Eclipse webtools html

Eclipse webtools

The Eclipse webtools subplatform is live, with two initial code submissions from Lomboz and IBM. More info here.

The submission by IBM is looking _really_ good: it’s like a free version of WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application Developer). Must delve deeper into this before making any conclusive comments though.

While on topic (well actually not at all): we might consider looking into the Spring framework, a lightweight container that takes care of things like transactions and decoupling of code (created by Rod Johnson of ‘Expert one-on-one J2EE Development’ fame) which has gotten a lot of attention in the J2EE communitiy lately. Click here for a short showcase/tutorial.


  1. Pingback: AdSense Money Maker May 5, 2007
  2. Zeger Hendrikse October 22, 2004
  3. Zeger Hendrikse September 1, 2004
  4. Felicity August 9, 2004