Publications written in 2001 13422386 1019544571447648 7687716130941590224 o1

Publications written in 2001

NameFrom Task description to Product Release – Managing Software Development using Oracle SCMdateThu, 12 Apr 2001
This paper was developed for the ODTUG 2001 Conference. The author was working for Oracle Corporation at the time.

This paper describes how the Oracle Repository (later reduped to Oracle SCM – Software Configuration Manager) can be used to facilitate the management of software development efforts by implementing simple to complex software configuration management (SCM) procedures. Based on real experience, it discusses the implementation of some SCM process steps and tasks. I will use our experience with the development of the Oracle Designer Web Assistant (ODWA) as an example of how projects can be executed using the Oracle Repository.




NameThe R-Files – Suspense in the twilight zone of the Oracle Designer Repository (aka Oracle SCM)dateSat, 14 Apr 2001
This paper was prepared for the ODTUG 2001 Conference; the author was still working for Oracle Corporation at that moment.

The objective of this paper is to make it easier to manage your Repository. It will introduce some simple tricks, hidden or unknown features, and small extensions that will make the lives of expert users or managers of the Oracle Designer Repository considerably easier. The R-Files contain some very interesting cases that have not seen the light of day before, but now there is no way to stop them from coming out.

It’s the twilight zone for two reasons

Configuration Management and Repository Administration are only very rarely in the spotlight. Though critical activities, they largely take place behind the scenes, unnoticed by all until a problem emerges. Some of the tricks described in this paper are in that gray area between the standard, fully supported product and the absolutely-not-done-or-you-will-lose-support-from-us category. I will indicate whenever a case in these R-Files may fall into that area, where you may have to confer with your Support center as to whether the trick is allowed or not.

Note: all screenshots and code samples in this paper have been written and tested for Oracle Designer 6i Release 2. They may not apply in the exact same way to different releases.




NameInterior Designer 6i Part II – Time to RedecoratedateTue, 24 Apr 2001
This paper was developed for the ODTUG 2001 Conference; the author was still working for Oracle Corporation at that time.

The Oracle Repository infrastructure that comes with Designer 6i allows for comprehensive Software Configuration Management (SCM). Effective and successful use of these SCM capabilities starts with a proper design and set up of the environment structure, both inside and around the Repository.

Last year I wrote a paper titled Interior Designer 6i. It contained some guidelines, mainly theoretical, about setting up the Repository structure. With a year’s worth of experience, I feel I can do a better job and write about the interior design of the Repository based on what I have seen in real life. This paper captures that experience and improves on last year’s theory. The paper is targeted at people who have seen presentations, demonstrations and white papers on the Repository, and have possibly made a first start using it for real.

Some of the basic introductions in last year’s Interior Designer 6i – the prequel- such as for Structured Elements, Versions, Folders, Short-Cuts and Workareas are not repeated here. However, these introductions may still be useful if you are not exactly sure what each of these terms stands for.

