create or replace type BOOK as object ( title varchar2(200) , author varchar2(100) , isbn varchar2(20) , year_of_publication number(4) ) / create type shelf is table of book / create table authors ( id number(10) not null primary key , name varchar2(100) ) / create table books ( id number(10) not null primary key , title varchar2(200) , isbn varchar2(20) , year_of_publication number(4) , atr_id number(10) ) / alter table books add constraint lib_bok_atr_fk foreign key (atr_id) references authors (id) / create sequence library_seq / create or replace package librarian as procedure add_entire_shelf_to_library ( p_books in shelf); function get_books_by_author ( p_author in varchar2) return shelf; end librarian; / create or replace package body librarian as procedure add_entire_shelf_to_library ( p_books in shelf ) is begin merge into books b using ( select atr_id , book.* from authors a right outer join table( p_books) book on ( = ) newbook on ( b.isbn = newbook.isbn or (b.title = newbook.title and b.atr_id = newbook.atr_id) ) when matched then update set b.year_of_publication = newbook.year_of_publication when not matched then insert (, b.title, b.isbn, b.year_of_publication, b.atr_id) values ( library_seq.nextval , newbook.title, newbook.isbn, newbook.year_of_publication, newbook.atr_id ) ; end add_entire_shelf_to_library; function get_books_by_author ( p_author in varchar2) return shelf is l_shelf shelf; begin select cast ( collect( book( b.title,, b.isbn, b.year_of_publication)) as shelf) into l_shelf from books b left outer join authors a on (b.atr_id = where lower( like lower(p_author)||'%' ; return l_shelf; end get_books_by_author; end librarian; / insert into authors ( id, name) values (1 , 'John Grisham') / insert into authors ( id, name) values (2 , 'Ben Elton') / insert into authors ( id, name) values (3 , 'Tom Wolfe') / insert into authors ( id, name) values (4 , 'Multatuli') / insert into books (id, title, isbn, year_of_publication, atr_id) values ( 1, 'A man in full', '8987655X65', 1998, 3) / insert into books (id, title, isbn, year_of_publication, atr_id) values ( 2, 'Max Havelaar', '645362512',1860, 4) / insert into books (id, title, isbn, year_of_publication, atr_id) values ( 3, 'Post Mortem', '73253267325X', 2004, 2) / insert into books (id, title, isbn, year_of_publication, atr_id) values ( 4, 'King of Torts', '7832762356',2003, 1) / insert into books (id, title, isbn, year_of_publication, atr_id) values ( 5, 'The Rainmaker', '7832673246' ,1995, 1) / select * from table (librarian.get_books_by_author('j')) declare l_shelf shelf:= shelf(); begin l_shelf.extend; l_shelf(l_shelf.last):= book( 'A time to kill', 'John Grisham', '36351265XX', 1988); l_shelf.extend; l_shelf(l_shelf.last):= book( 'The firm', 'John Grisham', '3123123635', 1991); librarian.add_entire_shelf_to_library( l_shelf); end; select * from table (librarian.get_books_by_author('j'))