Here a small post that hopefully will help some people in the future that are stuck with the same issues. I am still missing some info, but I discovered the workaround for the following “symptoms”.
I have a VMware environment in which I can play with Oracle BAM and OEM Grid Control on Windows 2003. My current OEM Grid is Because is already out for a while I decided to upgrade my current release. I checked and verified all prerequisites needed before the upgrade. Because I once upgraded the OEM from to; and my initial install at that time was an “out of the box” install, no extra steps needed to be done before I could start with the upgrade to
Now it comes…
Whatever I tried, for instance using “LOCAL”, altering/checking the content of sqlnet.ora regarding Windows authentication (NTS setting) or using ORACLE_SID using a BEQUETH connection, or modifying the registry, etc. etc. etc…; Every time I got the “fill in the SYS password screen”, needed information for upgrading the Oracle Management Repository, I got the same error: ORA-01017, invalid username/password. logon denied
I could find a real answer on the internet via Google, that matched my issues. I know that remote connections via, for instance, remote desktop to a Windows server can cause some problems that would fit the symptoms I had, but then I should also have the same problems via SQL*Plus or other GUI’s (and that wasn’t the case). Some answers pointed to creating a password file and setting the parameter remote_login_passwordfile to exclusive. The problem here was that I already had this from the start.
In the end, I decided to “update” my password file, although it didn’t made sense to me, via a: ALTER USER SYS IDENTIFIED BY {SAME PASSWORD};
…and this worked…?! Now the “fill in the SYS password screen” accepted my SYS password and the rest off the upgrade went fine.
I am working with Oracle on Windows since 7.0 and I am very aware off all those typical Windows issues out there. The only thing I can imagine that could be the cause are the multiple ORACLE_HOME directories on the same box. Maybe I missed something…but as said…I am very aware about these kinds of issues and I don’t think in this case I missed one…
Anyway if in trouble as described in the story above. Have a try by resetting / updating the password file by issueing an “alter user identified by” statement.