Oracle WebLogic: Configuring DyeInjection Monitor

Now Configuring Delegating Monitors to Use Dye Filtering:

Configure a dye mask and enable dye filtering for the HttpSessionDebug diagnostic monitor. In the Administration Console:

1. Select the application from the Deployments section, in our case the the FMW  Welcome page application

2. Select Configuration–> Instrumentation, and click on the HttpSessionDebug monitor at the bottom of the page

3. Enable Dye filtering and select some Dye masks

Oracle WebLogic: Configuring DyeInjection Monitor dye4

4. Redeploy the application

In the EventArchivesData events should appear like:

Oracle WebLogic: Configuring DyeInjection Monitor event archive


  1. Radu Dobrinescu February 2, 2012
  2. Lucas Jellema January 7, 2011
  3. Michel Schildmeijer January 7, 2011
  4. Lucas Jellema January 7, 2011