Whitepaper: How to reach an optimal Cloud Security Level

With the rise of cloud applications, a new way of looking at security is required. Security is no longer concentrated only within the perimeter of your company. The scope of your security management also needs to include the cloud providers that offer services to you. From a security perspective, this means that you are relying on their security measures to implement your security policy regarding the information you store in the cloud. Download whitepaper

Potential customers of SAAS products must adopt a more rigorous “due diligence” process due to regulatory changes, increasing privacy concerns, and risks of fraud and exposure. It is increasingly important to determine how providers implement security and if their level of security matches expectations.


This whitepaper details governance and technical security aspects that you need to address when exploring the possibilities of SAAS applications, and provides input for your risk analysis and service level agreements between you and your cloud provider. Securing your information in the cloud is a joint effort of you and your cloud provider.


Authors: Bram van Pelt, Sander Mastwijk

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