Tag: apex

The AMIS Summary of Oracle OpenWorld 2013 is available for download – 60-page white paper

Oracle OpenWorld is a monster event – 10Ks of attendees, thousands of sessions and 100Ks of private conversations that all help convey and define the message about Oracle’s strategy …

Het Oracle OpenWorld Preview Evenement (5 september 2013) – 15 sprekers & sessies

Vanaf 22 september vindt in San Francisco de Oracle OpenWorld conferentie plaats: hét evenement waar Oracle haar productstrategie uit de doeken doet en waar Oracle specialisten van over de …

Dinsdag 18 september: Oracle Open World & JavaOne 2012 Preview mini-conferenties – 12 presentaties op 1 avond

Van 30 september tot 5 oktober is San Francisco weer het domein van tegen de 45.000 deelnemers aan de Oracle Open World en JavaOne conferenties. Ruim 2000 presentaties worden …

Oracle Open World 2010 presentation: Forms2Future: the ongoing journey into the future for Oracle based organizations

Many organizations around the world have adopted Oracle technology for developing custom applications. Over the past two decades, they may have used PL/SQL, Reports, Forms, Designer, Portal or the …