ODTUG KScope Preview 2011 startup 594127 1280

ODTUG KScope Preview 2011

Ook dit jaar, namelijk op dinsdag 14 Juni, organiseert AMIS de ODTUG Preview. Het jaarlijkse congres van de ODTUG, de Oracle Development Tools Users Group, vind dit jaar plaats in Longbeach, California van 26 tot en met 30 juni. Het is niet voor iedereen weggelegd om daar naar toe te gaan. AMIS biedt, alweer voor het vijfde achtereenvolgende jaar, aan geïnteresseerden de kans om een selectie van de presentaties die daar te zien zijn bij te wonen. Een aantal Europese sprekers zal tijdens de AMIS ODTUG preview presentatie laten zien die ook in de Verenigde Staten worden gehouden.
Tijdens de AMIS ODTUG Preview zullen er drie keer drie parallelle sessies worden gehouden met verschillende onderwerpen zoals APEX, database development, ADF, JHeadstart en SOA.


Tijd Track 1 Track 2 Track 3
16:30Welkom en Registratie
17:00XFILES, the APEX 4 Version: The Truth is in There…Marco Gralike & Roel HartmanADF Developers – Make the Database Work for YouLucas JellemaPipelined Table FunctionsPatrick Barel
19:00APEX Face/Off – Designing a GUI with APEX Templates and ThemesChristian RokittaBPMN: The New Silver Bullet?Lonneke DikmansBuilding Highly Reusable ADF TaskflowsSteven Davelaar
20:15Who’s Afraid of Analytic Functions?Alex NuijtenOverview of Eventing in Oracle SOA Suite 11gRonald van Luttikhuizen…and Thus Your Forms ‘Automagically’ DisappearedLuc Bors

Dit evenement is met name bedoeld voor ontwikkelaars.
Uiteraard zijn er aan dit event geen kosten verbonden, maar het aantal plaatsen voor dit evenement is beperkt, wacht niet te lang. Vol is vol.
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Details over de presentaties

Hieronder volgen de abstracts van [enkele van] de presentaties:

Building Highly Reusable ADF Taskflows – Steven Davelaar

If well-designed, ADF Task Flows are self-contained reusable UI services, with a clearly defined contract. In this presentation. Steven will explain step-by-step how you can create highly reusable and configurable ADF Task flows.He will explain and demonstrate how to build one taskflow that is used for data entry, for lookup in a popup window, for deeplinking from other taskflows or external sources like e-mail, as a master taskflow as well as a detail taskflow. After this session you will understand how you can dramatically increase the level of reuse in your application, and you will have learned a number of advanced ADF techniques.

Pipelined Table Functions – Patrick Barel

“If you can do it in SQL, use SQL.” But sometimes even the very powerful version of SQL that Oracle provides is not enough and you need more, like loops, conditions, etc. If you can make the output of a function like it’s a table, then you can use it in SQL and have access to all the power PL/SQL provides. After this session, you will know how to create functions that can be used as tables in SQL.

Who’s Afraid of Analytic Functions? – Alex Nuijten

Recognizing when Analytic Functions can be useful in your daily work is a lot harder than learning the syntax. In this presentation, real life examples are discussed to unleash the power of Analytic Functions.

APEX Face/Off – Designing a GUI with APEX Templates and Themes – Christian Rokitta

This presentation is a practical guide to the concept of APEX themes and templates. It outlines skills, tooling, and steps necessary to create a professional looking, custom APEX GUI.

XFILES, the APEX 4 Version: The Truth is in There… – Roel Hartman & Marco Gralike

Version control is not built into APEX. This session will show how to use power of the underlying XML Database to build a version control system for APEX … built in APEX itself!

BPMN: The New Silver Bullet?  – Lonneke Dikmans

Given Oracle BPM Suite is now integrated into SOA Suite via SCA, does this mean BPMN is the new silver bullet in modeling and executing processes? Should developers really be switching from BPEL to BPMN? This session will take delegates through BMPN 2.0 in detail, showing how to model and execute BPMN in Oracle BPM Suite. It will also explain if and when processes should be modeled in Oracle BPA Suite. In addition, the session will discuss guidelines on when to use BPMN vs. BPEL. Finally, some pointers are given regarding the granularity of the business process: some of process logic can be defined in ADF task flows, others are better left in the process flow. The session illustrates the different concepts with demos from the Oracle BPA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite.

Overview of Eventing in Oracle SOA Suite 11g – Ronald van Luttikhuizen

Services and events are highly complementary instead of competing paradigms in the ICT landscape. Oracle SOA Suite 11g emphasizes the importance of events by introducing the Event Delivery Network (or EDN) into the SCA infrastructure. This session provides an introduction of eventing in SOA Suite 11g. It will start by explaining the basics of events [also with respect to services], introduce several messaging patterns such as fire-and-forget and publish/subscribe, and explain some real life examples of using events in an SOA landscape. It will then dive into the underlying eventing infrastructure of Oracle WebLogic Server 11g and Oracle SOA Suite 11g that is based on JMS and AQ, and demo their use both inside and outside SCA composites using resource adapters, PL/SQL, and Java. The session will finish with the introduction of Oracle SOA Suite 11g’s EDN and the use of (composite) sensors in SCA composites.

ADF Developers – Make the Database Work for You – Lucas Jellema

Most ADF applications interact with an (Oracle) RDBMS. It has been proven many times over that it really pays off to strike a good balance between ADF and Database – exploring which tool is best suited for which job and how the two can optimally leverage each other. This session discusses the various points of interaction between database and ADF and when to use which – for example Cursors, Types and Collections, XML as well as interaction via HTTP. The session will focus on ADF BC but will mention JPA and plain JDBC as well. It also highlights some special database features – hierarchical query, flashback, result cache, View with Instead Of Trigger, Analytical Functions – that ADF applications can leverage or should employ – security, database tracing, cache refresh through DB Query ResultSet Change Notification, constraints, and exception handling. Attendees learn what the database can do for their ADF application. They will be able to make better design decisions about how to implement functionality, which tier(s) to use, and how they can best work together.

…and Thus Your Forms ‘Automagically’ Disappeared – Luc Bors

This session is A Forms Modernization Story Featuring JHeadstart Forms2ADF. It talks about considerations to make when you are about to decide whether or not to leave Forms and go for ADF. You will see the process of conversion step by step starting with the business case and ending at the new ADF application. You will hear about issues you run into when using Forms2ADF for automated conversion and you will get hints on how to use Forms2ADF.