequency type and interval at which you want the session to run, and whether it should be repeated indefinitely or until a specified time and date.
  1. Click Next or Review to go to the Review step of the wizard.

If you need to make changes, click Back until you reach the step you need to change. Otherwise, go to the next step.

  1. Click Finish. The Outbound Data Exchange Session sub-page reappears and shows your newly created session and its status in the table.

Before the job finishes executing, you can either view the schedule by clicking the View Schedule link in the Actions column and then stop the execution if desired, or you can stop the execution immediately by clicking Stop.

Outbound JMS Topics

Predefined topic names are used to send data from Enterprise Manager to external systems through the hub. You should configure the data exchange hub with the JMS destination information specified as in the end of this document

You can use any JMS provider with the Data Exchange Connector as described in the following example.

If the Enterprise Manager Agent is deployed on the server that hosts OC4J, do the following:

  1. From Enterprise Manager Grid Control version or greater, select the Targets tab.
  2. Select the Application Servers tab and locate the desired Application Server. Expand the application server to reveal the OC4J target type, then click the OC4J target name.
  3. On the OC4J Home page that appears, click Administer in the Related Links section. This starts the Enterprise Manager Application Server application.
  4. Log in to the application as administrator, such as “oc4jadmin.”
  5. In the application, click on the desired OC4J, such as “home.”
  6. Click the Administration tab.
  7. In the Enterprise Messaging Service section, go to the JMS Destination task.
  8. Click Create New to create new JMS destinations (total of six) based on Tables elow.
  9. Click Help in the Add JMS Destinations page for information on the page fields.

JMS Destination for Targets

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSTargetsTopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionTarget metadata information, such as target name and type are sent on this topic.

JMS Destination for Metrics

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSMetricsTopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionMetric metadata information, such as metric name, column, and target type are sent on this topic.

JMS Destination for Metric Data

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSMetricsDataTopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionThis topic is used to send the actual metric values.

JMS Destination for Target Status

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSTargetStatusTopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionTarget status information is sent on this topic

Table JMS Destination for Security Filter

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSSecurityFilterTopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionSecurity filter information is sent on this topic.

Destination for Alert Data

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSAlertsDataTopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionAlerts are sent on this topic.

Destination for SLA Data

Details Description
TopicConnectionFactory Namejms/EMSYSTopicConnectionFactory
Topic Namejms/EMSYSATargetSLATopic
JMS Message TypeText message
DescriptionThe target SLA is sent on this topic. SLA metrics are only shown for Service targets.