Oracle Designer/Oracle SCM Meta Model 20188367001

Oracle Designer/Oracle SCM Meta Model

This post – or rather its comments – contain some investigations into the Designer 9i/10g Meta Model and Meta Meta Model. That is: the tables that contain the definitions for the Designer Model. There are three levels at stake here:

  1. Model: the definition of a table as defined by the developer and to be generated into the Application Schema in the Database
  2. Meta Model (or Designer Model): the Designer tables that contains the table and column definitions as created by the developer; this table is called i$sdd_tab
  3. Meta Meta Model (or Designer Meta Model): the Repository Model table that contains the definition of the table i$sdd_tab along with the tables that contain definitions for all properties (columns) of the table definitions (the i$sdd_tab table); these tables are called i$rm_element_types and i$rm_properties (for the logical definitions) and i$rm_sql_tables and i$rm_sql_columns

A good place to start working is the Designer Meta Model Application System (Dump), as presented on the AMIS website, see Article on Designer 9i/10g Meta Model.

I use the Designer Meta Model primarily in the extensions to the Repository Object Browser I am currently working on.


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  5. Lucas Jellema July 9, 2004
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