ADF Faces for MyFaces is now called Trinidad html

ADF Faces for MyFaces is now called Trinidad

Earlier this year Oracle donated their JSF UI components from
ADF Faces to the Apache Software Foundation. Since ADF is more than a set
of UI components it was decided to rename the donation to “Trinidad”.
The name Trinidad was chosen because it matches with the other JSF subproject
called Tobago and probably because al the MyFaces subprojects start with a T (Tomahawk, Trinidad
and Tobago

The Trinidad components can
be downloaded from the Apache Subversion repository

There isn’t much other information about Trinidad on the MyFaces site, but
I think that will appear soon.

On the Apache Jira you can read that Apache Facelift, Apache
Prophet and Apache Axe/Hatchet didn’t made it. 


One Response

  1. Jan June 13, 2006