TopLink 11g is available for download javacode 9085791

TopLink 11g is available for download

I just found that at OTN’s TopLink page the announcement is already published that was expected later today: TopLink 11g is available. Note that TopLink 11g is based on EclipseLink – an open source product under the Eclipse Foundation. All functionality of TopLink 11g is available in the open source product.

Among the many new features in this 11g release, a few stand out:

SDO: Service Data Objects – In TopLink 11g, EclipseLink supports Service Data Objects (SDO) for Java specification version 2.1. SDO provides a standardized programmer API for the creation and manipulation of data objects that can be exchanged between applications in a platform and programming language neutral XML format. Service Data Objects provide an object API for working with XML documents in Java. They can be marshalled to and from XML that conform to a specified XML schema (XSD). Changes to SDOs are reflected in XML when they are marshaled and may be captured in a Change Summary. SDO leverages EclipseLink MOXy to provide a high performance SDO implementation for use in Service Component Architecture (SCA), Java SE, and Java EE applications.

Object-XML Binding The new Object-XML Binding functionality in TopLink 11g is provided by the EclipseLink MOXy (Mapping Objects to XML) component. In 11g, MOXy supports the following new features: Support for JAXB 2.0 API and JAXB 2.0 Schema and Object Model Generation

Performance Enhancements for JPA – read only queries, change tracking, additional join patterns, query hints

Integration Coherence for JPA in the Grid

Toplink 11g is certified as the (JPA) persistence implementation for WebLogicL 10.3 and OAS

TopLink 11g can be downloaded at:

A full feature-list is at: