create or replace package as_json is /********************************************** ** ** Author: Anton Scheffer ** Date: 22-12-2015 ** Website: ** See also: ** ** Changelog: ** Date: ** 24-04-2016 - Added json_ec( p_rc sys_refcursor, ... ** This parses a refcursor wich may have embedded cursor() functions ** 14-04-2016 - Simplified function json( p_ad anydata, .... ** 04-03-2016 - Added overloaded procedures for add_member and add_item ** Added jsonp parameter to procedure htp ** Added p_free parameter to procedure htp ** 07-02-2016 - Added overloaded function stringify ** 04-02-2016 - fixed bug for wildcards in path_get ** 03-02-2016 - Added p_check_boolean_strings to json( p_rc sys_refcursor ** 01-02-2016 - Added get_date ** 27-01-2016 - Added overloaded function to_xmltype ** Added p_free to function to_xmltype ** Added p_path to get_string, get_number and get_boolean functions ** 19-01-2016 - Added procedure htp ** 22-12-2015 - Initial creation ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by Anton Scheffer Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************** */ /* declare x as_json.tp_json_value; rc sys_refcursor; begin -- create json array from refcursor open rc for select level from dual connect by level <= 5; x := as_json.json( rc ); -- and show the resulting json string dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x ) ); -- and show the resulting json string using some formatting dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x, 2, 1 ) ); -- build a json object x := as_json.json( 'first_name', as_json.jv( 'Anton' ) , 'last_name', as_json.jv( 'Scheffer' ) , 'company', as_json.jv( 'AMIS' ) ); -- and show the resulting json string using some formatting dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x ) ); -- build a json object step for step x := null; as_json.add_member( x, 'first_name', 'Anton' ); as_json.add_member( x, 'last_name', 'Scheffer' ); as_json.add_member( x, 'company', 'AMIS' ); -- and show the resulting json string dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x ) ); -- or build a json array x := null; for i in 1 .. 10 loop as_json.add_item( x, i ); end loop; -- and show the resulting json string dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x ) ); -- or build a json array of json objects x := null; for i in 1 .. 5 loop as_json.add_item( x, as_json.json( 'att1', as_json.jv( i ) , 'att2', as_json.jv( 'string ' || i ) , 'att3', as_json.jv( mod( i, 2 ) = 1 ) , 'att4', as_json.jv , 'att5', as_json.jv( sysdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy' ) ) ); end loop; -- and show the resulting json string dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x, 2 ) ); -- create json object from json-string x := as_json.json( '{"a" : 33, "b":[1,2,31], "c":{"d":321,"e":12, "f":[[11,22,["a","b","c",{"x":"y"}]],33,{"g":{"h":44}}]} }' ); -- and show the (first level) members for i in 1 .. as_json.get_count( x ) loop dbms_output.put_line( as_json.get_name( x, i ) || ' is ' || as_json.get_json_type( as_json.get_value( x, i ) ) ); end loop; -- use a path function to get a JSON-value dbms_output.put_line( as_json.get_string( as_json.path_get( x, 'c.f[1][3][4].x' ) ) ); -- use a path parameter to get a string/number/boolean value dbms_output.put_line( as_json.get_number( x, 'c.f[3].g.h' ) ); -- use an embedded cursor inside your refcursor open rc for select r, 'test' || r x, sysdate + r d, cursor( select level lev from dual connect by level <= r ) "embedded cursor" from ( select level r from dual connect by level <= 5 ); x := as_json.json_ec( rc ); -- and show the resulting json string dbms_output.put_line( as_json.stringify( x ) ); -- free memory after you're done; end; / */ -- type tp_json_value is record ( json_type varchar2(1) , idx pls_integer ); -- function jv return tp_json_value ; -- function jv( p_val varchar2 character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value; -- function jv( p_cval clob character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value; -- function jv( p_val date, p_fmt varchar2 := null ) return tp_json_value; -- function jv( p_val number ) return tp_json_value; -- function jv( p_val boolean ) return tp_json_value; -- function jv( p_val varchar2, p_true varchar2 ) return tp_json_value; -- function jv ( p_val blob , p_how pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => blob as hex-string -- 2 => blob as base64 encoded string -- 3 => blob as array of base64 encoded strings ) return tp_json_value; -- function add_member ( p_json tp_json_value , p_name tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ) return tp_json_value; -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ); -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value tp_json_value ); -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value varchar2 character set any_cs ); -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value number ); -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value date , p_fmt varchar2 := null ); -- function add_item ( p_json tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ) return tp_json_value; -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ); -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value varchar2 character set any_cs ); -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value number ); -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value date , p_fmt varchar2 := null ); -- function json -- create an object ( n1 varchar2 , v1 tp_json_value , n2 varchar2 := '', v2 tp_json_value := null , n3 varchar2 := '', v3 tp_json_value := null , n4 varchar2 := '', v4 tp_json_value := null , n5 varchar2 := '', v5 tp_json_value := null , n6 varchar2 := '', v6 tp_json_value := null , n7 varchar2 := '', v7 tp_json_value := null , n8 varchar2 := '', v8 tp_json_value := null ) return tp_json_value; -- function json -- create an array ( v1 tp_json_value , v2 tp_json_value := null , v3 tp_json_value := null , v4 tp_json_value := null , v5 tp_json_value := null , v6 tp_json_value := null , v7 tp_json_value := null , v8 tp_json_value := null ) return tp_json_value; -- function json -- create an array ( p_rc sys_refcursor , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings , p_check_boolean_strings boolean := false ) return tp_json_value; -- function json( p_json clob character set any_cs ) -- parses a JSON-string return tp_json_value; -- function json( p_xml xmltype , p_incl_root boolean := false , p_compact_object boolean := true , p_compact_array boolean := true ) return tp_json_value; -- function json ( p_ad anydata , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings ) return tp_json_value; -- function json_ec -- create an array ( p_rc in out sys_refcursor , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings , p_check_boolean_strings varchar2 := 'N' ) return tp_json_value; -- function get_json_type( p_val tp_json_value ) return varchar2; -- function get_string ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs := null , p_charset varchar2 character set any_cs := null -- set charset of result ) return varchar2 character set p_charset%charset; -- function get_number ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs ) return number; -- function get_boolean ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs ) return boolean; -- function get_date ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs , p_fmt varchar2 := null ) return date; -- function get_count( p_val tp_json_value ) return pls_integer; -- function get_name( p_val tp_json_value, p_idx pls_integer ) return varchar2; -- function get_value( p_val tp_json_value, p_idx pls_integer ) return tp_json_value; -- function path_get ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value; -- procedure free; -- procedure free( p_val tp_json_value ); -- function stringify( p_val tp_json_value , p_inc pls_integer := null -- pretty print increment , p_xxx pls_integer := null -- # spaces after colon , p_ind pls_integer := null -- do not use, for internal usage only ) return clob; -- function stringify ( p_rc sys_refcursor , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings , p_check_boolean_strings varchar2 := 'N' ) return clob; -- procedure htp( p_val tp_json_value , p_add_json_header boolean := true , p_jsonp varchar2 := null , p_free boolean := true ); -- function to_xmltype ( p_val tp_json_value , p_root varchar2 := null , p_array_item varchar2 := null , p_free varchar2 := 'Y' ) return xmltype; -- function to_xmltype ( p_json clob character set any_cs , p_root varchar2 := null , p_array_item varchar2 := null , p_free varchar2 := 'Y' ) return xmltype; -- procedure set_default_date_fmt( p_fmt varchar2 ); -- end; / create or replace package body as_json is -- type tp_json_values is table of tp_json_value index by pls_integer; type tp_json is table of tp_json_values index by pls_integer; -- type tp_vstrings is table of varchar2(32767) index by pls_integer; type tp_nstrings is table of nvarchar2(32767) index by pls_integer; type tp_clobs is table of clob index by pls_integer; type tp_numbers is table of number index by pls_integer; -- g_vstrings tp_vstrings; g_nstrings tp_nstrings; g_clobs tp_clobs; g_numbers tp_numbers; g_json tp_json; c_date_iso8601 constant varchar2(30) := 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh24:mi:ss"Z"'; g_date_fmt varchar2(150 char) := c_date_iso8601; -- function vstringify( p_val tp_json_value , p_inc pls_integer := null -- pretty print increment , p_xxx pls_integer := null -- # spaces after colon , p_ind pls_integer := null -- pretty print current indent ) return varchar2; -- function create_empty( p_json_type varchar2 ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; begin l_jv.json_type := p_json_type; l_jv.idx := g_json.count; g_json( l_jv.idx )(0) := l_jv; return l_jv; end; -- function jv return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin l_rv.json_type := 'E'; return l_rv; end; -- function jv( p_val varchar2 character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin if isnchar( p_val ) then l_rv.json_type := 'v'; l_rv.idx := g_nstrings.count; g_nstrings( l_rv.idx ) := p_val; else l_rv.json_type := 'V'; l_rv.idx := g_vstrings.count; g_vstrings( l_rv.idx ) := p_val; end if; return l_rv; end; -- function jv( p_cval clob character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin l_rv.json_type := 'C'; l_rv.idx := g_clobs.count; g_clobs( l_rv.idx ) := p_cval; return l_rv; end; -- function jv( p_val date, p_fmt varchar2 := null ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin if p_val is null then l_rv := jv; else l_rv.json_type := 'V'; l_rv.idx := g_vstrings.count; g_vstrings( l_rv.idx ) := to_char( p_val, coalesce( p_fmt, g_date_fmt, c_date_iso8601 ) ); end if; return l_rv; end; -- function jv( p_val number ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin if p_val is null then l_rv := jv; else l_rv.json_type := 'N'; l_rv.idx := g_numbers.count; g_numbers( l_rv.idx ) := p_val; end if; return l_rv; end; -- function jv( p_val boolean ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin if p_val is null then l_rv := jv; else l_rv.json_type := 'B'; l_rv.idx := case when p_val then 1 else 0 end; end if; return l_rv; end; -- function jv( p_val varchar2, p_true varchar2 ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; begin if p_val is null then l_rv := jv; else l_rv.json_type := 'B'; l_rv.idx := case when p_val = p_true then 1 else 0 end; end if; return l_rv; end; -- function jv ( p_val blob , p_how pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => blob as hex-string -- 2 => blob as base64 encoded string -- 3 => blob as array of base64 encoded strings ) return tp_json_value is tmp varchar2(32767); tmpc clob; r1 raw(32767); l_jv tp_json_value; l_size pls_integer; raws_on_line pls_integer; begin if p_val is null then if p_how in ( 1, 2 ) then return jv; else return create_empty( 'A' ); end if; end if; if p_how in ( 1, 2 ) then l_size := 16383; dbms_lob.createtemporary( tmpc, true, ); for i in 0 .. floor( ( dbms_lob.getlength( p_val ) - 1 ) / l_size ) loop r1 := dbms_lob.substr( p_val, l_size, i * l_size + 1 ); if p_how = 1 then tmp := rawtohex( r1 ); else tmp := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( utl_encode.base64_encode( r1 ) ); end if; dbms_lob.writeappend( tmpc, length( tmp ), tmp ); end loop; l_jv := jv( tmpc ); dbms_lob.freetemporary( tmpc ); return l_jv; end if; raws_on_line := 6; loop tmp := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( utl_encode.base64_encode( utl_raw.copies( '00', raws_on_line ) ) ); if ( instr( tmp, chr(10) ) > 0 or instr( tmp, chr(13) ) > 0 ) then tmp := rtrim( tmp, chr(10) || chr(13) ); if ( instr( tmp, chr(10) ) > 0 or instr( tmp, chr(13) ) > 0 ) then raws_on_line := raws_on_line - 3; end if; exit; end if; raws_on_line := raws_on_line + 3; end loop; for i in 0 .. floor( ( dbms_lob.getlength( p_val ) - 1 ) / raws_on_line ) loop r1 := dbms_lob.substr( p_val, raws_on_line, i * raws_on_line + 1 ); tmp := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( utl_encode.base64_encode( r1 ) ); add_item( l_jv, jv( rtrim( tmp, chr(10) || chr(13) ) ) ); end loop; return l_jv; end; -- function add_member ( p_json tp_json_value , p_name tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ) return tp_json_value is l_cnt pls_integer; l_jv tp_json_value; begin if p_name.json_type not in ( 'V', 'v', 'C', 'c' ) then return null; end if; if p_json.json_type is not null then if p_json.json_type != 'O' then return null; end if; l_jv := p_json; else l_jv := create_empty( 'O' ); end if; l_cnt := g_json( l_jv.idx ).count; g_json( l_jv.idx )( l_cnt ) := p_name; g_json( l_jv.idx )( l_cnt + 1 ) := p_value; return l_jv; end; -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ) is begin p_json := add_member( p_json, p_name, p_value ); end; -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value tp_json_value ) is begin add_member( p_json, jv( p_name ), p_value ); end; -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value varchar2 character set any_cs ) is begin add_member( p_json, jv( p_name ), jv( p_value ) ); end; -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value number ) is begin add_member( p_json, jv( p_name ), jv( p_value ) ); end; -- procedure add_member ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_name varchar2 , p_value date , p_fmt varchar2 := null ) is begin add_member( p_json, jv( p_name ), jv( p_value, p_fmt ) ); end; -- function add_item ( p_json tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; begin if p_json.json_type is not null then if p_json.json_type != 'A' then return null; end if; l_jv := p_json; else l_jv := create_empty( 'A' ); end if; g_json( l_jv.idx )( g_json( l_jv.idx ).count ) := p_value; return l_jv; end; -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value tp_json_value ) is begin p_json := add_item( p_json, p_value ); end; -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value varchar2 character set any_cs ) is begin p_json := add_item( p_json, jv( p_value ) ); end; -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value number ) is begin p_json := add_item( p_json, jv( p_value ) ); end; -- procedure add_item ( p_json in out tp_json_value , p_value date , p_fmt varchar2 := null ) is begin p_json := add_item( p_json, jv( p_value, p_fmt ) ); end; -- function json ( n1 varchar2, v1 tp_json_value , n2 varchar2 := '', v2 tp_json_value := null , n3 varchar2 := '', v3 tp_json_value := null , n4 varchar2 := '', v4 tp_json_value := null , n5 varchar2 := '', v5 tp_json_value := null , n6 varchar2 := '', v6 tp_json_value := null , n7 varchar2 := '', v7 tp_json_value := null , n8 varchar2 := '', v8 tp_json_value := null ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; begin l_jv := add_member( null, jv( n1 ), v1 ); if l_jv.idx is not null and n2 is not null and v2.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n2 ), v2 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and n3 is not null and v3.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n3 ), v3 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and n4 is not null and v4.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n4 ), v4 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and n5 is not null and v5.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n5 ), v5 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and n6 is not null and v6.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n6 ), v6 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and n7 is not null and v7.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n7 ), v7 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and n5 is not null and v8.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_member( l_jv, jv( n8 ), v8 ); end if; return l_jv; end; -- function json ( v1 tp_json_value , v2 tp_json_value := null , v3 tp_json_value := null , v4 tp_json_value := null , v5 tp_json_value := null , v6 tp_json_value := null , v7 tp_json_value := null , v8 tp_json_value := null ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; begin l_jv := add_item( null, v1 ); if l_jv.idx is not null and v2.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v2 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and v3.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v3 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and v4.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v4 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and v5.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v5 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and v6.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v6 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and v7.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v7 ); end if; if l_jv.idx is not null and v8.json_type is not null then l_jv := add_item( l_jv, v8 ); end if; return l_jv; end; -- $IF NOT DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10 $THEN function cursor2array ( p_c integer , p_date_fmt varchar2 , p_raw pls_integer , p_blob pls_integer , p_check_boolean_strings boolean ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; l_obj tp_json_value; l_c integer := p_c; l_col_cnt integer; l_desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab3; c_col clob; nc_col nclob; d_col date; n_col number; v_col varchar2(32767); nv_col nvarchar2(32767); r_col raw(4000); b_col blob; ts_col timestamp; tz_col timestamp with time zone; l_offs integer; l_ad anydata; l_xml xmltype; begin dbms_sql.describe_columns3( l_c, l_col_cnt, l_desc_tab ); for c in 1 .. l_col_cnt loop case when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 2, 100, 101 ) then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, n_col ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 12, 178, 179 ) then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, d_col ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 1, 9, 96 ) then if l_desc_tab( c ).col_charsetform = 2 then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, nv_col, 32767 ); else dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, v_col, 32767 ); end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 112 then if l_desc_tab( c ).col_charsetform = 2 then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, nc_col ); else dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, c_col ); end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 113 and p_blob in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, b_col ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 23 and p_raw in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, r_col, 32767 ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 180, 231 ) then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, ts_col ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 181 then dbms_sql.define_column( l_c, c, tz_col ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 8 then dbms_sql.define_column_long( l_c, c ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 109 -- user-defined type then execute immediate ' declare x ' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name || '.' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name || '; begin dbms_sql.define_column( :t_c, :c, x );end;' using l_c, c; else null; end case; end loop; -- while dbms_sql.fetch_rows( l_c ) > 0 loop l_obj := null; for c in 1 .. l_col_cnt loop case when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 2, 100, 101 ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, n_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( n_col ) ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 12, 178, 179 ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, d_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( d_col, p_date_fmt ) ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 1, 9, 96 ) then if l_desc_tab( c ).col_charsetform = 2 then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, nv_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( nv_col ) ); else dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, v_col ); if p_check_boolean_strings and upper( v_col ) in ( 'TRUE', 'FALSE' ) then add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( upper( v_col ) = 'TRUE' ) ); else add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( v_col ) ); end if; end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 112 then if l_desc_tab( c ).col_charsetform = 2 then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, nc_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( nc_col ) ); if dbms_lob.istemporary( nc_col ) = 1 then dbms_lob.freetemporary( nc_col ); end if; else dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, c_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( c_col ) ); if dbms_lob.istemporary( c_col ) = 1 then dbms_lob.freetemporary( c_col ); end if; end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 113 and p_blob in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, b_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( b_col, p_blob ) ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 23 and p_raw in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, r_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( r_col, p_how => p_raw ) ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 180, 231 ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, ts_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( to_char( ts_col, p_date_fmt || 'xff' ) ) ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 181 then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, tz_col ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( to_char( tz_col, p_date_fmt || 'xff TZH:TZM' ) ) ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 8 then dbms_lob.createtemporary( c_col, true, ); l_offs := 0; loop dbms_sql.column_value_long( l_c, c, 32767, l_offs, v_col, n_col ); exit when n_col = 0; dbms_lob.writeappend( c_col, n_col, v_col ); l_offs := l_offs + n_col; end loop; add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, jv( c_col ) ); dbms_lob.freetemporary( c_col ); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 109 then if ( l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name = 'SYS' and l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name = 'XMLTYPE' ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, l_xml ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, json( l_xml ) ); elsif ( l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name = 'SYS' and l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name = 'ANYDATA' ) then dbms_sql.column_value( l_c, c, l_ad ); add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, json( l_ad, p_date_fmt, p_raw, p_blob ) ); else execute immediate ' declare x ' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name || '.' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name || q'~; begin dbms_sql.column_value( :t_c, :c, x ); execute immediate 'begin :ad := anydata.convertobject( :x ); end;' using out :ad, x; exception when others then execute immediate 'begin :ad := anydata.convertcollection( :x ); end;' using out :ad, x; end;~' using l_c, c, out l_ad; add_member( l_obj, l_desc_tab( c ).col_name, json( l_ad, p_date_fmt, p_raw, p_blob ) ); end if; else null; end case; end loop; add_item( l_jv, l_obj ); end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_c ); return l_jv; end; -- $END function json ( p_rc sys_refcursor , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings , p_check_boolean_strings boolean := false -- treat varchar2 values TRUE or FALSE as json boolean instead of json string ) return tp_json_value is l_rc sys_refcursor := p_rc; begin $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10 $THEN declare l_version varchar2(100); l_compat varchar2(100); begin dbms_utility.db_version( l_version, l_compat ); return jv( 'Not implemented in database version ' || l_version ); end; $ELSE return cursor2array( dbms_sql.to_cursor_number( l_rc ) , p_date_fmt , p_raw , p_blob , p_check_boolean_strings ); $END end; -- function json( p_json clob character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; l_ind pls_integer; l_len pls_integer; l_tmp varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset; c_bs constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset:= chr( 8 ); -- backspace c_ht constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := chr( 9 ); -- horizontal tab c_lf constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := chr( 10 ); -- line feed c_ff constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := chr( 12 ); -- form feed c_cr constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := chr( 13 ); -- carriage return c_sp constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := ' '; -- space c_dq constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := '"'; -- double quote c_bsl constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := '\'; -- back slash c_u constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := 'u'; -- u c_cm constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := ','; -- comma c_sbo constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := '['; -- square bracket, open c_sbc constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := ']'; -- square bracket, close c_co constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := ':'; -- colon c_cbo constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := '{'; -- curly bracket, open c_cbc constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := '}'; -- curly bracket, close -- procedure raise_eos( p_ind pls_integer, p_txt varchar2 ) is begin if p_ind > l_len then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Reached end of string while looking for a ' || p_txt || ' at position ' || p_ind ); end if; end; -- function skip_ws( p_ind in out pls_integer ) return pls_integer is begin while dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ) in ( c_sp, c_lf, c_cr, c_bs, c_ht, c_ff ) loop p_ind := p_ind + 1; end loop; return p_ind; end; -- procedure skip_ws( p_ind in out pls_integer ) is t_dummy pls_integer; begin t_dummy := skip_ws( p_ind ); end; -- function parse_string( p_ind in out pls_integer, p_val out tp_json_value ) return boolean is l_str nclob; l_tmp nvarchar2(1 char); l_vstr varchar2(32767) character set p_json%charset; l_pos pls_integer; begin raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-string' ); if dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ) != c_dq then return false; end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; -- l_pos := dbms_lob.instr( p_json, c_dq, p_ind ); if l_pos = 0 then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a closing " for string at position ' || p_ind ); end if; begin l_vstr := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, l_pos - p_ind, p_ind ); if instr( l_vstr, c_bsl ) = 0 then p_ind := l_pos + 1; if isnchar( l_vstr ) and to_nchar( to_char( l_vstr ) ) = l_vstr then p_val := jv( to_char( l_vstr ) ); else p_val := jv( l_vstr ); end if; return true; end if; exception when others then -- expected only too large strings for varchar2 null; end; -- dbms_lob.createtemporary( l_str, true, ); loop raise_eos( p_ind, 'JSON-string' ); l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ); if l_tmp = c_bsl then p_ind := p_ind + 1; raise_eos( p_ind, 'JSON-string' ); l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ); if l_tmp = c_u then begin l_tmp := unistr( c_bsl || dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 4, p_ind + 1 ) ); exception when others then -- when it was not a unicode escape character raise_application_error( -20001, 'error converting unicode character at position ' || p_ind ); end; p_ind := p_ind + 4; else l_tmp := translate( l_tmp , 'bfnrt' , chr( 8 ) || chr( 12 ) || chr( 10 ) || chr( 13 ) || chr( 9 ) ); end if; else exit when l_tmp = c_dq; end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; dbms_lob.writeappend( l_str, 1, l_tmp ); end loop; p_ind := p_ind + 1; -- at this moment as_json only supports (n)varchar2 strings and no clob while parsing an input JSON string begin if to_nchar( to_char( l_str ) ) = to_nchar( l_str ) then p_val := jv( to_char( l_str ) ); else p_val := jv( to_nchar( l_str ) ); end if; dbms_lob.freetemporary( l_str ); exception when others then l_pos := dbms_lob.getlength( l_str ); dbms_lob.freetemporary( l_str ); raise_application_error( -20001, 'string length ' || l_pos || ' is a bit too large at position ' || p_ind ); end; return true; end; -- function parse_value( p_ind in out pls_integer, p_val out tp_json_value ) return boolean; -- function parse_array( p_ind in out pls_integer, p_arr out tp_json_value ) return boolean is t_val tp_json_value; t_found boolean := false; begin raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-array' ); if dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ) != c_sbo then return false; end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; p_arr := create_empty( 'A' ); loop l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, skip_ws( p_ind ) ); exit when l_tmp = c_sbc; if t_found then if l_tmp != c_cm then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a array separator "," at position ' || p_ind ); end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; end if; raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-array' ); if not parse_value( p_ind, t_val ) then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a array value at position ' || p_ind ); end if; add_item( p_arr, t_val ); t_found := true; end loop; p_ind := p_ind + 1; return true; end; -- function parse_object( p_ind in out pls_integer, p_obj out tp_json_value ) return boolean is t_val tp_json_value; t_name tp_json_value; t_found boolean := false; begin raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-object' ); if dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ) != c_cbo then return false; end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; p_obj := create_empty( 'O' ); loop l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, skip_ws( p_ind ) ); exit when l_tmp = c_cbc; if t_found then if l_tmp != c_cm then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a member separator "," at position ' || p_ind ); end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; end if; raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-object' ); if not parse_string( p_ind, t_name ) then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a pair string at position ' || p_ind ); end if; raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-object' ); l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, skip_ws( p_ind ) ); if l_tmp != c_co then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a pair separator ":" at position ' || p_ind ); end if; p_ind := p_ind + 1; raise_eos( skip_ws( p_ind ), 'JSON-object' ); if not parse_value( p_ind, t_val ) then raise_application_error( -20001, 'Didn''t find a pair value at position ' || p_ind ); end if; add_member( p_obj, t_name, t_val ); t_found := true; end loop; p_ind := p_ind + 1; return true; end; -- function parse_value( p_ind in out pls_integer, p_val out tp_json_value ) return boolean is fmt varchar2(200 char) character set p_json%charset; num_str varchar2(200 char) character set p_json%charset; l_tmp varchar2(5 char) character set p_json%charset; c_null varchar2(4 char) character set p_json%charset := 'null'; c_true varchar2(4 char) character set p_json%charset := 'true'; c_false varchar2(5 char) character set p_json%charset := 'false'; c_num_allowed_chars varchar2(15 char) character set p_json%charset := '0123456789.eE+-'; c_E varchar2(1 char) character set p_json%charset := 'E'; c_eeee varchar2(4 char) character set p_json%charset := 'eeee'; begin if ( parse_string( p_ind, p_val ) or parse_object( p_ind, p_val ) or parse_array( p_ind, p_val ) ) then return true; end if; l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 5, p_ind ); if substr( l_tmp, 1, 4 ) = c_null then p_ind := p_ind + 4; p_val := jv(); return true; elsif substr( l_tmp, 1, 4 ) = c_true then p_ind := p_ind + 4; p_val := jv( true ); return true; elsif l_tmp = c_false then p_ind := p_ind + 5; p_val := jv( false ); return true; end if; begin loop exit when p_ind > l_len; l_tmp := dbms_lob.substr( p_json, 1, p_ind ); exit when instr( c_num_allowed_chars, l_tmp ) = 0; num_str := num_str || l_tmp; p_ind := p_ind + 1; end loop; fmt := translate( num_str, '.012345678+-', 'D999999999SS' ); if instr( upper( fmt ), c_E ) > 0 then fmt := substr( fmt, 1, instr( upper( fmt ), c_E ) - 1 ); fmt := fmt || c_eeee; end if; p_val := jv( to_number( num_str, fmt, 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,' ) ); return true; exception when others then raise_application_error( -20001, 'invalid number ' || num_str || ' at position ' || p_ind ); end; end; begin l_len := dbms_lob.getlength( p_json ); if p_json is null or l_len = 0 then return create_empty( 'O' ); -- empty object end if; l_ind := 1; if ( parse_value( l_ind, l_jv ) and skip_ws( l_ind ) >= l_len ) then return l_jv; end if; return create_empty( 'O' ); -- empty object end; -- function json( p_xml xmltype , p_incl_root boolean := false , p_compact_object boolean := true , p_compact_array boolean := true ) return tp_json_value is l_jv tp_json_value; l_root dbms_xmldom.domnode; l_doc dbms_xmldom.domdocument; -- function pn( p_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode ) return tp_json_value is l_obj tp_json_value; l_arr tp_json_value; l_val tp_json_value; l_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; l_nl dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; l_nnm dbms_xmldom.domnamednodemap; l_name varchar2(32767); l_text varchar2(32767); type tp_element is record ( namespace varchar2(32767) , local_name varchar2(32767) , name varchar2(32767) ); l_element tp_element; type tp_names is table of tp_element index by l_name%type; l_names tp_names; l_obj_open boolean; begin l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( p_nd, '*' ); -- only element nodes if p_compact_object then for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) - 1 loop l_nd := dbms_xmldom.item( l_nl, i ); dbms_xmldom.getexpandedname( l_nd, l_name ) ; dbms_xmldom.getlocalname( l_nd, l_element.local_name ); := dbms_xmldom.getnodename( l_nd ); l_element.namespace := dbms_xmldom.getnamespace( dbms_xmldom.makeelement( l_nd ) ); l_names( l_name ) := l_element; end loop; if l_names.count > 0 then l_name := l_names.first; loop exit when l_name is null; l_element := l_names( l_name ); if l_element.namespace is null then l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( p_nd, l_element.local_name ); else l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( p_nd, l_element.local_name, l_element.namespace ); end if; for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) - 1 loop l_val := pn( dbms_xmldom.item( l_nl, i ) ); if dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) > 1 then add_item( l_arr, l_val ); else add_member( l_obj,, l_val ); end if; end loop; if dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) > 1 then if ( p_compact_array and l_names.count = 1 and l_obj.json_type is null -- check for text nodes ) then l_obj := l_arr; else add_member( l_obj,, l_arr ); end if; l_arr := null; end if; l_name := l_name ); end loop; end if; else for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) - 1 loop l_nd := dbms_xmldom.item( l_nl, i ); l_val := pn( dbms_xmldom.item( l_nl, i ) ); add_member( l_obj, dbms_xmldom.getnodename( l_nd ), l_val ); end loop; end if; -- l_nnm := dbms_xmldom.getattributes( p_nd ); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nnm ) - 1 loop l_nd := dbms_xmldom.item( l_nnm, i ); l_name := dbms_xmldom.getnodename( l_nd ); if ( l_name = 'null' and l_obj.json_type is null and dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue( l_nd ) = 'true' ) then l_obj := jv; else add_member( l_obj , '@' || l_name , jv( dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue( l_nd ) ) ); end if; end loop; -- l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes( p_nd, 'text()' ); -- text nodes if dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) = 1 then l_text := dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue( dbms_xmldom.item( l_nl, 0 ) ); if l_text = 'null' then l_val := jv; elsif l_text in ( 'true', 'false' ) then l_val := jv( l_text, 'true' ); else l_val := jv( l_text ); end if; if l_obj.json_type is null then l_obj := l_val; else add_member( l_obj, '#text', l_val ); end if; elsif dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) > 1 then for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength( l_nl ) - 1 loop l_val := jv( dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue( dbms_xmldom.item( l_nl, i ) ) ); add_item( l_arr, l_val ); end loop; if l_obj.json_type is null then l_obj := l_arr; else add_member( l_obj, '#text', l_arr ); end if; end if; if l_obj.json_type is null then l_obj := create_empty( 'O' ); end if; return l_obj; end; begin if p_xml is not null then l_doc := dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument( p_xml ); l_root := dbms_xmldom.makenode( dbms_xmldom.getdocumentelement( l_doc ) ); if not dbms_xmldom.isnull( l_root ) then if p_incl_root then add_member( l_jv, dbms_xmldom.getnodename( l_root ), pn( l_root ) ); else l_jv := pn( l_root ); end if; end if; dbms_xmldom.freedocument( l_doc ); end if; return l_jv; end; -- function json ( p_ad anydata , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; d pls_integer; l_at anytype; d1 varchar2(100); d2 pls_integer; l_at2 anytype; l_attr_name varchar2(100); l_num_elems pls_integer; l_call varchar2(400); -- function get_type( p pls_integer ) return varchar2 is begin return case p when dbms_types.typecode_varchar then 'varchar' when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then 'varchar2' when dbms_types.typecode_char then 'char' when dbms_types.typecode_clob then 'clob' when dbms_types.typecode_nchar then 'nchar' when dbms_types.typecode_nvarchar2 then 'nvarchar2' when dbms_types.typecode_nclob then 'nclob' when dbms_types.typecode_number then 'number' when dbms_types.typecode_bfloat then 'bfloat' when dbms_types.typecode_bdouble then 'bdouble' when dbms_types.typecode_date then 'date' when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp then 'timestamp' when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz then 'timestamptz' when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then 'timestampltz' when dbms_types.typecode_raw then 'raw' when dbms_types.typecode_blob then 'blob' when dbms_types.typecode_namedcollection then 'collection' when dbms_types.typecode_object then 'object' end; end; begin if p_ad is null then l_rv := create_empty( 'O' ); else case p_ad.gettype( l_at ) when dbms_types.typecode_varchar then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessvarchar ); when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessvarchar2 ); when dbms_types.typecode_char then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accesschar ); when dbms_types.typecode_clob then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessclob ); when dbms_types.typecode_nchar then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessnchar ); when dbms_types.typecode_nvarchar2 then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessnvarchar2 ); when dbms_types.typecode_nclob then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessnclob ); when dbms_types.typecode_number then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessnumber ); when dbms_types.typecode_bfloat then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessbfloat ); when dbms_types.typecode_bdouble then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessbdouble ); when dbms_types.typecode_date then l_rv := jv( to_char( p_ad.accessdate, p_date_fmt ) ); when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp then l_rv := jv( to_char( p_ad.accesstimestamp, p_date_fmt || 'Xff' ) ); when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz then l_rv := jv( to_char( p_ad.accesstimestamptz, p_date_fmt || 'Xff TZH:TZM' ) ); when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then l_rv := jv( to_char( p_ad.accesstimestampltz, p_date_fmt || 'Xff' ) ); when dbms_types.typecode_raw then if p_raw in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessraw, p_how => p_raw ); end if; when dbms_types.typecode_blob then if p_blob in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then l_rv := jv( p_ad.accessblob, p_how => p_blob ); end if; when dbms_types.typecode_namedcollection then l_rv := create_empty( 'A' ); d := l_at.getattreleminfo( d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, l_at, d1 ); l_call := 'as_json.add_item( rv, as_json.json( '; l_call := l_call || 'anydata.convert' || get_type( d ) || '( x(i) )'; l_call := l_call || ', :a, :b, :c ) );'; execute immediate 'declare x ' || p_ad.gettypename || '; d pls_integer; i number; rv as_json.tp_json_value; begin d := anydata.getcollection( :ad, x ); rv.json_type := ''A''; rv.idx := :idx; i := x.first; while i is not null loop ' || l_call || ' i := i ); end loop; end;' using p_ad, l_rv.idx, p_date_fmt, p_raw, p_blob; when dbms_types.typecode_object then l_rv := create_empty( 'O' ); d := l_at.getinfo( d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d1, d1, d1, l_num_elems ); for i in 1 .. l_num_elems loop d := l_at.getattreleminfo( i, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, l_at2, l_attr_name ); --dbms_output.put_line( d || ' ' || l_attr_name || ' ' || get_type( d ) ); l_call := 'as_json.add_member( rv, '''; l_call := l_call || l_attr_name || ''', as_json.json( '; l_call := l_call || 'anydata.convert' || get_type( d ); l_call := l_call || '( x.' || l_attr_name || ' ), :a, :b, :c ) );'; execute immediate 'declare x ' || p_ad.gettypename || '; d pls_integer; rv as_json.tp_json_value; begin d := anydata.getobject( :ad, x ); rv.json_type := ''O''; rv.idx := :idx; ' || l_call || ' end;' using p_ad, l_rv.idx, p_date_fmt, p_raw, p_blob; end loop; else null; end case; end if; return l_rv; end; -- function json_ec -- create an array ( p_rc in out sys_refcursor , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings , p_check_boolean_strings varchar2 := 'N' ) return tp_json_value is l_rv tp_json_value; l_c integer; l_col_cnt integer; l_desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab3; l_decl varchar2(32767); l_call varchar2(32767); l_fetch varchar2(32767); begin $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10 $THEN declare l_version varchar2(100); l_compat varchar2(100); begin dbms_utility.db_version( l_version, l_compat ); return jv( 'Not implemented in database version ' || l_version ); end; $ELSE l_rv := create_empty( 'A' ); $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_11 $THEN -- nested cursors are open, but can't be converted with dbms_sql.to_cursor_number -- trying a fetch with an invalid number of "into targets" solves that declare t varchar2(650); begin t := 'declare x raw(1);begin fetch :r into x'; for i in 1 .. 300 loop t := t || ',x'; end loop; execute immediate t || ';end;' using in out p_rc; exception when others then null; end; $END l_c := dbms_sql.to_cursor_number( p_rc ); dbms_sql.describe_columns3( l_c, l_col_cnt, l_desc_tab ); for c in 1 .. l_col_cnt loop case -- base on number in view all_tab_cols when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 2 -- NUMBER , 100 -- BINARY_FLOAT , 101 -- BINARY_DOUBLE ) then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' number;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 12 then -- DATE l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' date;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || ',:pdf'; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 178 then -- TIME l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' time(9);' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c ||',''hh24:mi:ss:ff'')'; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 179 then -- TIME WITH TIME ZONE l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' time(9) with time zone;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c ||',''hh24:mi:ss:ff TZH:TZM'')'; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 1 -- VARCHAR2 , 9 -- VARCHAR , 96 -- CHAR ) then if l_desc_tab( c ).col_charsetform = 2 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' nvarchar2(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_max_len || ');' || chr(10); else l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' varchar2(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_max_len || ');' || chr(10); end if; if upper( substr( p_check_boolean_strings, 1, 1 ) ) in ( 'Y', 'J', 'T' ) then l_call := l_call || 'if upper(c' || c || ')in(''TRUE'',''FALSE'') then' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || 'as_json.add_member(ro,q''^' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '^'',as_json.jv('; l_call := l_call || 'upper(c' || c || ')=''TRUE''));' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || 'else' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || 'as_json.add_member(ro,q''^' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '^'',as_json.jv(c' || c || '));' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || 'end if;' || chr(10); else l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 112 -- CLOB then if l_desc_tab( c ).col_charsetform = 2 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' nclob;' || chr(10); else l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' clob;' || chr(10); end if; l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 113 -- BLOB then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' blob;' || chr(10); if p_blob in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c'; l_call := l_call || c || ',:pb~#'; end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 23 -- RAW then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' raw(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_max_len || ');' || chr(10); if p_raw in ( 1, 2, 3 ) then l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c'; l_call := l_call || c || ',p_how=>:pr~#'; end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 180 -- TIMESTAMP then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' timestamp(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_scale || ');' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c || ',:tsf)~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 181 -- TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' timestamp(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_scale || ') with time zone;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c || ',:tsf||'' TZH:TZM'')~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 231 -- -- TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' timestamp(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_scale || ') with local time zone;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c || ',:tsf||'' TZH:TZM'')~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 182 -- INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' interval year(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_precision || ') to month;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c || ')~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 183 -- INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' interval day(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_precision || ') to second(' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_scale || ');' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!'; l_call := l_call || 'to_char(c' || c || ')~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type in ( 11, 69 ) then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' rowid;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 208 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' urowid;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 8 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' varchar2(32760);' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 24 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' raw(2000);' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '~!c' || c; l_call := l_call || '~#'; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 114 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' bfile;' || chr(10); when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 109 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' ' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name || '.' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name || ';' || chr(10); if ( l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name = 'SYS' and l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name = 'XMLTYPE' ) then l_call := l_call || 'as_json.add_member(ro,q''^' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '^'',as_json.json(c' || c || '));' || chr(10); elsif ( l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name = 'SYS' and l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name = 'ANYDATA' ) then l_call := l_call || 'as_json.add_member(ro,q''^' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '^'',as_json.json(c' || c || ',:pdf,:pr,:pb));' || chr(10); else l_call := l_call || 'as_json.add_member(ro,q''^' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name || '^'',as_json.json('; begin execute immediate 'declare xx ' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_schema_name || '.' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_type_name || '; ad anydata; begin ad := anydata.convertobject( xx ); end;'; l_call := l_call || 'anydata.convertobject(c' || c || ')'; exception when others then l_call := l_call || 'anydata.convertcollection(c' || c || ')'; end; l_call := l_call || ',:pdf,:pr,:pb));' || chr(10); end if; when l_desc_tab( c ).col_type = 102 then l_decl := l_decl || 'c' || c || ' sys_refcursor;' || chr(10); l_call := l_call || '~~' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_name; l_call := l_call || '^'',json(c' || c || ',:pdf,:pr,:pb,:cb~#'; else raise_application_error( -20001, 'Unhandled type: ' || l_desc_tab( c ).col_type ); end case; l_fetch := l_fetch || ',c' || c; end loop; l_call := replace( l_call, '~~', 'as_json.add_member(ro,q''^' ); l_call := replace( l_call, '~!', '^'',as_json.jv(' ); l_call := replace( l_call, '~#', '));' || chr(10) ); l_decl := ltrim( l_decl, ',' ); l_fetch := substr( l_fetch, 2 ); p_rc := dbms_sql.to_refcursor( l_c ); l_decl := 'declare ' || l_decl || 'rc sys_refcursor; ro as_json.tp_json_value; rv as_json.tp_json_value; df varchar2(2000); pr pls_integer; l_ad anydata; begin rc := :rc; rv.json_type := ''A''; rv.idx := :idx; df := :pdf; df := :tsf; pr := :pr; pr := :pb; df := :cb;'; execute immediate l_decl || ' loop fetch rc into ' || l_fetch || '; exit when rc%notfound; ro := as_json.json( '''' ); -- empty object ' || l_call || ' as_json.add_item( rv, ro ); end loop; end;' using in out p_rc, l_rv.idx, p_date_fmt, ' hh24:mi:ssxff' , p_raw, p_blob, p_check_boolean_strings; return l_rv; $END end; -- function get_json_type( p_val tp_json_value ) return varchar2 is begin return case p_val.json_type when 'V' then 'STRING' when 'v' then 'STRING' when 'C' then 'STRING' when 'c' then 'STRING' when 'N' then 'NUMBER' when 'B' then 'BOOLEAN' when 'O' then 'OBJECT' when 'A' then 'ARRAY' when 'E' then 'NULL' end; end; -- function get_string ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs , p_charset varchar2 character set any_cs := null -- set charset of result ) return varchar2 character set p_charset%charset is t_val tp_json_value; begin if p_path is null then t_val := p_val; else t_val := path_get( p_val, p_path ); end if; if t_val.json_type = 'V' then return g_vstrings( t_val.idx ); elsif t_val.json_type = 'v' then return g_nstrings( t_val.idx ); elsif t_val.json_type = 'N' then return g_numbers( t_val.idx ); elsif t_val.json_type = 'C' then return g_clobs( t_val.idx ); elsif t_val.json_type is not null then return vstringify( t_val ); else return null; end if; end; -- function get_number ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs ) return number is t_val tp_json_value; begin if p_path is null then t_val := p_val; else t_val := path_get( p_val, p_path ); end if; return case t_val.json_type when 'N' then g_numbers( t_val.idx ) end; end; -- function get_boolean ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs ) return boolean is t_val tp_json_value; begin if p_path is null then t_val := p_val; else t_val := path_get( p_val, p_path ); end if; return case t_val.json_type when 'B' then t_val.idx = 1 end; end; -- function get_date ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs , p_fmt varchar2 := null ) return date is t_val tp_json_value; begin if p_path is null then t_val := p_val; else t_val := path_get( p_val, p_path ); end if; return case t_val.json_type when 'V' then to_date( g_vstrings( t_val.idx ), coalesce( p_fmt, g_date_fmt, c_date_iso8601 ) ) end; end; -- function get_count( p_val tp_json_value ) return pls_integer is begin return case when p_val.json_type = 'O' then trunc( g_json( p_val.idx ).count / 2 ) when p_val.json_type = 'A' then g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 end; end; -- function get_name( p_val tp_json_value, p_idx pls_integer ) return varchar2 is begin if p_val.json_type = 'O' and g_json( p_val.idx ).exists( p_idx * 2 - 1 ) then return get_string( g_json( p_val.idx )( p_idx * 2 - 1 ) ); else return null; end if; end; -- function get_value( p_val tp_json_value, p_idx pls_integer ) return tp_json_value is begin if p_val.json_type = 'O' and g_json( p_val.idx ).exists( p_idx * 2 ) then return g_json( p_val.idx )( p_idx * 2 ); elsif p_val.json_type = 'A' and g_json( p_val.idx ).exists( p_idx ) then return g_json( p_val.idx )( p_idx ); else return null; end if; end; -- function path_get ( p_val tp_json_value , p_path varchar2 character set any_cs ) return tp_json_value is l_idx number; l_pos pls_integer; l_jv tp_json_value; l_jv2 tp_json_value; l_tmp varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset; l_name varchar2(32767) character set p_path%charset; l_path varchar2(32767) character set p_path%charset; c_sp constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := ' '; -- space c_dq constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := '"'; -- double quote c_bsl constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := '\'; -- back slash c_u constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := 'u'; -- u c_sbo constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := '['; -- square bracket, open c_sbc constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := ']'; -- square bracket, close c_per constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := '.'; -- period c_wc constant varchar2(1 char) character set p_path%charset := '*'; -- wildcard begin l_path := rtrim( p_path ); l_path := ltrim( l_path, c_per || c_sp ); if l_path is null then return p_val; end if; if ( ( substr( l_path, 1, 1 ) = c_wc and p_val.json_type = 'O' ) or ( substr( l_path, 1, 3 ) = c_sbo || c_wc || c_sbc and p_val.json_type in ( 'A', 'O' ) ) ) then l_path := case when substr( l_path, 1, 1 ) = c_wc then substr( l_path, 2 ) else substr( l_path, 4 ) end; for i in 1 .. get_count( p_val ) loop l_jv2 := path_get( get_value( p_val, i ), l_path ); if l_jv2.json_type is not null then add_item( l_jv, l_jv2 ); end if; end loop; elsif substr( l_path, 1, 1 ) = c_sbo then l_pos := instr( l_path, c_sbc ); if l_pos > 0 then l_jv := path_get( get_value( p_val, substr( l_path, 2, l_pos - 2 ) ) , substr( l_path, l_pos + 1 ) ); end if; elsif p_val.json_type = 'O' then if substr( l_path, 1, 1 ) = c_dq then l_pos := 2; loop l_tmp := substr( l_path, l_pos, 1 ); if l_tmp = c_bsl then l_pos := l_pos + 1; l_tmp := substr( l_path, l_pos, 1 ); if l_tmp = c_u then l_tmp := unistr( c_bsl || substr( l_path, l_pos + 1, 4 ) ); l_pos := l_pos + 4; else l_tmp := translate( l_tmp , 'bfnrt' , chr( 8 ) || chr( 12 ) || chr( 10 ) || chr( 13 ) || chr( 9 ) ); end if; else exit when l_tmp = c_dq; end if; if l_tmp is null then return null; end if; l_pos := l_pos + 1; l_name := l_name || l_tmp; end loop; l_pos := l_pos + 1; else l_pos := least( nvl( nullif( instr( l_path, c_sbo ), 0 ), 32767 ) , nvl( nullif( instr( l_path, c_per ), 0 ), 32767 ) ); l_name := substr( l_path, 1, l_pos - 1 ); end if; for i in 1 .. get_count( p_val ) loop if get_name( p_val, i ) = l_name then if l_pos < 32767 then l_jv := path_get( get_value( p_val, i ), substr( l_path, l_pos ) ); else l_jv := get_value( p_val, i ); end if; exit; end if; end loop; end if; return l_jv; end; -- procedure free is begin g_numbers.delete; g_vstrings.delete; g_nstrings.delete; for i in 0 .. g_clobs.count - 1 loop dbms_lob.freetemporary( g_clobs( i ) ); end loop; g_clobs.delete; for i in 0 .. g_json.count - 1 loop g_json(i).delete; end loop; g_json.delete; end; -- procedure free( p_val tp_json_value ) is begin if p_val.json_type in ( 'A', 'O' ) then for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop free( g_json( p_val.idx )( i ) ); end loop; g_json( p_val.idx ).delete; elsif p_val.json_type in ( 'C' ) then dbms_lob.freetemporary( g_clobs( p_val.idx ) ); end if; end; -- function escape_json( p_val varchar2 character set any_cs ) return varchar2 is begin return replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( asciistr( p_val ) , '\', '\u' ) , '"', '\"' ) , '\u005C', '\\' ) , '/', '\/' ) , chr(8), '\b' ) , chr(12), '\f' ) , chr(10), '\n' ) , chr(13), '\r' ) , chr(9), '\t' ); end; -- function escape_cjson( p_val clob character set any_cs ) return clob is begin return replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( p_val , '\', '\u' ) , '"', '\"' ) , '\u005C', '\\' ) , '/', '\/' ) , chr(8), '\b' ) , chr(12), '\f' ) , chr(10), '\n' ) , chr(13), '\r' ) , chr(9), '\t' ); end; -- function vstringify( p_val tp_json_value , p_inc pls_integer := null -- pretty print increment , p_xxx pls_integer := null -- # spaces after colon , p_ind pls_integer := null -- pretty print current indent ) return varchar2 is t_ind pls_integer := nvl( p_ind, 0 ) + p_inc; t_rv varchar2(32767); begin case p_val.json_type when 'O' then t_rv := ( '{' || case when p_inc is not null and g_json( p_val.idx ).count > 1 then chr(10) end ); for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop if mod( i, 2 ) = 1 then t_rv := t_rv || ( case when i > 2 then ',' || case when p_inc is not null then chr(10) end end || rpad( ' ', t_ind ) || vstringify( g_json( p_val.idx )(i) ) ); else t_rv := t_rv || ( rpad( ':', nvl( p_xxx, 0 ) + 1 ) || vstringify( g_json( p_val.idx )(i), p_inc, p_xxx, t_ind ) ); end if; end loop; t_rv := t_rv || ( rpad( chr(10), t_ind - 1 ) || '}' ); return t_rv; when 'A' then dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_rv, true, ); t_rv := ( '[' || case when p_inc is not null and g_json( p_val.idx ).count > 1 then chr(10) end ); for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop t_rv := t_rv || ( case when i > 1 then ',' || case when p_inc is not null then chr(10) end end || rpad( ' ', t_ind ) || vstringify( g_json( p_val.idx )(i), p_inc, p_xxx, t_ind ) ); end loop; t_rv := t_rv || ( rpad( chr(10), t_ind - 1 ) || ']' ); return t_rv; when 'V' then return '"' || escape_json( g_vstrings( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; when 'N' then return to_char( g_numbers( p_val.idx ), 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,' ); when 'B' then return case when p_val.idx = 1 then 'true' else 'false' end; when 'E' then return 'null'; when 'C' then return '"' || escape_cjson( g_clobs( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; when 'v' then return '"' || escape_json( g_nstrings( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; when 'c' then return '"' || escape_json( g_nstrings( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; else return null; end case; end; -- function stringify( p_val tp_json_value , p_inc pls_integer := null -- pretty print increment , p_xxx pls_integer := null -- # spaces after colon , p_ind pls_integer := null -- pretty print current indent ) return clob is t_ind pls_integer := nvl( p_ind, 0 ) + p_inc; t_rv clob; begin return vstringify( p_val, p_inc, p_xxx, p_ind ); exception when others then case p_val.json_type when 'O' then dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_rv, true, ); t_rv := ( '{' || case when p_inc is not null and g_json( p_val.idx ).count > 1 then chr(10) end ); for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop if mod( i, 2 ) = 1 then t_rv := t_rv || ( case when i > 2 then ',' || case when p_inc is not null then chr(10) end end || rpad( ' ', t_ind ) || stringify( g_json( p_val.idx )(i) ) ); else t_rv := t_rv || ( rpad( ':', nvl( p_xxx, 0 ) + 1 ) || stringify( g_json( p_val.idx )(i), p_inc, p_xxx, t_ind ) ); end if; end loop; t_rv := t_rv || ( rpad( chr(10), t_ind - 1 ) || '}' ); return t_rv; when 'A' then dbms_lob.createtemporary( t_rv, true, ); t_rv := ( '[' || case when p_inc is not null and g_json( p_val.idx ).count > 1 then chr(10) end ); for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop t_rv := t_rv || ( case when i > 1 then ',' || case when p_inc is not null then chr(10) end end || rpad( ' ', t_ind ) || stringify( g_json( p_val.idx )(i), p_inc, p_xxx, t_ind ) ); end loop; t_rv := t_rv || ( rpad( chr(10), t_ind - 1 ) || ']' ); return t_rv; when 'V' then return '"' || escape_json( g_vstrings( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; when 'N' then return to_char( g_numbers( p_val.idx ), 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,' ); when 'B' then return case when p_val.idx = 1 then 'true' else 'false' end; when 'E' then return 'null'; when 'C' then return '"' || escape_cjson( g_clobs( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; when 'v' then return '"' || escape_json( g_nstrings( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; when 'c' then return '"' || escape_json( g_nstrings( p_val.idx ) ) || '"'; else return null; end case; end; -- function stringify ( p_rc sys_refcursor , p_date_fmt varchar2 := null , p_raw pls_integer := 2 -- 1 => include raws as hex-string -- 2 => include raws as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include raws as array of base64 encoded strings , p_blob pls_integer := 0 -- 1 => include blobs as hex-string -- 2 => include blobs as base64 encoded string -- 3 => include blobs as array of base64 encoded strings , p_check_boolean_strings varchar2 := 'N' ) return clob is l_jv tp_json_value; l_rv clob; begin l_jv := json( p_rc, p_date_fmt, p_raw, p_blob, p_check_boolean_strings = 'Y' ); l_rv := stringify( l_jv ); free; return l_rv; end; -- procedure htp( p_val tp_json_value , p_add_json_header boolean := true , p_jsonp varchar2 := null , p_free boolean := true ) is l_tmp clob; begin sys.htp.init; if p_add_json_header then if p_jsonp is null then owa_util.mime_header( 'application/json', false ); else owa_util.mime_header( 'application/javascript', false ); end if; sys.htp.p( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); owa_util.http_header_close; end if; if p_jsonp is not null then sys.htp.prn( p_jsonp || '(' ); end if; begin sys.htp.prn( vstringify( p_val ) ); exception when others then l_tmp := stringify( p_val ); for i in 0 .. trunc( ( dbms_lob.getlength( l_tmp ) - 1 ) / 32767 ) loop sys.htp.prn( dbms_lob.substr( l_tmp, 32767, i * 32767 + 1 ) ); end loop; dbms_lob.freetemporary( l_tmp ); end; if p_jsonp is not null then sys.htp.prn( ');' ); end if; if p_free then free; end if; end; -- function to_xmltype ( p_val tp_json_value , p_root varchar2 := null , p_array_item varchar2 := null , p_free varchar2 := 'Y' ) return xmltype is l_rv xmltype; l_doc dbms_xmldom.domdocument; l_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; l_root dbms_xmldom.domnode; -- function add_element( p_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode, p_tag varchar2 ) return dbms_xmldom.domnode is begin return dbms_xmldom.appendchild( p_nd, dbms_xmldom.makenode( dbms_xmldom.createelement( l_doc, p_tag ) ) ); end; -- function add_text( p_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode, p_text varchar2 ) return dbms_xmldom.domnode is begin return dbms_xmldom.appendchild( p_nd, dbms_xmldom.makenode( dbms_xmldom.createtextnode( l_doc, p_text ) ) ); end; -- function x( p_val tp_json_value, p_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode ) return dbms_xmldom.domnode is l_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; begin case p_val.json_type when 'O' then for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop if mod( i, 2 ) = 1 then l_nd := add_element( p_nd, g_vstrings( g_json( p_val.idx )(i).idx ) ); else l_nd := x( g_json( p_val.idx )(i), l_nd ); end if; end loop; when 'A' then for i in 1 .. g_json( p_val.idx ).count - 1 loop l_nd := add_element( p_nd, nvl( p_array_item, 'row' ) ); l_nd := x( g_json( p_val.idx )(i), l_nd ); end loop; when 'V' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, g_vstrings( p_val.idx ) ); when 'N' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, to_char( g_numbers( p_val.idx ), 'TM9', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,' ) ); when 'B' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, case when p_val.idx = 1 then 'true' else 'false' end ); when 'E' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, 'null' ); when 'C' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, g_clobs( p_val.idx ) ); when 'v' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, g_nstrings( p_val.idx ) ); when 'c' then l_nd := add_text( p_nd, g_nstrings( p_val.idx ) ); end case; return l_nd; end; begin if p_val.json_type is not null then l_doc := dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument; dbms_xmldom.setVersion( l_doc, '1.0' ); l_root := dbms_xmldom.makenode( l_doc ); l_nd := x( p_val, add_element( l_root, nvl( p_root, 'json' ) ) ); l_rv := dbms_xmldom.getxmltype( l_doc ); dbms_xmldom.freedocument( l_doc ); if upper( p_free ) in ( 'Y', 'J', 'T', 'TRUE' ) then free; end if; end if; return l_rv; end; -- function to_xmltype ( p_json clob character set any_cs , p_root varchar2 := null , p_array_item varchar2 := null , p_free varchar2 := 'Y' ) return xmltype is begin return to_xmltype( json( p_json ), p_root, p_array_item, p_free ); end; -- procedure set_default_date_fmt( p_fmt varchar2 ) is begin g_date_fmt := p_fmt; end; -- end; / declare -- function get_dept_as_json( p_dept_id number ) return clob is cursor c_dept is select d.department_id , d.department_name , l.location_id , l.street_address , l.postal_code , c.country_id , c.country_name , c.region_id , m.employee_id , m.first_name || ' ' || m.last_name manager_name , m.salary , j.job_id , j.job_title , j.min_salary , j.max_salary from departments d , locations l , countries c , employees m , jobs j where d.department_id = p_dept_id and l.location_id = d.location_id and c.country_id = l.country_id and m.employee_id (+) = d.manager_id and j.job_id (+) = m.job_id; r_dept c_dept%rowtype; l_jv as_json.tp_json_value; l_emps as_json.tp_json_value; l_hist as_json.tp_json_value; l_date_format varchar2(20) := 'DD-MON-YYYY'; l_rv clob; begin open c_dept; fetch c_dept into r_dept; close c_dept; -- dbms_lob.createtemporary( l_rv, true, ); l_jv := as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_dept.department_id ) , 'name', as_json.jv( r_dept.department_name ) , 'location', as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_dept.location_id ) , 'streetAddress', as_json.jv( r_dept.street_address ) , 'postalCode', as_json.jv( r_dept.postal_code ) , 'country', as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_dept.country_id ) , 'name', as_json.jv( r_dept.country_name ) , 'regionId', as_json.jv( r_dept.region_id ) ) ) , 'manager', as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_dept.employee_id ) , 'name', as_json.jv( r_dept.manager_name ) , 'salary', as_json.jv( r_dept.salary ) , 'job', as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_dept.job_id ) , 'title', as_json.jv( r_dept.job_title ) , 'minSalary', as_json.jv( r_dept.min_salary ) , 'maxSalary', as_json.jv( r_dept.max_salary ) ) ) ); -- for r_emp in ( select e.employee_id , e.first_name || ' ' || e.last_name name , e.hire_date , e.commission_pct from employees e where e.department_id = r_dept.department_id ) loop l_hist := null; for r_hist in ( select h.job_id , h.department_id , h.start_date , h.end_date from job_history h where h.employee_id = r_emp.employee_id ) loop l_hist := as_json.add_item( l_hist , as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_hist.job_id ) , 'departmentId', as_json.jv( r_hist.department_id ) , 'startDate', as_json.jv( r_hist.start_date, l_date_format ) , 'endDate', as_json.jv( r_hist.end_date, l_date_format ) ) ); end loop; l_emps := as_json.add_item( l_emps , as_json.json( 'id', as_json.jv( r_emp.employee_id ) , 'name', as_json.jv( ) , 'isSenior', as_json.jv( r_emp.hire_date < to_date( '01-jan-2005', 'dd-mon-yyyy' ) ) , 'commissionPct', as_json.jv( r_emp.commission_pct ) , 'jobHistory', l_hist ) ); end loop; as_json.add_member( l_jv, 'employees', l_emps ); -- l_rv := as_json.stringify( l_jv );; return l_rv; end; begin dbms_output.put_line( get_dept_as_json( 10 ) ); end;