Humantask Assignment: parallel participants proces

Humantask Assignment: parallel participants

This blog post is part of a blog post serie about humantask assignment. You can find the starting point of this series by following the next link.

This post gives an example of the parallel participant assignment. Multiple participants can work in parallel on the same task.


The following picture shows the assignment tab of the humantask.


As you can see, there are three parallel participants. Each of them is assigned to the current lane participant. Even though this is not a very realistic design (because this results into three tasks at the same time for each representative in the BPM workspace), it really good shows the behavior of parallel assignment.
Lets asume that when two out of the three assignments are handled the process can continue. Handling the third one is not necessary. This functionality can be configured via the routing graph. For this double click the pencil.

Set the voting percentage to any value between 34 and 66 and select ‘Immediately trigger voted outcome when minimum percentage is met’. That’s it.

After deployment of the process and assigning the role to an existing user in the BPM workspace ..

role_group definition

(taskGroup1 contains the users taskUser1, taskUser2 and taskUser3)
.. we can start a new instance via the EM.


Opening the BPM workspace and login in as one of the assigned users will show the open humantask three times (ones for each parallel assignment).


After approving the task twice, the task has the following trace.


The trace shows that the task is twice approved by taskuser1 and ones (automatically) by the workflowsystem.

This brings me to the end of this very simple example. The example shows the behavior of the humantask in the workspace when applying parallel assignment. From here you can download the sample project.

One Response

  1. troibk September 8, 2016