Functional Partitioning Oracle Headquarters Redwood Shores1 e1698667100526

Functional Partitioning

We all know partitioning for performance issues or for storing historical data. But partitioning can also be used for functional purposes such as creating a savepoint in batchrun. Such a savepoint can be used to undo a specific part of a batch without the use of home made software.
Lets say that we have a payroll system for multiple companies:

Company_id     number(9)
Name           varchar2(100)
Addres         varchar2(100)
Place          varchar2(100)
Last_date      date
Total_salary   number(13)

Employee_id    number(9)
Emp_comp_id    number(9)
Name           varchar2(100)
Address        varchar2(100)
Place          varchar2(100)
Salary         varchar2(100)
Last_date      date

The table ‘Company’ contains several companies and each company has several entries in the table ‘Employee’. Now we have to pay and calculate the salaries for all the employees from all the companies. No problem, we just run a script that calculates the sum of all the salaries per company, we update the last_date field in both tables as well as the total_salary field in the company-table and we are ready.
But what if there were mutations for one or more companies and we have to rollback the run for those companies. We don’t want to rollback all the companies so normally we build our own software to make a rollback possible. Disadvantage of that solution is the fact that you have to maintain that software and that a change in the database most certainly will result in a change in the software. Which means extra testing and so on….
With partitioning it is possible to use RMAN or the Oracle Datapump (or imp/exp in a pre-10g situation) for this purpose. First we list-partition the tables ‘Company’ on ‘Company_id’ and ‘Employee’ on ‘Emp_comp_id’. We put the partitions with corresponding company_ids in the same tablespace


Company_id    number(9)
Name          varchar2(100)
Address       varchar2(100)
Place         varchar2(100)
Last_date     date
Total_salary  number(13)
Partition by list (Company_id)
  (partition p1 values ('1') tablespace t1
   partition p2 values ('2') tablespace t2
   partition pn values ('n') tablespace tn
   partition others values (default) tablespace users


Employee_id   number(9)
Emp_comp_id   number(9)
Name          varchar2(100)
Address       varchar2(100)
Place         varchar2(100)
Salary        varchar2(100)
Last_date     date
Partition by list (Emp_comp_id)
  (partition p1 values ('1') tablespace t1
   partition p2 values ('2') tablespace t2
  partition pn values ('n') tablespace tn
  partition others values (default) tablespace users

Before we start the batchrun we make a backup of all the tablespaces. If, for some reason we have to make a rerun we can simply restore the required tablespace.
If we have to add or remove tables or alter columns we only have to make sure that we watch the partitioning schema. Each new table with a direct (1:n) relation to ‘Company’ has to be partitioned the same way as ‘Employee’. And for each new company we have to add a new partition as well as a new tablespace.

Create tablespace tx ...;



In real-life the datamodel will be much more complex of course. So it can happen that we don’t want to rollback all the data of a company but keep some stuff for auditing purposes. In that case a tablespace restore is too much since it will overwrite all the partitions. Now that’s where we can use the Datapump. With the Datapump we can export an entire partition but import only a few tables from that export so we can keep the audit data from the last run but reset the rest of the data. If we keep the names of the tables is in our database and mark them as ‘Always import’ or ‘Audit data’ we can simply generate parfiles for both kinds of imports thus making maintenance a bit easier.


  1. Marco Gralike October 22, 2005
  2. Marco Gralike October 22, 2005