ODA X5-2 simplifies and speeds up the creation of a 12c database quite considerably with oakcli. You can take advantage of this command by also using it in the creation of physical standby databases as I discovered when I had to setup Dataguard on as many as 5 production and 5 acceptance databases within a very short time.
I used the “oakcli create database …” command to create both primary and standby databases really fast and went on from there to setup a Dataguard Bbroker configuration in max availability mode. Where you would normally duplicate a primary database on to a skeleton standby database that’s itself without any data or redo files and starts up with a pfile, working with 2 fully configured databases is a bit different. You do not have to change a db_unique_name after the RMAN duplicate, which proved to be quite an advantage, and the duplicate itself doesn’t have to address any spfile adaptations because it’s already there. But you may get stuck with some obsolete data and redo files of the original standby database that can fill up the filesystem. However, as long as you remove these files in time, just before the RMAN duplicate, this isn’t much of an issue.
What I did to create 12c primary database ABCPRD1 on one ODA and physical standby database ABCPRD2 on a second ODA follows from here. Nodes on oda1 are oda10 and oda11, nodes on oda2 are oda20 and oda21. The nodes I will use are oda10 and oda20.
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Currently, 2 identical configured databases are active with the same db_name, which is a first condition for the following configuration of Dataguard Broker. By just matching the db_name between databases and keeping the db_unique_name as it was, ASM database and diagnostic directory names remain as they are.
Also, the spfile entry in the cluster continues to point to the correct directory and file, as well as the init.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. Because the standby started with an existing and correctly configured spfile you no longer need to retrieve it from the primary. It simplifies and reduces the RMAN duplicate code to just a one line command, apart from login and channel allocation.
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And there you are… primary database ABCPRD1 in open read-write mode and standby database ABCPRD2 in mount mode. The only thing left to do now is the dataguard broker setup, and activate flashback and force_logging on both databases.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | -11- Setup broker files in shared storage (ASM) and start brokers on oda10 and oda20 oda10 > sqlplus / as sysdba oda10 > alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/ABCPRD1/ABCPRD1/dr1ABCPRD1.dat' scope=both; oda10 > alter system set dg_broker_config_file2='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/ABCPRD1/ABCPRD1/dr2ABCPRD1.dat' scope=both; oda10 > alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both; oda10 > exit oda20 > sqlplus / as sysdba oda20 > alter system set dg_broker_config_file1='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/ABCPRD2/ABCPRD1/dr1ABCPRD2.dat' scope=both; oda20 > alter system set dg_broker_config_file2='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/ABCPRD2/ABCPRD1/dr2ABCPRD2.dat' scope=both; oda20 > alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both; oda20 > exit -12- Create broker configuration from oda10 oda10 > dgmgrl sys/*** oda10 > create configuration abcprd as primary database is abcprd1 connect identifier is abcprd1_dgb; oda10 > edit database abcprd1 set property StaticConnectIdentifier='(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oda10)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ABCPRD1_DGB)(INSTANCE_NAME=ABCPRD1)(SERVER=DEDICATED)))'; oda10 > add database abcprd2 as connect identifier is abcprd2_dgb maintained as physical; oda10 > edit database abcprd2 set property StaticConnectIdentifier='(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oda20)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ABCPRD2_DGB)(INSTANCE_NAME=ABCPRD2)(SERVER=DEDICATED)))'; oda10 > enable configuration; oda10 > edit database abcprd2 set state=APPLY-OFF; oda10 > exit -13- Enable flashback and force logging on both primary and standby database oda10 > sqlplus / as sysdba oda10 > alter database force logging; oda10 > alter database flashback on; oda10 > exit oda20 > sqlplus / as sysdba oda20 > alter database force logging; oda20 > alter database flashback on; oda20 > exit oda20 > srvctl stop database -d abcprd2 oda20 > srvctl start database -d abcprd2 -o mount oda10 > srvctl stop database -d abcprd1 oda10 > srvctl start database -d abcprd1 -14- Configure max availability mode from oda10 oda10 > dgmgrl sys/*** oda10 > edit database abcprd2 set state=APPLY-ON; oda10 > edit database abcprd1 set property redoroutes='(LOCAL : abcprd2 SYNC)'; oda10 > edit database abcprd2 set property redoroutes='(LOCAL : abcprd1 SYNC)'; oda10 > edit configuration set protection mode as maxavailability; oda10 > show database abcprd1 InconsistentProperties; oda10 > show database abcprd2 InconsistentProperties; oda10 > show configuration oda10 > validate database abcprd2; oda10 > exit |
You should now have a valid 12c Max Availability Dataguard configuration, but you better test it thoroughly with
some switchovers and a failover before taking it into production. Have fun!