HOTSOS 2K8 – Mind the GAPP

If your there, "mind the GAPP", also during Hotsos.

Tomorrow, my colleagues and me, will arrive in San Colinas, Dallas, TX. Yesterday I got the first taste of Gerwin’s GAPP concept. GAPP, General Approach Performance Profiling, as far as I understood it, is a performance profiling approach that makes use of easy to obtain performance markers that gives insight in the broad spectrum of a business process / architecture. Although still in concept, and you will have to fulfill to some restrictions, it has the promise to being able to predict architecture behavior and/or find the most intrusive performance drains in the system.

Although I am looking forward to Hotsos, I won’t be all fun nerdie free loading stuff, I also promised to write an article for a Dutch Oracle Magazine (deadline in two weeks), and I am still struggling with the content, so I am hoping for a cloud burst while being on the premises. I already have some small insights so far, provided from the organizing ladies from Hotsos, who pointed out that at least 6 Dutchies will attend. So besides Gerwin, Patrick and me, these are probably, Jeroen Evers, Toon Koppelaars and Anjo Kolk. I am looking forward to meeting them again, also old road buddies like Alex Gorbachev (who continues his presentation marathon 😎 ).

Anyway, the weather will be a little bit better than here in Holland and thats nice to know. On the other hand, when is weather not better than in Holland, it is not for nothing that Holland is known for its water related achievements and its rainy climate. Although sometimes the dutchies build small worlds in hot climates as well 😉

One day to go. We will have to be around 04.00 am on the Schiphol airport and then I will enjoy a good nights sleep in the Omni Hotel. See you there and have a nice trip.



HOTSOS 2K8 - Mind the GAPP hotsos2008