Oracle Open World / Java One Preview bij AMIS americas cup win 2682133k1

Oracle Open World / Java One Preview bij AMIS

Op maandag 19 september zal er bij AMIS een Oracle Open World Preview sessie worden gehouden. Een groot deel van de Nederlanders die het dit jaar gelukt is om aanwezig te zijn als spreker op Oracle Open World zullen hun presentaties geven in Nieuwegein. AMIS-ers Lucas Jellema, Alex Nuijten, Peter Ebell en Aino Andriessen zullen in drie parallel sessies presentaties verzorgen. Daarnaast zullen andere Nederlandse presentatoren – zie hieronder de lijst met sprekers – presentaties verzorgen.

Heb je dit jaar niet de kans om in San Fransisco aanwezig te zijn, meld je dan aan voor deze preview sessie Oracle Open World 2011!

Zaal 1Zaal 2Zaal 3
17:00 – 18:00Lucas JellemaAino AndriessenAlex Nuijten
18:00 – 19:00DinerDinerDiner
19:00 – 20:00Jacco LandlustKees Jan KosterPeter Ebell
20:00 – 21:00Lonneke DikmansKees Jan Koster/ Jeroen Borgers

Lucas Jellema – Instant Agility in Oracle Fusion Middleware Through Design Time @ Runtime

This session will discuss quality aspects of an ADF Fusion application. It will demonstrate how to address, manage and measure quality and will show what tools can be used to leverage the development process to create high quality ADF Fusion applications.

Jacco Landlust – Deployment Patterns for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g is a comprehensive software suite that can be installed in a wide range of different topologies. In this session, an Oracle ACE Director (Simon Haslam) and an Oracle ACE (Jacco H. Landlust) combine their real-world experience in a range of organizations (including supermarkets, government departments, and banks) to explain the decisions you have to make in designing a middleware infrastructure.The presentation covers Oracle WebLogic Server, supporting infrastructure such as Oracle Internet Directory, and layered products such as Oracle SOA Suite. Topics include domain planning, clustering options, handling virtualization, patching strategy, and promoting software from test to production.

Lonneke Dikmans – Approach to SOA: Making This a Successful Endeavor for the Whole Organization

This session starts by explaining key features of SOA. There are several reasons to start with SOA: it can be a strategic choice, it can be started from an IT perspective, or the endeavor can be started from a specific department or business issue. To make the SOA effort successful, it is important to decide where to start. Selecting the right tooling, training, and projects is an important success factor. This session discusses Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Unified Business Process Management Suite and explains how the suites fit into the roadmap to SOA. At the end of this session, you will know what SOA means, when it is best used, and how you can get there.

Aino Andriessen – Spend some quality time on you ADF Application

A key factor in succesfull (ADF Fusion) application development is good quality management. And although everybody agrees on that, many projects still struggle with the definition of quality let alone with the implementation, measurement and enforcement of a quality process. Hight quality improves the system’s stability and maintainability and allows for better and faster development and is thus beneficial both to the owner as wel as the developer.

Kees Jan Koster – Cache Fundamentals, Dangers, and Tuning

This presentation is a tour of the surprisingly large number of caches in a typical Java application and the systems it is part of. You’ll take home a practical approach to examining the characteristics of a cache and will be able to compare caching solutions.

Kees Jan Koster en Jeroen Borgers – Java Tuning Puzzlers

This session looks at some strange and bizarre exceptions, error messages, and performance measurements. It discusses each of them and tries to resolve them. You are invited to chip in, offer solutions, ask questions, and learn about some of the more obscure corners of Java.

Peter Ebell – Bridging the gap between SOA and the Database

All too often, they are perceived as two different worlds. There’s the realm of the Oracle SOA Suite, where everything revolves around technologies like XML, Web Services and BPEL. And there’s your databases, containing your company’s data and business logic in tables, views and PL/SQL logic. For SOA to be successful, these two worlds must be able to interact closely. This presentation will provide a thorough overview of the many ways in which the SOA Suite can connect to the database (for instance through the Database Adapter, SDO, EDN or Native DBWS), and vice versa: how services and processes in the SOA Suite can be invoked from within the database (using among others AQ, UTL_HTTP and DBMS_EPG). Illustrated by demos, the possibilities of each of these techniques will be made clear. Also, some common solutions and scenarios will be discusses using real life examples.

Alex Nuijten – Who’s afraid of Analytic Functions?

“I never had the need for Analytic Functions”, is one of the phrases that is heard quite often. Maybe that’s true, maybe it isn’t. Recognizing the need for a particular feature can only occur when you have enough exposure to the feature. In this presentation a number of real life examples will be covered which will show the power of Analytic Functions and the ease of solving the challenge at hand. You can learn the syntax from the Oracle Documentation, but you will learn to recognize “the need for them” by real life examples.

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