-- simple DBMS_EPG rem create and authorize dad as SCOTT -- as SYS: BEGIN DBMS_EPG.create_dad ( dad_name => 'hello' , path => '/hello/*' ); END; / -- as SCOTT: begin DBMS_EPG.AUTHORIZE_DAD('hello'); end; / create or replace package hrm_json as procedure company; procedure hrmpage; end; create or replace package body hrm_json as procedure company as l_data varchar2(4000); begin with manager as ( select '{ ' ||' "name":"'||ename||'"' ||',"salary":'||sal ||',"hiredate":"'||to_char(hiredate, 'DD-MM-YYYY')||'"' ||'} ' json , emp.* from emp ) , employee as ( select '{ ' ||' "name":"'||ename||'"' ||',"job":"'||job||'"' ||',"salary":'||sal ||',"manager":'||case when mgr is null then '""' else (select json from manager mgr where mgr.empno = emp.mgr) end ||',"hiredate":"'||to_char(hiredate, 'DD-MM-YYYY')||'"' ||'} ' json , emp.* from emp ) , department as ( select '{ ' ||' "name":"'||dname||'"' ||',"identifier":"'||deptno||'"' ||',"location":"'||loc||'"' ||',"employees":'||( select '['||listagg( json, ',') within group (order by 1) ||']' as data from employee emp where emp.deptno = dept.deptno ) ||'} ' json from dept ) select '{"company" : [' ||( select listagg( json, ',') within group (order by 1) from department ) ||']}' into l_data from dual ; htp.p(l_data); end company; procedure write_javascript is begin htp.p(''); end; procedure hrmpage as begin htp.p('HRM page'); write_javascript; htp.p(''); htp.p('

HRM details for company

'); htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); end; end hrm_json; -- url on local XE: -- other ports can be configured with EXECUTE dbms_xdb.SETHTTPPORT(2100);