Using Flashback Query in Oracle SQL to spot changes and compare records


Using Flashback Query is really simple. Leveraging Flashback Query in applications has become a more viable option with the advent of the Table Archive in Oracle 11g R1 – as with that feature a database administrator can instruct the database to collect and retain historic data for a specific table (rather than all redo log files for all tables heaped together).

This article shows some simple scripts with Flashback Query that demonstrate how easy we can spot changes in records.

Change some records in table EMP:

update emp
set    sal = sal * 1.1
where  job = 'CLERK'


Retrieve the current contents in EMP

select empno
,      ename
,      job
,      deptno
,      sal
from   emp

Using Flashback Query in Oracle SQL to spot changes and compare records aaemp1

and select the contents of EMP as it was until 5 minutes ago:

select empno
,      ename
,      job
,      deptno
,      sal
from   emp as of timestamp systimestamp - 5/24/60

Retrieve the changed records by selecting the difference (MINUS) between the current record set and the historic set:

select empno
,      ename
,      job
,      deptno
,      sal
from   emp
select empno
,      ename
,      job
,      deptno
,      sal
from   emp as of timestamp systimestamp - 5/24/60

Using Flashback Query in Oracle SQL to spot changes and compare records aemp2

List the changed records side by side with the original records

with historic_emps as
( select empno
  ,      ename
  ,      job
  ,      deptno
  ,      sal
  from   emp as of timestamp systimestamp - 1/24
,    modified_emps as
( select empno
  ,      ename
  ,      job
  ,      deptno
  ,      sal
  from   emp
  select empno
  ,      ename
  ,      job
  ,      deptno
  ,      sal
  from   historic_emps
select *
from   modified_emps m
union all
select *
from   historic_emps h
by     1

Using Flashback Query in Oracle SQL to spot changes and compare records aaemp3

Analyze the exact value changes in the JOB and SAL columns

update emp
set    job = 'CAESAR'
,      sal = sal + 500
where  ename = 'KING'
and    job = 'PRESIDENT'


rem what are the exact changes in job and salary?

with historic_emps as
( select empno
  ,      ename
  ,      job
  ,      deptno
  ,      sal
  from   emp as of timestamp systimestamp - 1/24
,    modified_emps as
( select empno
  ,      ename
  ,      job
  ,      deptno
  ,      sal
  from   emp
  select empno
  ,      ename
  ,      job
  ,      deptno
  ,      sal
  from   historic_emps
select m.empno
,      m.ename
,      m.deptno
,      m.job current_job
,      case h.job
       when m.job then null
       else h.job end previous_job
,      m.sal new_sal
,      h.sal old_sal
,      (m.sal - h.sal) salary_change
from   modified_emps m
       historic_emps h
       on (m.empno = h.empno)
by     1

Using Flashback Query in Oracle SQL to spot changes and compare records aaemp5

Undo all changes made within the last hour:

update emp
set    (sal, job, deptno) =
             (select sal, job, deptno
              from   emp as of timestamp systimestamp - 1/24 history
              where  history.empno = emp.empno


One Response

  1. Patrick February 24, 2009