The day before OOW17; infra expectations Larry autonomous database

The day before OOW17; infra expectations

Oracle Open World 2017 is starting tomorrow, and as a platinum partner of Oracle, we – AMIS Services – are obliged to keep us and our customers informed with the roadmap of Oracle products.

And of course translate this to added business-value for our customers.  In short: what to pick of all the coming announcements, new features, cloudiness and so on.  All the arrows are pointed towards the Oracle Cloud products of course, but first we’ll have to find the answer of the two questions:   ‘why should a customer go to the cloud’  and if yes ‘what role is Oracle Cloud playing in this’.

This week will be – as in the last years – full of announcements. It started early this year with the pre-announcement of Larry last week about the ‘autonomous database’, Bring Your Own Licence to the Cloud and Universal Credits.

As a reminder, hereby a wrap-up of the presentation of Larry Ellison:

– Lowest price for IaaS. That means the same price as Amazon, but faster, thus cheaper.

– Highest rate of automation in PaaS. That means the lowest TCO. Goal is to garantee a 50% lower TCO than Amazon

– The ‘autonomous database’ is available in December, based on Machine Learning. This should eliminate human Labor (DBA).

– Service Level Agreement of 99,995%, this is 30 minues of planned and unplanned downtime a year.

– Bring Your Own License for PaaS. 94% cheaper than the old price. This should lower the treshold to use the Oracle Cloud.

– It’s becoming possible to buy Universal Credits, no more linked to a Cloud product.

This wrap-up covers pretty much my agenda or, as you will, my focus of this Oracle Open World. Primarily focussed on TCO, (Cloud) platforms, databases, middleware , Engineered systems.

Oracle has taken some pretty smart moves, which will influence products like

– Engineered Systems. In general : is there still a business case in buying on-premises hardware

– The role and feature of the DBA. DBAKevlar wrote a nice blog about this.

– Life Cycle Management of the platform. How to cope with the management of a hybrid environment, including this new autonomous databases, and containers.

– Databases. There will be a lot of new features in Oracle18.

Tomorrow it will be the start of an exhausting week and I’m not even presenting nor ACE or Developement Champion! Just a mortal visitor, attending a lot of presentations, key-notes, meetings with product-management, network-events, cloudfest, dinners with Oracle representatives.

Respect for my colleagues Lucas Jellema and Robert van Molken. Together they  are involved  with (or are presenting) 9 presentations.

My intention is also to write quite regurarly about the things that went on my journey this week.



Larry Ellison’s announcement:

DBAkevlar’s blog :

Lucas Jellema en Robert van Möken presentations / involvements: