A Practical Guide for Integrating EJB and Struts javacode 9085791

A Practical Guide for Integrating EJB and Struts

Playing with EJBs at home and programming with Struts at work recently, I wondered how you would integrate those, preferrably with the Eclipse environment:

EJB and the Struts framework each have received plenty of coverage individually, but what about leveraging EJB and Struts together? This tutorial lays out a complete step-by-step guide to integrating these two technologies.

The Practical Guide for Integrating EJB and Struts by Stephen Lum provides you with a very elaborate step-by-step guide, which will give you the basics you need to get started.

By the way, it also mentions a reference to a JBoss plugin for Eclipse!

One Response

  1. erwr November 30, 2004