For many of my recent activities, I have not worked with or even on (knowingly at least) Kubernetes. So for many months I have not touched my OKE cluster on Oracle Cloud. However, in the last weeks, I have run into so many interesting things to dive into – that all seem to have Kubernetes as a common theme – that I feel it is high time for me to once again start dabbling in Kubernetes.
After all, Kubernetes is the modern application server – that is distributed, dynamically scalable, universal and suitable for almost any workload. Workloads are REST API implementations, web applications, background jobs, serverless functions, complex workflows and operational tasks. In addition, workloads can be message brokers, ML models, databases, caches and blockchain nodes. Who runs any server activity on bare metal or a Compute VM if they have to – containers on the K8S cluster are the way to go, are they not? They are if you want to standardize and automate the workflow and benefit from the scalability and availability and many other mechanisms K8S offers – as well as the multitude of tools around K8S.
The trend of custom resource definitions and operators that now turns the Kubernetes Control Plane to a universal control plane that is supposed to be used for deploying/provisioning and monitoring/reconciling any type of resource almost anywhere – including Oracle Autonomous Database on OCI – is mind boggling. And to me it still feels like a ‘we have hammer so let’s consider every challenge a nail’ way to thinking and doing. The convergence of so many tools for CI and especially CD, provisioning and monitoring in common way of working and a common technology is attractive though. And the least I have to make sure of is to get back on top of Kubernetes again, build up some Go skills, create my own operator and start seriously playing with tools such as KubeVela, Crossplane, ArgoCD and many more.
First I need my OKE Cluster – and fortunately there is wizard in OCI that is very simple to use and prepares my cluster instance (one node pool, three nodes) in less than minutes.
As a reminder –to my self on future occasions – here are the steps for the wizard to create the cluster and onwards for interacting with it.
Quick Cluster Creation
In the OCI Console, go to Developer Services | Kubernetes Clusters (OKE)
Click on the button Create Cluster:
A popup is shown with two options, I go for the easy one: Quick Create
Press Launch Workflow. A wizard is started. It needs to know just a few things: name for the cluster, the target compartment, the desired Control Plan version for Kubernetes, whether or not the cluster should have a public endpoint, whether or not the nodes should themselves be publicly accessible, the number of nodes, the compute shape to be used for the nodes and in this case – flexible shape – the desired number of OCPUs and the memory for each node. I have accepted all defaults. I can always change many things later on about the nodes for example.
Press Next. A review of the settings is shown.
Then press Create Cluster to have the OCI resources – network, compute instances, control plane and cluster – created.
This overview is shown of all actions that have been kicked off. I close the page.
The Cluster Details are shown next – with the cluster currently in the creating state.
After no more than five minutes, the cluster status is reported as Active
So I have my Kubernetes Cluster instance on OCI – in addition to my local Minikube and K3S instances. Note that I am burning cloud credits at this point. Not very many – but somewhere in a data center compute resources are assigned to me and doing work on my behalf. That means energy is used, CO2 is produced and cloud credits are spent. If I have no meaningful work for this cluster to perform – I should temporarily shut it down. I have not found an option to suspend or stop the cluster or the node pool. I can stop individual compute nodes though. So I may want to create a script to be run as a job (perhaps an OCI DevOps Build Pipeline) to bring suspend a cluster by stopping all nodes in all node pools as well as a script to restart the cluster by starting up those same nodes again. See for example the work done by Javier Mugueta.
Start Interacting with the OKE Cluster Instance
Interaction with a Kubernetes Cluster is typically done through the kubectl command line tool. We can use the kubectl installation included in Cloud Shell, or a local installation of kubectl. Before I can use kubectl to access a cluster, I have to specify the cluster on which to perform operations by setting up the cluster’s kubeconfig file. Note:: at the time of writing, to access a cluster using kubectl in Cloud Shell, the Kubernetes API endpoint must have a public IP address – which my cluster does, thanks to the wizard that created my cluster.
In OCI Cloud Shell – started inside the OCI Console – the kubectl tool comes preinstalled.
It needs to be configured to use my new OKE instance – using the kubeconfig file.
In the Cluster Details window, click the Access Cluster button to display the Access Your Cluster dialog box.
In the dialog box
Click Cloud Shell Access. Click on Copy to copy the shell statement under (2) to the clipboard. Then click Launch Cloud Shell to display the Cloud Shell window – if it is not yet open. Paste the shell statement into the Cloud Shell:
Now press enter to execute the statement.
The config file in $HOME/.kube is written (or updated if it already existed) with details for my new OKE cluster. Note that the OCI CLI understands the string PUBLIC_ENDPOINT and writes the proper Public IP Address for the cluster into the configuration file.
As long as I do not change the name or location of the config file from it default, I do not have to explicitly set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to refer to it, and I can now run kubectl to interact with my new cluster.
Meet the three nodes that make up my fresh OKE Cluster.
Access the OKE Cluster from my Local Machine using kubectl
In addition to cluster access in Cloud Shell, I want to have local interaction from my laptop. I run Windows 10, use WSL 2 and an Ubuntu 20.4 distro. It has kubectl running already (although perhaps I should do an upgrade).
In the Cluster Details window, click the Access Cluster button to display the Access Your Cluster dialog box and click on Local Access. I have locally already my OCI CLI set up including a configuration that provides authentication details for my OCI tenancy.
I can skip step 1 in the dialog box. Copy the first statement (for public IP endpoint) in step 2 and execute it locally:
Note: at first this failed for me; my OCI CLI version was 2.12 and the minimum required is 2.24.
At this point, kubectl should be set up and ready for action. The file $HOME/.kube/config is extended in my case with an extra context – in addition to the preexisting context for local docker-desktop. The current-context is set to this newly created one for the OKE cluster.
Here is my list of cluster nodes, fetched locally on my laptop using this new context:
The Kubernetes Dashboard
The Kubernetes Dashboard is a well known UI for monitoring and managing the Kubernetes Cluster. Many other tools are available to make life easier. However, the dashboard as a fallback option is a sort of anchor or beacon. So let’s get it running on my cluster.
The Dashboard itself is a Kubernetes application – collection of resources that needs to be created on the cluster. And for which a predefined collection of yaml files is available that can be applied with a single command:
kubectl apply -f
Here is the effect of running that command:
Checking on the pods that were created in the newly created namespace kubernetes-dashboard:
This looks good. So let;s try to access the dashboard in a browser.
Now I can access the dashboard in the browser, using:
When GUI appears in the browser, I am prompted for a kubeconfig file or a token.
Let’s create a token. Using a YAML file to create a service account (as described in the docs)
I can now generate a token to use for accessing the dashboard using this command:
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep oke-admin | awk ‘{print $1}’)
With this token, I can copy and paste the value in the UI and then press Sign In
The Dashboard is now presented – with once again my three nodes showing up:
Application Deployment – Hello World
Let’s finally deploy a simple application and expose a public end point.
Using the YAML file shown below I have applied resource definitions – deployment and service – resulting in a running an publicly accessible application.
Checking in the Dashboard, I quickly get an overview of the resources now running for this application:
Because I set the Service Type to LoadBalancer, after a little while a public IP address is assigned and the application I have deployed is accessible over public internet:
At this point I have confidence that my OKE cluster is running, can be accessed for operational activity as well as for application requests. Time to start doing more interesting things.
Install Dashboard on Cluster
kubectl apply -f
Verify the deployment
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get pods
Proxy Cluster
kubectl proxy
Access Dashboard in browser via http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/login
Create a file oke-admin-service-account.yaml to create a Service Account with the following contents:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: oke-admin
namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: oke-admin
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: oke-admin
namespace: kube-system
Apply the yaml file just created to have the ClusterRoleBinding and ServiceAccount resources created kubectl apply -f oke-admin-service-account.yaml
Using the now newly service account, retrieve the token kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep oke-admin | awk '{print $1}')
Create a yaml file with the definition of a deployment and a service (of type LoadBalancer)
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: docker-hello-world
app: docker-hello-world
app: docker-hello-world
replicas: 3
app: docker-hello-world
- name: docker-hello-world
image: scottsbaldwin/docker-hello-world:latest
- containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: docker-hello-world-svc
app: docker-hello-world
- port: 8088
targetPort: 80
type: LoadBalancer
Apply this file to create the application resources
kubectl create -f hello-world-app.yaml
OCI Docs- Create OKE Cluster through wizard –
OCI Docs – Accessing the OKE Cluster with kubectl –
OCI Docs – Access OKE Cluster using Dashboard –
Kubernetes Documentation on Dashboard –