Recently, while migrating AIX 11gR2 Databases to Oracle Linux 12cR1 on an ODA X5-2, our setup of Sequence Replication by Oracle Golden Gate appeared to be faulty. The target side sequences were not automatically incremented.
The problem came to light during the migration of acceptance databases, and under some time pressure it was devised to generate drop + create statements ( start with = DBA_SEQUENCES.LAST_NUMBER + DBA_SEQUENCES.INCREMENT_BY ) of all sequences in the Source, and to run these statements on the Target. Although this eventually resulted in the desired result, there were 2 side effects:
With a total of 1270 sequences, the operation as a whole took more than an hour.
Packages and triggers referencing these sequences became invalid.
Further research revealed that the Golden Gate Sequence Replication of Production suffered the same problem and I wondered if I could find a better solution with now a bit more time at hand. Well, I discovered that to set any desired sequence “currval” value, a one-time temporary adjustment of the increment and subsequent call to the sequence “nextval” pseudo column is sufficient. What follows is the output of a quick test, but check out what happens with “USER_SEQUENCES.LAST_NUMBER”, and what it really means in combination with the cache.
Create a test sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | CREATE SEQUENCE TEST_SEQ_01 START WITH 10 INCREMENT BY 1000 MINVALUE 10 CACHE 20 NOCYCLE NOORDER; -- the sequence returns no current value yet SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.CURRVAL from dual; ORA-08002: sequence TEST_SEQ_01.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session. -- check out last_number... it equals nextval because the cache doesn't exist yet SELECT MIN_VALUE, INCREMENT_BY, CACHE_SIZE, LAST_NUMBER FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ_01'; MIN_VALUE INCREMENT_BY CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER 10 1000 20 10 -- generate the first number and create the cache SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.NEXTVAL from dual; NEXTVAL 10 -- last_number is updated as the highest possible number of the cache SELECT MIN_VALUE, INCREMENT_BY, CACHE_SIZE, LAST_NUMBER FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ_01'; MIN_VALUE INCREMENT_BY CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER 10 1000 20 20010 -- and now a current value is returned SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.CURRVAL from dual; CURRVAL 10 |
Set the current sequence value = 20000 without recreating the sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | -- adjust the increment ALTER SEQUENCE TEST_SEQ_01 INCREMENT BY 19990; -- last_number equals the sequence next value -- the last "alter sequence" command must have flushed the cache SELECT MIN_VALUE, INCREMENT_BY, CACHE_SIZE, LAST_NUMBER FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ_01'; MIN_VALUE INCREMENT_BY CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER 10 19990 20 20000 -- generate the next value and create a new cache SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.NEXTVAL from dual NEXTVAL 20000 -- last_number is updated as the highest possible number of the cache SELECT MIN_VALUE, INCREMENT_BY, CACHE_SIZE, LAST_NUMBER FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ_01'; MIN_VALUE INCREMENT_BY CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER 10 19990 20 419800 -- the sequence has the desired current value SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.CURRVAL from dual CURRVAL 20000 |
Reset the increment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | -- set the increment_by value back to original ALTER SEQUENCE TEST_SEQ_01 INCREMENT BY 1000; -- again, the cache is flushed and last_number equals the next value SELECT MIN_VALUE, INCREMENT_BY, CACHE_SIZE, LAST_NUMBER FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ_01'; MIN_VALUE INCREMENT_BY CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER 10 1000 20 21000 -- generate the next value and create a new cache SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.NEXTVAL from dual NEXTVAL 21000 -- last_number is updated as the highest possible number of the cache SELECT MIN_VALUE, INCREMENT_BY, CACHE_SIZE, LAST_NUMBER FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ_01'; MIN_VALUE INCREMENT_BY CACHE_SIZE LAST_NUMBER 10 1000 20 41000 -- the increment is back to 1000 SELECT TEST_SEQ_01.NEXTVAL from dual NEXTVAL 22000 |
This test shows that “USER_SEQUENCES.LAST_NUMBER”:
I decided to use “DBA_SEQUENCES.LAST_NUMBER” instead of the “currval” pseudo column to compare sequences in Source and Target. The reason is that “currval” is only ( and by definition ) the value returned by my sessions last call to “nextval”. If my session has not called “nextval” yet, “currval” is undefined. So I would have to “nextval” 1270 sequences in Source and also in Target before I could even start with the comparison, while last_numbers are already there to compare with. Also, this activity is unwanted during the short inactive Source and inactive Target migration stage and would take too much time. Last but not least, an exact match of sequence “currval” values is not really necessary… a guarantee of higher sequence “currval” values in Target compared to those in Source is quite enough.
The next short piece of code is what I eventually came up with and used in the Production migration. It took less than 3 minutes processing time, did not render any Oracle object invalid, and contributed highly to a very limited migration inactivity time.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | -- Code assumes: -- 1. "nocycle" sequences with positive "increment_by" values -- 2. identical number of sequences and sequence DDL in Source and Target Database -- Grant 'alter any sequence' and 'select any sequence' to the owner -- Replace the database link and schema names with your own -- Run the code from Target declare v_ret PLS_INTEGER := 0; v_dummy VARCHAR2(100); v_ln number := 0; v_ib number := 0; v_cz number := 0; v_incr number := 0; begin for i in ( select sequence_owner so , sequence_name sn , last_number ln , increment_by ib , cache_size cz from dba_sequences@<DBLINK_FROM_SOURCE2TARGET> where sequence_owner in ('<SCHEMA01>','<SCHEMA02>','<SCHEMA03>','<SCHEMA04>') ) loop select last_number , increment_by , cache_size into v_ln , v_ib , v_cz from dba_sequences where sequence_owner = and sequence_name =; -- set the difference in last_numbers as increment if target.last_number < source.last_number if v_ln < i.ln then v_incr := i.ln - v_ln; -- set the cache as increment if last_numbers match elsif v_ln = i.ln then v_incr := v_ib * v_cz; end if; if v_ln <= i.ln then execute immediate 'alter sequence '||||'.'||||' increment by '||v_incr; execute immediate 'select '||||'.'||||'.nextval from dual' into v_dummy; execute immediate 'alter sequence '||||'.'||||' increment by '||v_ib; v_ret := v_ret +1; end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Nr. sequences adjusted: '||v_ret); end; / |
Great post for a situation many migrations may encounter.
Why was it not possible/appropriate to use OGG FLUSH SEQUENCE owner.sequence for the migration?
Very good, thank you very much for the contribution.