EJB m:n relationship in JBoss + Xdoclet javacode 9085791

EJB m:n relationship in JBoss + Xdoclet

As a (promised) follow-up on the uni-direcional CMP/CMR example in EJB CMP/CMR example with JBoss+Xdoclet, we present a many-to-many (m:n) relationship example here, albeit in much less detail. For more details the reader is referred to the above post.

A many-to-many entity bean relationship

In EJB CMP/CMR example with JBoss+Xdoclet, there was an example of a bibliography, that may contain articles, books, etc. Now a book/article can be written by one or more authors, and an author may have written one or more books/articles, which clearly is m:n. Normalizing the BibTeXml schema in a relational database, the authors have to move to a separate table. In addition, this allows for a separation of initials, names, titles fields etc., which in turn enhances the flexibility of the output. But let’s stay on-topic.

How do we establish such a many-to-many relation with Xdoclet (in a JBoss 3.2.x environment)?

Let’s first have a look at the relevant CMR field of the BookBean.java

     * CMR Collection containing authors information
     * @return the authorOReditors
     * @ejb.interface-method
     * @ejb.relation
     *      name="Book-Author"
     *      role-name="Book-written-by-Author"
     *      target-multiple="yes"
     * @jboss.relation-mapping
     *      style="relation-table"
     * @jboss.relation-table
     *      table-name="BookAuthor"
     *      create-table="true"
     *      remove-table="false"
     * @jboss.relation
     *      related-pk-field="authorID"
     *      fk-column="publication_id_fk"
     *      fk-constraint="false"
    public abstract Collection getAuthors();

     * @param java.util.Set the new authors value
     * @ejb.interface-method
    public abstract void setAuthors(Collection authors);


  • The collection contains AuthorLocal objects, AuthorLocal being generated by Xdoclet
  • The many-to-many character of our relationship is indicated by the target-multiple="yes" field of the @ejb.relation tag (for more details, see my previous post on this subject)
  • The linking table needed for the m:n relationship, is automatically generated by JBoss, if it does not exist already and is indicated by the @jboss.relation-mapping tag
  • Information on the linking table created by JBoss is contained in the @jboss.relation-table tag. The table is created if it didn’t exists already, but is not removed during un/redeployment (remove-table="false")
  • The @jboss.relation has already been discussed extensively in my previous post

On “the other side”, we have to define a matching relationship:

    * CMR Collection containing book information
    * @return the book
    * @ejb.interface-method
    * @ejb.relation
    *      name="Book-Author"
    *      role-name="Author-writes-books"
    *      target-multiple="yes"
    * @jboss.relation-table
    *      table-name="BookAuthor"
    *      create-table="true"
    *      remove-table="false"
    * @jboss.relation-mapping
    *      style="relation-table"
    * @jboss.relation
    *      related-pk-field="publicationIDfk"
    *      fk-column="author_id"
    *      fk-constraint="false"
   public abstract Collection getBooks();

    * @param java.util.Set the new books value
    * @ejb.interface-method
   public abstract void setBooks(Collection books);


  • The name of the @ejb.relation must be the same on both sides
  • Look carefully at at the way in which the @jboss.relation fields are defined


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