Steven Feuerstein has written a PLSQL-utility str2list in which he uses dynamic sql to fill collections of different types.
While I was playing with the “new” Oracle types ANYTYPE, ANYDATA and ANYDATSET I found that the ANYDATA type can be used to do something simular.
So I have written a function which accepts a string and a delimiter, and returns the string split in several parts in an ANYDATA which can be deposited in a collection of different types.
create or replace function str2list ( str in varchar2 , delim in varchar2 := ';' ) return anydata is v_endloc pls_integer; v_startloc pls_integer; ad anydata; mt anytype; begin if str is null then return null; end if; anytype.BeginCreate( DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TABLE, mt ); mt.setinfo( null, null, null, null, null, null, DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_VARCHAR2, 0 ); mt.EndCreate; anydata.begincreate( mt, ad ); -- v_startloc := 1; loop v_endloc := instr( str, delim, v_startloc ); if v_endloc > 0 then ad.setvarchar2( substr( str, v_startloc, v_endloc - v_startloc ) ); v_startloc := v_endloc + 1; else ad.setvarchar2( substr( str, v_startloc ), true ); exit; end if; end loop; ad.endcreate; return ad; end;
And to show the use of this function:
create or replace type anton1 is table of varchar2(20);
create or replace type anton4 is varray(5) of varchar2(20);
declare type anton2 is table of varchar2(20) index by binary_integer; type anton3 is table of varchar2(20); a1 anton1; a2 anton2; a3 anton3; a4 anton4; r pls_integer; ind pls_integer; begin r := str2list('amis;is;great').getCollection( a1 ); ind := a1.first; while ind is not null loop dbms_output.put_line( 'nested table type: ' || ind || ' = ' || a1(ind) ); ind := ind ); end loop; -- r := str2list('amis;is;great').getCollection( a2 ); ind := a2.first; while ind is not null loop dbms_output.put_line( 'index by table: ' || ind || ' = ' || a2(ind) ); ind := ind ); end loop; -- r := str2list('amis;is;great').getCollection( a3 ); ind := a3.first; while ind is not null loop dbms_output.put_line( 'nested table: ' || ind || ' = ' || a3(ind) ); ind := ind ); end loop; -- r := str2list('amis;is;great').getCollection( a4 ); ind := a4.first; while ind is not null loop dbms_output.put_line( 'varray: ' || ind || ' = ' || a4(ind) ); ind := ind ); end loop; -- end;
nested table type: 1 = amis
nested table type: 2 = is
nested table type: 3 = great
index by table: 0 = amis
index by table: 1 = is
index by table: 2 = great
nested table: 1 = amis
nested table: 2 = is
nested table: 3 = great
varray: 1 = amis
varray: 2 = is
varray: 3 = great
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
This demonstrates that it is possible to cast the ANYDATA to all different collections type, so I wonder why it is not possible to do the inverse. Casting the PLSQL collection types (the index-by table and the PLSQL nested table) to an ANYDATA raises
ORA-22370: incorrect usage of method ORA-22370: incorrect usage of method ConvertCollection
ORA-06512: at “SYS.ANYDATA”, line 63
ORA-06512: at line 70