create user test identified by test; grant xdbadmin, dba to test; connect test/test set autotace off set long 100000000 set pages 5000 set lines 200 set trimspool on col segment_name for a30 var schemaPath varchar2(256) var schemaURL varchar2(256) begin :schemaURL := ''; :schemaPath := '/public/root.xsd'; end; / -- XSD Schema declare res boolean; xmlSchema xmlType := xmlType( ' '); begin if (dbms_xdb.existsResource(:schemaPath)) then dbms_xdb.deleteResource(:schemaPath); end if; res := dbms_xdb.createResource(:schemaPath,xmlSchema); end; / begin :schemaURL := ''; :schemaPath := '/public/root.xml'; end; / -- XML Instance declare res boolean; xmlSchema xmlType := xmlType( ' 0 0 Text '); begin if (dbms_xdb.existsResource(:schemaPath)) then dbms_xdb.deleteResource(:schemaPath); end if; res := dbms_xdb.createResource(:schemaPath,xmlSchema); end; / begin DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.deleteSchema('', 4); end; / purge recyclebin; alter session set events='31098 trace name context forever'; begin DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerURI( schemaURL => '', schemaDocURI => '/public/root.xsd', local => FALSE, -- local genTypes => TRUE, -- generate object types genBean => FALSE, -- no java beans genTables => TRUE -- generate object tables ); end; / select object_name, object_type from user_objects order by 2; DECLARE gen_name VARCHAR2 (4000); BEGIN SELECT TABLE_NAME INTO gen_name FROM USER_NESTED_TABLES WHERE PARENT_TABLE_NAME = 'ROOT_TABLE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'RENAME "' || gen_name || '"TO INFO_TABLE_REFLIST'; END; / SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_NESTED_TABLES; desc INFO_TABLE_REFLIST select object_name, object_type from user_objects order by 2; -- Create scoped REF (pointers to the table) ALTER TABLE INFO_TABLE_REFLIST ADD SCOPE FOR (COLUMN_VALUE) IS INFO_TABLE; -- Create an index on the REF CREATE INDEX reflist_idx ON INFO_TABLE_REFLIST (COLUMN_VALUE); select * from tab; -- insert some data DECLARE XMLData xmlType := xmlType(xdbURIType ('/public/root.xml').getClob()); BEGIN for i in 1..1000 loop insert into ROOT_TABLE VALUES (XMLData); end loop; END; / -- randomize the data a little update ROOT_TABLE set object_value = updateXML(object_value, '/ROOT/ID/text()', substr(round(dbms_random.value*100),0,2) ); update ROOT_TABLE set object_value = updateXML(object_value, '/ROOT/INFO/INFO_ID/text()', substr(round(dbms_random.value*100),0,2) ); commit; select segment_name , segment_type , (bytes/(1024*1024)) "BYTES(MB)" from user_segments order by segment_type; select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','ROOT_TABLE') from dual; select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','INFO_TABLE') from dual; select count(*) from root_table; select count(*) from INFO_TABLE; set autotrace on create index root_table_ix on root_table (extractvalue(object_value,'/ROOT/INFO/INFO_ID')); exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('TEST'); select value(rt) from root_table rt where extractvalue(object_value,'/ROOT/INFO/INFO_ID')='99';