create table seats ( id number(3) not null primary key , roww number(3) not null , position varchar2(1) not null ) / create table boarding_passes ( seat_id number(3) , more_details varchar2(100) ) / alter table boarding_passes add constraint bps_seat_fk1 foreign key (seat_id) references seats(id) / -- create all the seats for a 46 rows, 6 abreast plane (just an example) insert into seats (id, roww, position) with positions as ( select chr(64+level) position from dual connect by level < 7 ) , rowws as ( select level roww from dual connect by level < 47 ) select rownum , roww , position from positions cross join rowws / -- hand out boarding passes at random for approximately 35% of the seats insert into boarding_passes ( seat_id, more_details) with seat_allocations as ( SELECT LEVEL seat_id , TRUNC (DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE (1, 100), 2) flag FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL < 277 ) select seat_id , 'Seat was allocated' from seat_allocations where flag < 35 / -- show the airplane with its seats using a pivot query select * from ( select s.roww , s.position , case when bp.rowid is null then 0 else 1 end seat_free_flag from seats s left outer join boarding_passes bp on (bp.seat_id = ) pivot ( max(seat_free_flag) FOR position in ('A' as A, 'B' as B,'C' as C,'D' as D,'E' as E,'F' as F)) order by roww / -- select the roww and its bitmap - an indication of free seats (0) and taken seats (1) in a per row bitmap (010000) with seating as ( select s.roww , s.position , case when bp.rowid is null then 0 else 1 end seat_free_flag from seats s left outer join boarding_passes bp on (bp.seat_id = ) select roww , listagg(seat_free_flag,'') within group (order by position) row_map from seating group by roww / -- find all rows with two adjacent seats - considering that C and D are separated by the aisle and therefore not adjacent with seating as ( select s.roww , s.position , case when bp.rowid is null then 0 else 1 end seat_free_flag from seats s left outer join boarding_passes bp on (bp.seat_id = ) , row_maps as ( select roww , listagg(seat_free_flag||case position when 'C' then '|' end,'') within group (order by position) row_map from seating group by roww ) select roww , row_map from row_maps where instr(row_map ,'00') > 1 / -- assign scores for adjacent, adjacent across the aisle and on aisle one behind the other with seating as ( select s.roww , s.position , case when bp.rowid is null then 0 else 1 end seat_free_flag from seats s left outer join boarding_passes bp on (bp.seat_id = ) , row_maps as ( select roww , listagg(seat_free_flag||case position when 'C' then '|' end,'') within group (order by position) row_map from seating group by roww ) select roww , row_map , case when instr(row_map ,'00') > 0 then 10 when instr(row_map ,'0|0') > 0 -- across the aisle then 8 when ( instr(row_map ,'0|') > 0 and instr(lead(row_map) over (order by roww), '0|') > 0 or instr(row_map ,'|0') > 0 and instr(lead(row_map) over (order by roww), '|0') > 0 ) then 4 end row_score from row_maps order by roww / insert into boarding_passes ( seat_id) values (185) insert into boarding_passes ( seat_id) values (48) / insert into boarding_passes ( seat_id) values (186) /