SOA Suite Build, Deployment and Test Automation - part 3: test automation 13346220 1019546254780813 3473390475847911149 o1

SOA Suite Build, Deployment and Test Automation – part 3: test automation

This is the last in a series of three posts. The goal of these posts
is to outline an automated build procedure for Oracle’s SOA Order
Booking demo application and deploy it to an Oracle Application Server
that runs the SOA Suite. The first episode in this series covered the environment setup and automated BPEL builds. The second part dealt with automation of ESB deployments.

The final part covers BPEL Process Test Automation. In a consolidated document that also holds parts 1 and 2, it is published at Oracle’s Technology Network as part of the Oracle SOA Suite Best Practices series. Here is the direct link: Hope you enjoy it.

One Response

  1. olivier April 13, 2007