Today I ordered, paid, packaged and shipped myself from the bookstore at the NL-JUG Java Conference the following interesting box of 13 books (and got one free as well as an AJAX T-Shirt, presumably not the football club’s):
Core Java(TM) 2, Volume I–Fundamentals (7th Edition) (Core Java 2) (Paperback)
Cay Horstmann, Gary Cornell; Prentice Hall PTR; 7th edition; (August 17, 2004) ISBN: 0131482025
Core Java(TM) 2, Volume II–Advanced Features (7th Edition) (Paperback)
Cay Horstmann, Gary Cornell;1024 pages; Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 7 edition (November 22, 2004) ISBN: 0131118269
Ivar Jacobson, Pan-Wei Ng Paperback: 464 pages; Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (December 30, 2004); ISBN: 0321268881
Managing Agile Projects (Paperback)
Sanjiv Augustine; Paperback: 264 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (May 12, 2005) ISBN: 0131240714
Eclipse AspectJ : Aspect-Oriented
Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools
(Eclipse (Addison-Wesley)) (Paperback) by
Adrian Colyer, Andy Clement, George Harley, Matthew Webster;Paperback: 504 pages ; Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (December 14, 2004); ISBN: 0321245873
SCJD Exam with J2SE 5, Second Edition (Expert’s Voice in Java) (Paperback)
Terry Camerlengo, Andrew Monkhouse; Paperback: 360 pages Publisher: Apress; 2nd edition (December 13, 2005); ISBN: 1590595165
Effective Enterprise Java (Paperback)
Ted Neward; Paperback: 496 pages;Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (August 26, 2004)ISBN: 0321130006
Understanding SOA with Web Services (Independent Technology Guides) (Paperback)
Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow; Paperback: 480 pages; Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (December 14, 2004);ISBN: 0321180860
Building Web Services with Java : Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI (2nd Edition) (Developer’s Library) (Paperback)
Steve Graham, Doug Davis, Simeon Simeonov, Glen Daniels, Peter Brittenham, Yuichi Nakamura, Paul Fremantle, Dieter Koenig, Claudia Zentner
Paperback: 816 pages; Publisher: Sams; 2 edition (June 28, 2004); ISBN: 0672326418
RFID Essentials (Theory in Practice (O’Reilly)) (Paperback)
Bill Glover, Himanshu Bhat Paperback: 260 pages;Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (January 1, 2006) ISBN: 0596009445
Hibernate : A J2EE(TM) Developer’s Guide (Paperback)
Will Iverson; Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (November 22, 2004) ISBN: 0321268199
Stephane Faroult, Peter Robson Paperback: 349 pages Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (March 1, 2006) ISBN: 0596008945
MySQL Stored Procedure Programming (Paperback)
Guy Harrison, Steven Feuerstein Paperback: 609 pages Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (March 28, 2006) ISBN: 0596100892
The JBoss GroupPaperback: 648 pages Publisher: Sams (April 20, 2005) ISBN: 0672326485