Oracle Open World; day 3- some highlights iotcloud2

Oracle Open World; day 3- some highlights

Day 3 began with a very smooth and interesting keynote of Thomas Kurian, full of flawless, wonderful demo’s . The second keynote, of Larry Ellison happened in the afternoon, I couldn’t attent for as I head a product management meeting. But some hickups I heard. Beside the keynotes it was a day full of good information  and surprisingly stuff, with in the end: Oracle Database Appliance, the X7-2 series. Another short note about Oracle Open World.As said, the day began with the keynote of Thomas Kurian.

A slide of the six journeys to the cloud, almost the key of whole Open World. The Journey to the Cloud. My special interest by the way, as I am interested in engineered systems, is the first . Optimizing your on-premises datacenter.


A lot of ‘best of’  came along: Fastest compute, Fastest GPU, Fastest storage, Fastest network, Industry leading global DNS.

Then the demo’s were given.

Cool stuff is the right word for it I think: Chatbots, Smartfeed, Connected Intelligence, Social Media Analyses, Analytics, IOT.

The technique behind these demo’s spans a dazzling amount of new and existing different Cloud services. Too much for now I’m  afraid.

Machine Learning was the big keyword in all these demo’s I think.


Serverless with Kafka and Kubernetes Cloud Service:


There’s a new cost estimator to calculate how much universal credits  the several services will cost.


Another announcement : Blockchain cloud service for secure inter-connected transactions

The announcement in the afternoon: Oracle Management and Security Cloud, with machine learning and Management Cloud.Larry Ellison talks about the severity of data hacks and information stealing while data centers get increasingly complicated and systems are harder to patch. “We’ve got to do something. It must be an automated process.”


Oracle Open World; day 3- some highlights DLPovMAX0AAIAlN

In a product management session of IaaS several price comparisons were made with AWS on a detailed level. How cheap is Oracle compared to AWS.

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Announcement of SLA’s

Oracle Open World; day 3- some highlights DLPCb1iVoAA2fuS

In the session of Oracle Database Appliance of course the X7-2 serie, the summary – SE for all models, support:


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The new HA :

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KVM as a new deployment option, and the way forward. Oracle VM on the ODA is slowly disappearing.

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I know, this is just a scratch at the surface of all new things that are happening…
