JavaOne 2010 presentation: Why and how to engage a Complex Event Processor from a Java Web Application html

JavaOne 2010 presentation: Why and how to engage a Complex Event Processor from a Java Web Application

Complex Event Processors are capable of handling large volumes of events – by filtering, aggregating or detecting patterns. Java Applications use a CEP to pre-process incoming signals. These applications can also generate the events – for example the user click and navigation behavior in the web application – and report them to the CEP. The web application can subsequently utilize the outcomes from the CEP to for example intelligently guide the user or present relevant details. This session shows various ways in which a CQL based CEP can be integrated into a Java application to enhance the web application’s behavior.
The intended audience for this presentation consists of experience Web Java and Enterprise Java developers.
– introduction to Complex Event Processing
– demonstration of CQL event processing on events arriving on JMS
– discussion of how the web application can absorb the CEP results
– demonstration of a simple Web Shop application that published events to the CEP and utilizes the CEP results
– discussion on when and how CEP can add value to Java applications