ADF 11g: Ode to the Task Flow

Last night we organized the “Ode to the Task Flow” session at AMIS. After a short presentation introducing the Bounded Task Flow it was time for the hands-on lab: “Build your first taskflow”.

ADF 11g: Ode to the Task Flow

In this lab many of the attendees created their first taskflow, learning the basics of ADF taskflows. This first taskflow receives a job title, and optionally your favorite color via input parameters. Based on that information a welcome message is created. The taskflow is smart enough to invoke the proper logic by using a router to show the correct page fragment based on an input parameter. From this activity, you can change your name in another view activity. This taskflow includes routers, method calls, input parameters, default activities and wild card control flows.

After diner (great Chinese food) there was no time for my usual after diner dip. I had to present a demo on packaging an ADF Task Flow as an ADF Library, and invoking it into a new application. After this demo, the second hands-on lab started. This part of the “Ode to the Taskflow” hands-on lab, was about the mechanism used to achieve reuse across applications: the ADF Library – the bundle in which reusable taskflows are published with all their dependent objects. The ADF Library can subsequently be passed around and imported into other ADF applications. Goal of this lab: create an ADF Library for your first taskflow, and use it a new application.

After this hands-on lab the session was over. It was fun presenting this session. Attendees learned how to use taskflows and also about the mechanism behind reuse. I have uploaded some of the materials for the hands-on lab here.

I can’t wait to prepare a next ADF 11g session. Any topic suggestions ?


  1. Mozaharul Haque October 7, 2013
  2. Mozaharul Haque October 1, 2013
  3. This is really good Hands on September 14, 2011
  4. shivaji September 7, 2011