alter table emp add ( tags varchar2(4000)) / create or replace type tags_tbl_type as table of varchar2(4000) / create or replace function csv_to_table ( p_tags_tbl in tags_tbl_type ) return tags_tbl_type is l_tags_tbl tags_tbl_type := tags_tbl_type(''); l_index integer; begin l_index:= p_tags_tbl.first; loop exit when l_index is null; l_tags_tbl := l_tags_tbl multiset union csv_string( p_string => p_tags_tbl(l_index)); l_index:=; end loop; return l_tags_tbl; end csv_to_table; / update emp set tags = 'sales, deal, offer, discount' where job='SALESMAN' / update emp set tags = 'sales, chief, boss, in charge ' where ename = 'KING' / update emp set tags = 'discount, deal, cafetaria, sushi' where deptno = 10 / update emp set tags = 'saving, discount, money' where sal < 1650 / select column_value tag , count(column_value) number_of_tag_occurrences from table (csv_to_table( ( select cast(collect(tags) as tags_tbl_type) from emp ) ) ) group by column_value order by 2 desc / create or replace function csv_string( p_string in varchar2) return tags_tbl_type is l_string varchar2(32000):= p_string; l_comma_index integer:=0; l_segments_tbl tags_tbl_type := tags_tbl_type(); l_ctr number(2):=1; begin loop l_comma_index:= instr( l_string,','); if nvl(l_comma_index,0) > 0 then l_segments_tbl.extend; l_segments_tbl(l_segments_tbl.last):= substr(l_string, 1, l_comma_index - 1); l_string := trim (both from substr(l_string, l_comma_index + 1)); else l_segments_tbl.extend; l_segments_tbl(l_segments_tbl.last):= trim(both from l_string); exit; end if; l_ctr:= l_ctr+1; end loop; return l_segments_tbl; end csv_string; / select ename from emp where exists ( select 0 from table( csv_string( emp.tags)) tags where tags.column_value = 'discount' ) / select ename from emp where 0 = ( select count(*) from table(tags_tbl_type('discount','sales') MULTISET EXCEPT csv_string( emp.tags) )) has at least two of three tags select ename from emp where 2 <= ( select count(*) from table( tags_tbl_type('chief','money','discount') MULTISET INTERSECT csv_string(emp.tags) ) ) CSV: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TRIM( SUBSTR ( txt , INSTR (txt, ',', 1, level ) + 1 , INSTR (txt, ',', 1, level+1 ) - INSTR (txt, ',', 1, level) -1 ) ) AS token FROM ( SELECT ','||:in_string||',' AS txt FROM dual ) CONNECT BY level <= LENGTH(txt)-LENGTH(REPLACE(txt,',',''))-1 )