AYTS: Summary of RUEI - Real User Experience Insight Session p1

AYTS: Summary of RUEI – Real User Experience Insight Session

Recently started the Oracle program: Are You The Smartest.
For me it is an opportunity to test my current knowledge level and to extend my knowledge.
After every session I follow, I will write a brief summary as part of the preparation for the test.
I will continue with the summary of the following session.

ARCHITECTS TRAINING – SERVICE INTEGRATION – Oracle RUEI – Maximize business value by insight into real end-user experiences

This short (45 minutes) session was divided into the following four parts:

  • Why is it important to bring up RUEI to customers?
  • Basic explanation of the technology
  • Use cases
  • Demo

Why care about online customer experience?

One customer, many online touchpoints


Efficient services

  • time saving
  • reduce costs
  • increase revenue

And unmet expectations have consequences

89%    Percentage of customers who will begin doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience
24%    The estimated amount of online revenues lost due to poor online user experience
16%    The decrease in customer satisfaction experienced from just a 1-second delay in page load time


Total Cloud Control

Complete Cloud Lifecycle ManagementSelf-Service IT
Integrated Cloud Stack ManagementSimple and Automated (one UI)
Business-Driven Application ManagementBusiness Driven (in useful format for enduser)


User Experience ManagementIs the customer happy with the behaviour. E.g. is he getting a good performance or not?
Business Transactions ManagementWhich component is responsible for the delay/problem?
MiddleWare & DataBase Diagnosticsdiagnose the issue to find cause/solution

Approaches to User Experience Management

Synthetic MonitoringRecord user session and replay it
Real User MonitoringRecord network session
Browser InstrumentationInstruct the application to sent messages to the server

Recorded script is always the same. e.g.: If it normally takes 5 seconds to execute, you get an alert if it takes 12 seconds today.
Can also reuse it for test scenario’s. e.g: test infrastructural changes like an upgrade or new OTAP environment.
Integration with Application Quality Management (AQM) – Reuse recording in Application Test Suite (ATS).

Happens for every “click”. RUEI puts this into sessions. The collected information is stored for ..

If not all traphic comes from your own network you can put in some measures. A java script in the browser sents messages to the server.


RUEI has out-of-box support for a number of applcations/technologies

Use Cases

Business Reports


  • Easy to setup
  • Restricted access policy possible
  • Overview of key reports like Geo location, UserFlow completion and KPI results
  • “Drag and drop”
  • Can be stored as ‘templates’


  • 100+ “out of the box” reports
  • Send reports to mailing lists
  • Print to PDF, open in XLS
  • Create your own report section/reports
  • Direct access to Data browser/BI interface possible


  • Keep track of key metrics
  • Any metric can be filtered ( not the entire app, just the part you want  to calculate the KPI to)
  • Fixed thresholds or automatic learning thresholds
  • Trigger alerts via email, SNMP or directly to Enterprise Manager Cloud control 12c
  • Set escalations, different groups to receive specific alerts


Assist Support

See issues being highlighted on the dashboard or warned via an alert that there is a sudden drop in user flows being executed
A couple of simple clicks to diagnose.
Drill-down from the dashboard or Alert shows that users in the second step of the process (defined user flow) encounter difficulties.
Users seem to be experiencing both errors and slow response times.
Who was impacted?
A simple click provides the right set of users in session diagnostics, the ones dropping out at “review order”
Reviewing any user session provides in-depth view of all interaction for that entire session, see what actions the user took and if needed share that info with developers …


Identify lost revenue in important processes

The reporting of user flows provides additional analysis capabilities for timed out, aborted, and completed user flows.
So you can easily see who completed a certain flow and who didn’t…
A simple click provides the right set of users in session diagnostics, the ones dropping out at “review order”
Besides going to the right set of users in session diagnostics you can also run analyses on “where, what device, browser, etc”
You can even store values (e.g. assign value) from pages visited to recognize “lost revenue” if the flow failed to complete…


Reporting via integration – BI PUBLISHER

Exposed to flat table & then report on this data.
Generate Reports in variety of formats (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, HTML, PDF)
Email reports to recipients

Enterprise Manager 12c Release 2

How RUEI fit’s into EM

ECID – Enterprise Context ID
In a partly oracle environment BTM could inject an ECID like ID in the transaction.

Business Application Target


Review the health of important Business Transactions

  • Aggregated view of all invocations of any transaction
  • Call path of the Transaction Historic overview and compare (What is the call path of the given transaction?
  • What components were involved?)
  • Trigger Deep Diagnostics of any JVM

Review Health and Status of Your Users’ Experience

  • Full list of all defined Key Performance indicators (Several reports displaying the most used and worst performing functions for users, Most used Key Function in the Business Application).
  • Application Violations: what functional area is triggering most exceptions?
  • User activity, summarized by activity and experience problems (What Users were most active and who got the best/worst experience).

Review User Sessions

  • Full Session Review (Search within the User Session or Export the Session for Development review, Expand/limit the time you want to review of the User’s Session)
  • All hits/Object details (Isolate the individual hit/object that caused the delay/response problem)
  • Ability to export the Session for further review
  • Restricted access via EM User Roles
  • Direct integration with Request Diagnostics for Root Cause investigation

Diagnose Bottle Necks  — Root Cause Analyses

  • Directly find the JVM Diagnostics data (Use the Oracle Enterprise Context ID to search for the activity within the JVM)
  • Linked to the exact User Session in the Business Application
  • Diagnostic/Root Cause Analyses down to Db